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Program Analysis and Transformation Survey and Links

Table of Contents:


  • Critical edge (of a graph) - Edge between a vertex which also has other successors and a vertex which has other predecessors. (wikipedia)
  • DCE - Dead Code Elimination (wikipedia)
  • Graph - (wikipedia)
  • LOLSSA - [ this entry is a joke! due to lolspeak ] a) SSA as defined in some early papers on the matter, especially in the part of out-of-SSA conversion (see epigraph to SSA Deconstruction section below); b) a similar version of SSA used in some (oftentimes amateur) projects decades later.


As a dedication:

We study Program Analysis because it's objective and complex phenomena of nature devoid of subjectivities of the mankind. But then, we can't separate it from the work of great human minds who laid the paths in this area, whose steps we now follow.

These are people who contributed to the Program Analysis field of study (with all the apology to many more who are not listed here). The emphasis here is on well-knownness and public availability of their works:

  • Gregory Chaitin
  • Jeffrey Ullman
  • Alfred Aho
  • Keith Cooper
    • thesis: 1983 "Interprocedural Data Flow Analysis in a Programming Environment"
  • Andrew Appel
    • thesis: 1985 "Compile-time Evaluation and Code Generation in Semantics-Directed Compilers"
    • book 1998: "Modern Compiler Implementation in ML/Java/C"
    • 2000: Optimal Register Coalescing Challenge
  • Preston Briggs
    • thesis: 1992 "Register Allocation via Graph Coloring"
  • Clifford Click @cliffclick
    • thesis: 1995 "Combining Analyses, Combining Optimizations"
  • John Aycock
    • thesis: 2001 "Practical Earley Parsing and the SPARK Toolkit"
    • Hacked on Python compilation: [1], [2], [3], [4]
    • Now hacks on retrogaming: [1], [2]
  • Sebastian Hack
    • thesis: 2006 "Register Allocation for Programs in SSA Form"
  • Matthias Braun @MatzeB
    • thesis: 2006 "Heuristisches Auslagern in einem SSA-basierten Registerzuteiler" in German, "Heuristic spilling in an SSA-based register allocator"
  • Sebastian Buchwald
    • thesis: 2008 "Befehlsauswahl auf expliziten Abhangigkeitsgraphen" in German, "Instruction selection on explicit dependency graphs"
  • Florent Bouchez
    • thesis: 2009 "A Study of Spilling and Coalescing in Register Allocation as Two Separate Phases"
  • Benoit Boissinot
    • thesis: 2010 "Towards an SSA based compiler back-end: some interesting properties of SSA and its extensions"
  • Quentin Colombet
    • thesis 2012: "Decoupled (SSA-based) Register Allocators: from Theory to Practice, Coping with Just-In-Time Compilation and Embedded Processors Constraints"

Intermediate Representation Forms/Types

  • Imperative
  • Functional
    • Static Single-Assignment (SSA) - As argued by Appel, SSA is a functional representation.
    • (Lambda-)Functional
    • Continuation-passing Style (CPS)

SSA Form

Put simple, in an SSA program, each variable is (statically, syntactically) assigned only once.


General reference: "SSA Book" aka "Static Single Assignment Book" aka "SSA-based Compiler Design" is open, collaborative effort of many SSA researchers to write a definitive reference for all things SSA.

Classification of SSA types

  • Axis 1: Minimality. There're 2 poles: fully minimal vs fully maximal SSA form. Between those, there's continuum of intermediate cases.
    • Fully maximal
      • Defined e.g. by Appel:

        A really crude approach is to split every variable at every basic-block boundary, and put φ-functions for every variable in every block.

        Maximal form is the most intuitive form for construction, gives the simplest algorithms for both phi insertion and variable renaming phases of the construction.

