(c) 2022 RENware Software Systems
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- Version: 0.0.0
- Last update: 221202
130.04 Licensing Editions Pricing proposals
This document contains proposals which can be used to elaborate a "schema" of licensing, editions and pricing. Also it contains ideas ref features for each item and anything that can be useful in Product Management process.
- COSANA emerald ...tbd more description...
- tdb...
COSANA is proposed to have 2 licenses (with respect to actual market practices in Linux available systems):
- a free, CE (Community Edition) which is free for install and use; proposed license models are AGPL, MIT or GNU
- a commercial, RENware licensed for advanced features and included support
- #!#FIXME - see BOOK.007-42 ref sticker 01-Dec-22/1
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