- CognitoIdentity (
- API update for role customization
- DirectConnect (
- API update for DescribeConnectionLoa and DescribeInterconnectLoa operations
- EC2 (
- API update for IdentityId Format
- IdentityManagement (
- Doc update
- RDS (
- Doc update
- CodePipeline (
- The feature Retry Failed Actions allows you to retry a failed pipeline execution from a given stage in the pipeline. Mainly, this can be done by the new API RetryStageExecution with the use of a field from the existing (updated) API GetPielineState's response.
- OpsWorks (
- Minor documentation update.
- CertificateManager (
- Regenerating from latest service model acm-2015-12-08.normal.json
- CloudTrail (
- Regenerating from latest service model cloudtrail-2013-11-01.normal.json
- RDS (
- Regenerating from latest service model rds-2014-10-31.normal.json
- S3 (
- Minor documentation update.
- SimpleEmail (
- Regenerating from latest service model email-2010-12-01.normal.json
- S3 (
- Pull request 379, prevent v4 auth from being forced on GET when using non s3 endpoint.
- SQS (
- Pull request 380, updating SQSConstants
- DynamoDBv2 (
- API Update for DynamoDB Streams to support ApproximationCreationDateTime
- IoT (
- Adds new API, ListPolicyPrincipals. ListPolicyPrincipals allows you to list all your principals (certificate or other credential, such as Amazon Cognito ID) attached to a given policy. Also adds an encode function to the SQL syntax function list, and a couple of improvements to Amazon DynamoDB Actions: Range key (primary partition key) is now optional as it is in DynamoDB. "NUMBER" is being introduced as a supported hash key and range key type.
- MachineLearning (
- You can now assign tags, which are commonly used for cost allocation, to Amazon Machine Learning datasources, models, evaluations, and batch predictions.
- ApplicationAutoScaling (
- Updated incorrect documentation links.
- EC2 (
- The new 'type' parameter in the RequestSpotFleet API indicates whether a Spot fleet will only 'request' the target capacity or also attempt to 'maintain' it. When you want to 'maintain' a certain target capacity, Spot fleet will place the required bids to meet this target capacity, and enable you to automatically replenish any interrupted instances. When you simply 'request' a certain target capacity, Spot fleet will only place the required bids but will not attempt to replenish Spot instances if capacity is diminished, nor will it submit bids in alternative Spot pools if capacity is not available. By default, this parameter is set to 'maintain'. - The DescribeSpotFleetRequests API now returns two new parameters: the 'fulfilledCapacity' of a Spot fleet to indicate the capacity that has been successfully launched, and the 'type' parameter to indicate whether the fleet is meant to 'request' or 'maintain' capacity.
- IdentityManagement (
- Updated to use new Core, version
- Fix potential performance issue in service config constructor related to attempting to access EC2 instance metadata when not running on EC2.
- S3 (
- Updated to use new Core, version
- Fix issue with ListObjectsV2, where StartAfter is associated with the wrong header.
- SecurityToken (
- Updated to use new Core, version
- Fix potential performance issue in service config constructor related to attempting to access EC2 instance metadata when not running on EC2.
- Core
- Dispose of the CancellationTokenRegistration instance we get back from CancellationToken.Register, fix for aws#361
- all services packages updated to require new core
- CloudTrail (
- Regenerated from correct service model. Previous releases contained an exception type, KmsKeyInvalidStateException, which is not currently used and should not have been present (this removal may be a breaking change for some users).
- ElastiCache (
- This release of Amazon ElastiCache adds support for exporting a Redis snapshot to an Amazon S3 bucket. After the export is completed, you can access the exported snapshot from your Amazon S3 console or API.
- SecurityToken (
- Refactoring changes corresponding to enhancements to enable the use of SAML role credential profiles in the SDK core assembly.
- Core
- Updated credential profile support to enable use of SAML role profiles with SDK-based applications. Added support for auto-detect of region from instance metadata when running on EC2 instances. Added support for reading AWS credentials from environment variables shared with other AWS SDKs. Added support for generating serializable exceptions.
- all services packages updated to require new core
- EC2 (
- Added support for instance console screenshot
- RDS (
- Cross account snapshot sharing
- CognitoSync (
- Fix KeyNotFoundException exception
- Application Discovery Service (
- API updates from revised service model. An incorrect model was used in the previous release.
- EC2 (
- Added instance type enumeration members for new X1 types.
- ECS (
- Add status to ListTaskDefinitionFamilies. Filter option lets customers view active, inactive, or all task definition families.
- KinesisFirehose (
- Added support for Configurable Retry Window for Loading Data into Amazon Redshift.
- Application Auto Scaling (
- Added support for Application Auto Scaling. This service is a general purpose Auto Scaling service for supported elastic AWS resources. With Application Auto Scaling, you can automatically scale your AWS resources, with an experience similar to that of Auto Scaling.
- DynamoDBv2 (
- Documentation update.
- WorkSpaces (
- Add tagging support.
- Application Discovery Service (
- Added support for the AWS Application Discovery Service. This service helps Systems Integrators quickly and reliably plan application migration projects by automatically identifying applications running in your data center, their associated dependencies, and their performance profile.
- CloudFormation (
- Added ExecutionStatus to ChangeSets so that customers can see which ChangeSets are available to be executed; which one was executed in the past, and which can no longer be executed due to being obsolete.
- EC2 (
- Added support for identifying stale security groups.
- SimpleSystemsManagement (
- EC2 Run Command has been updated to allow customers to create and share documents. Documents can be shared privately with other AWS accounts, or publically to all accounts.