    • Optimized maximal
      • An obvious optimization of avoiding placing phi functions in blocks with a single predecessor, as they never needed there. While cuts the number of phi functions, makes renaming algorithm a bit more complex: while for maximal form renaming could process blocks in arbitrary order (because each of program's variables has a local definition in every basic block), optimized maximal form requires processing predecessor first for each such single-predecessor block.
    • Minimal for reducible CFGs
      • Some algorithms (e.g. optimized for simplicity) naturally produce minimal form only for reducible CFGs. Applied to non-reducible CFGs, they may generate extra Phi functions. There're usually extensions to such algorithms to generate minimal form even for non-reducible CFGs too (but such extensions may add noticeable complexity to otherwise "simple" algorithm). Examplem of such an algorithm ins 2013 Braun et al.
    • Fully minimal
      • This is usually what's sought for SSA form, where there're no superflous phi functions, based only on graph properties of the CFG (with consulting semantics of the underlying program).
  • Axis 2: Prunedness. As argued (implied) by 2013 Braun et al., prunedness is a separate trait from minimality. E.g., their algorithm constructs not fully minimal, yet pruned form. Between pruned and non-pruned forms, there're intermediate types again.
    • Pruned
      • Minimal form can still have dead phi functions, i.e. phi functions which reference variables which are not actually used in the rest of the program. Note that such references are problematic, as they artificially extend live ranges of referenced variables. Likewise, it defines new variables which aren't really live. The pruned SSA form is devoid of the dead phi functions. Two obvious way to achieve this: a) perform live variable analysis prior to SSA construction and use it to avoid placing dead phi functions; b) run dead code elimination (DCE) pass after the construction (which requires live variable analysis first, this time on SSA form of the program already). Due to these additional passes, pruned SSA construction is more expensive than just the minimal form. Note that if we intend to run DCE pass on the program anyway, which is often happens, we don't really need to be concerned to construct pruned form, as we will get it after the DCE pass "for free". Except of course that minimal and especially maximal form require more space to store and more time to go thru it during DCE.
    • Semi-pruned
      • Sometimes called "Briggs-Minimal" form. A compromise between fully pruned and minimal form. From Wikipedia:

        Semi-pruned SSA form[6] is an attempt to reduce the number of Φ functions without incurring the relatively high cost of computing live variable information. It is based on the following observation: if a variable is never live upon entry into a basic block, it never needs a Φ function. During SSA construction, Φ functions for any "block-local" variables are omitted.

    • Not pruned
  • Axis 2: Conventional vs Transformed SSA
    • Conventional
      • Allows for easy deconstruction algorithm (literally, just drop SSA variables subscripts and remove Phi functions). Usually, after construction, SSA is in conventional form (if during construction, additional optimizations were not performed).
    • Transformed
      • Some optimizations applied to an SSA program make simple deconstruction algorithm outlined above not possible (not producing correct results). This is known as "transformed SSA". There're algorithms to convert transformed SSA into conventional form.
  • Axis 3: Strict vs non-strict SSA
    • Non-strict SSA allows some variables to be undefined on some paths (just like conventional imperative programs).
    • Strict form requires each use to be dominated by definition. This in turn means that every variable must be explicitly initialized. Non-strict program can be trivially converted into strict form, by initializing variables with special values, like "undef" for truly undefined values, "param" for function paramters, etc. Most of SSA algorithms requires/assume strict SSA form, so non-strict is not further considered.

Discussion: There's one and true SSA type - the maximal one. It has a straightforward, easy to understand construction algorithm which does not depend on any other special algorithms. Running a generic DCE algorithm on it will remove any redundancies of the maximal form (oftentimes, together with other dead code). All other types are optimizations of the maximal form, allowing to generate less Phi functions, so less are removed later. Optimizations are useful, but the usual warning about premature optimization applies.


  • 1969

According to Aycock/Horspool:

The genesis of SSA form was in the 1960s with the work of Shapiro and Saint [23,19]. Their conversion algorithm was based upon finding equivalence classes of variables by walking the control-flow graph.

R. M. Shapiro and H. Saint. The Representation of Algorithms. Rome Air Development Center TR-69-313, Volume II, September 1969.

Given the possibility of concurrent operation, we might also wish to question the automatic one-one mapping of variable names to equipment locations. Two uses of the same variable name might be entirely unrelated in terms of data dependency and thus potentially concurrent if mapped to different equipment locations.

Continues on the p.31 of the paper (p.39 of the PDF) under the title:

VI. Variable-Names and Data Dependency Relations

  • 1988

Then, following Wikipedia, "SSA was proposed by Barry K. Rosen, Mark N. Wegman, and F. Kenneth Zadeck in 1988." Barry Rosen; Mark N. Wegman; F. Kenneth Zadeck (1988). "Global value numbers and redundant computations"

Construction Algorithms

Based on excerpts from "Simple Generation of Static Single-Assignment Form", Aycock/Horspool

For Reducible CFGs (i.e. special case)

  • 1986 R. Cytron, A. Lowry, K. Zadeck. Code Motion of Control Structures in High-Level Languages. Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, 1986, pp. 70–85.

    Cytron, Lowry, and Zadeck [11] predate the use of φ-functions, and employ a heuristic placement policy based on the interval structure of the control-flow graph, similar to that of Rosen, Wegman, and Zadeck [22]. The latter work is interesting because they look for the same patterns as our algorithm does during our minimization phase. However, they do so after generating SSA form, and then only to correct ‘second order effects’ created during redundancy elimination.

  • 1994 Single-Pass Generation of Static Single-Assignment Form for Structured Languages, Brandis and Mössenböck

    Brandis and Mössenböck [5] generate SSA form in one pass for structured control- flow graphs, a subset of reducible control-flow graphs, by delicate placement of φ-functions. They describe how to extend their method to reducible control-flow graphs, but require the dominator tree to do so.

  • 2000 Simple Generation of Static Single-Assignment Form, 2000, John Aycock and Nigel Horspool

    In this paper we present a new, simple method for converting to SSA form, which produces correct solutions for nonreducible control-flow graphs, and produces minimal solutions for reducible ones.

For Non-Reducible CFGs (i.e. general case)

  • 1991 R. Cytron, J. Ferrante, B. K. Rosen, M. N. Wegman, and F. K. Zadeck. Efficiently Computing Static Single-Assignment Form and the Control Dependence Graph. ACM TOPLAS 13, 4 (October 1991), pp. 451–490.

    "Canonical" SSA construction algorithm.

    • 1995 R. K. Cytron and J. Ferrante. Efficiently Computing φ-Nodes On-The-Fly. ACM TOPLAS 17, 3 (May 1995), pp. 487–506.

      Cytron and Ferrante [9] later refined their method so that it runs in almost-linear time.

  • 1994 R. Johnson, D. Pearson, and K. Pingali. The Program Structure Tree: Computing Control Regions in Linear Time. ACM PLDI ’94, pp. 171–185.

    Johnson, Pearson, and Pingali [16] demonstrate conversion to SSA form as an application of their “program structure tree,” a decomposition of the control- flow graph into single-entry, single-exit regions. They claim that using this graph representation allows them to avoid areas in the control-flow graph that do not contribute to a solution.

  • 1995 V. C. Sreedhar and G. R. Gao. A Linear Time Algorithm for Placing φ-Nodes. Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, 1995, pp. 62–73.

    Sreedhar and Gao [24] devised a linear-time algorithm for φ-function placement using DJ-graphs, a data structure which combines the dominator tree with information about where data flow in the program merges.

  • 2013 M. Braun, S. Buchwald, S. Hack, R. Leißa, C. Mallon, and A. Zwinkau. Simple and efficient construction of static single assignment form. In R. Jhala and K. Bosschere, editors, Compiler Construction, volume 7791 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 102–122. Springer, 2013. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-37051-9_6.

    Braun, et al present a simple SSA construction algorithm, which allows direct translation from an abstract syntax tree or bytecode into an SSA-based intermediate representation. The algorithm requires no prior analysis and ensures that even during construction the intermediate representation is in SSA form. This allows the application of SSA-based optimizations during construction. After completion, the intermediate representation is in minimal and pruned SSA form. In spite of its simplicity, the runtime of the algorithm is on par with Cytron et al.’s algorithm.

    • 2016 Verified Construction of Static Single Assignment Form, Sebastian Buchwald, Denis Lohner, Sebastian Ullrich

Deconstruction Algorithms

Epigraph (due to Boissinot, slide 20):

Naively, a k-input Phi-function at entrance to a node X can be replaced by k ordinary assignments, one at the end of each control flow predecessor of X. This is always correct...

-- Cytron, Ferrante, Rosen, Wegman, Zadeck (1991) Efficiently computing static single assignment form and the control dependence graph.

Cytron et al. (1991): Copies in predecessor basic blocks.


  • Bad understanding of parallel copies
  • Bad understanding of critical edges and interference

Briggs et al. (1998)

Both problems identified. General correctness unclear.

Sreedhar et al. (1999)

Correct but:

  • handling of complex branching instructions unclear
  • interplay with coalescing unclear
  • "virtualization" hard to implement

Many SSA optimizations turned off in gcc and Jikes.

TBD. Some papers in the "Construction Algorithms" section also include information/algorithms on deconstruction.

Converting out of SSA is effectively elimination (lowering) of Phi functions. (Note that Phi functions may appear in a program which is not (purely) SSA, so Phi elimination is formally more general process than conversion out of SSA.)

There are 2 general ways to eliminate Phi functions:

  1. Requires splitting critical edges, but doesn't introduce new variables and extra copies: Treat Phi functions as parallel copies on the incoming edges. This requires splitting critical edges. Afterwards, parallel copies are sequentialized.
  2. Does not require splitting critical edges, but introduces new variables and extra copies to them which then would need to be coalesced: For Conventional SSA (CSSA), result and arguments of a Phi can be just renamed to the same name (throughout the program), and the Phi removed. This is because arguments and result do not interfere among themselves (CSSA is produced by normal SSA construction algorithms, which don't perform copy propagation and value numbering during construction). Arbitrary SSA (or Transformed SSA, TSSA) can be converted to CSSA by splitting live ranges of Phi arguments and results, by renaming them to new variables, then inserting parallel copy of old argument variables to new at the end of each predecessor, and parallel copy of all Phi results, after all the Phi functions of the current basic block. These parallel copies (usually) can be sequentialized trivially (so oftentimes even not treated as parallel in the literature). This method does not require splitting critical edges, but introduces many unnecessary copies (intuitively, for non-interfering Phi variables), which then need to be optimized by coalescing (or alternatively, unneeded copies should not be introduced in the first place).

Control Flow Analysis

According to 1997 Muchnick:

  • Analysis on "raw" graphs, using dominators, the iterative dataflow algorithms
  • Interval Analysis, which then allows to use adhoc optimized dataflow analysis. Variants in the order of advanceness:
    • The simplest form is T1-T2 reduction
    • Maximal intervals analysis
    • Minimal intervals analysis
    • Structural analysis

Alias Analysis

Register Allocation



  • Decoupled allocator - In classic register allocation algorithms, variables assignment to registers and spilling of non-assignable variables are tightly-coupled, interleaving phases of the single algorithm. In a decoupled allocator, these phases are well separated, with spilling algorithm first selecting and rewriting spilling variables, and assignment algorithm then dealing with the remaining variables. Most of decoupled register allocators are SSA-based, though recent developments also include decoupled allocators for standard imperative programs.
  • Chordal graph - A type of graph, having a property that it can be colored in polynomial time (whereas generic graphs require NP time for coloring). Interference graphs of SSA programs are chordal. (Note that arbitrary pre-coloring and/or register aliasing support for chordal graphs, as required for real-world register allocation, may push complexity back into NP territory).

Conventional Register Allocation


Register Allocation on SSA Form


Academic projects

This list is compiled and maintained by Paul Sokolovsky, and released under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0).