- DirectConnect (
- Documentation update.
- ElasticMapReduce (
- ListInstances can now filter results based on InstanceState(s).
- IdentityManagement (
- Documentation update.
- S3 (
- Added retry for HTTP 502 and 504. Updated list of requests that should not be directed to S3 accelerate endpoint.
- SQS (
- Documentation update.
- StorageGateway (
- Updates to the ListGateways and ListVolumes APIs. Added support for the ListTapes API.
- APIGateway (
- Added support to Integration for controlling passthrough behavior.
- CloudTrail (
- Updates to return topic ARN in addition to the topic name.
- ECS (
- Added support for specifying log drivers available from Docker in task definitions.
- KeyManagementService (
- Updated for the latest service API updates.
- S3 (
- Added support for ListObjectsV2 operation.
- SecurityToken (
- Documenation update for the AssumeRole API.
- CodePipeline (
- Documentation and samples update.
- CognitoIdentityProvider (
- Added support for the Amazon Cognito Identity Provider service.
- ElasticBeanstalk (
- Added support for TooManyBucketsException to several operations.
- Inspector (
- Documentation update.
- OpsWorks (
- Adds support for default tenancy selection.
- Route53Domains (
- Add support for new operations ResendContactReachabilityEmail and GetContactReachabilityStatus.
- EC2 (
- API Update for VPC Peering with Classiclink.
- ECR (
- Added the repository URI to the output of DescribeRepositories.
- SecurityToken (
- Service documentation update.
- CertificateManager (
- Add tagging support
- CloudHSM (
- Documentation update
- ElasticMapReduce (
- Add support for Smart Targeted Resize feature
- Inspector (
- Documentation update
- IoT (
- Added support for specifying the SQL rules engine to be used
- KeyManagementService (
- Use correct error codes.
- EC2 (
- Add two new low-cost, high-throughput HDD volume types: Throughput Optimized HDD (st1) and Cold HDD (sc1).
- ElasticBeanstalk (
- Add support for automatic platform version upgrades with managed updates.
- Kinesis (
- Added support for enhanced monitoring.
- KinesisFirehose (
- Add support for Elastic Search and Cloudwatch Logs.
- S3 (
- Updated to use new Core, version
- Add support for S3 Accelerate.
- Core
- Updates to Core to support S3 Accelerate
- SecurityToken (
- Updated to use new Core, version
- Patch for properly reaching USGovCloudWest1.
- Core
- Fix issue with using STS with USGovCloudWest1 RegionEndpoint.
- ElasticTranscoder (
- Update CreatePipeline to support null notifications - aws#322
- IoT (
- Add support to “Bring your own Certificate”.
- DirectoryService (
- Add support for conditional forwarder
- ElasticBeanstalk (
- Updates to health check
- Lambda (
- Add ability to set runtime in the UpdateFunctionConfiguration operation
- APIGateway (
- Add support for ImportRestApi and PutRestApi.
- Inspector (
- Large service update.
- Route53 (
- Add support for CloudWatch metric-based health checks.
- SecurityToken (
- Add support for GetCallerIdentity, a new API which returns details about the credentials used to make the API call.
- AWS Database Migration Service (
- Documentation update.
- CertificateManager (
- Documentation update.
- CloudFormation (
- Added support for ChangeSets. ChangeSets give users detailed information into what CloudFormation intends to perform when changes are executed to a stack, giving users the ability to preview and change the results before actually applying them.
- CodeDeploy (
- Documentation update.
- ElastiCache (
- Regenerated from correct service model
- Redshift (
- Added support for Cluster IAM Roles. Clusters can now assume an IAM Role to perform operations like COPY/UNLOAD as well as cryptographic operations involving KMS keys.
- WAF (
- Added support for XSS (Cross-site scripting) protection in WAF.
- ElastiCache (
- Added support for changes to allow vertically scaling from one instance type to another.
- RDS (
- Added support for Windows Authentication for RDS SQL Server.
- StorageGateway (
- Added support for the new SetLocalConsolePassword API.
- DeviceFarm (
- Added support for purchasing and managing unmetered devices in a self service manner, and to stop runs which are currently executing.
- ElasticBeanstalk (
- Updated documentation.
- RDS (
- Added support for customer specifiable fail-over order for read replicas in Amazon Aurora.
- AWSMarketplaceMetering (
- Add support for AWS Marketplace Metering Service.
- CloudHSM (
- Add tagging support.
- IoT (
- Add support for sending IoT data to Amazon Elasticsearch Service.
- S3 (
- Add lifecycle configuration options.
- AWS Database Migration Service (
- Add support for the new AWS Database Migration Service.
- CodeDeploy (
- Add support for the new BatchGetDeploymentGroups API.
- SimpleEmail (
- Add support for custom MAIL FROM domains. For more information see the service release notes at http://aws.amazon.com/releasenotes/Amazon-SES/8381987420423821.
- IdentityManagement (
- Add stable, unique identifying string identifiers to each entity returned from IAM:ListEntitiesForPolicy.
- Redshift (
- Updated with the ability to restore a table from a cluster snapshot to a new table in an active cluster. For more information, see Restoring a Table from a Snapshot.
- Core
- Fix thread safety issue related to KeyedHashAlgorithm creation on Unity iOS with il2cpp.
- CertificateManager (
- Doc update
- CloudWatchEvents (
- Doc update
- CodeCommit (
- Add support for customizing your development workflow with repository triggers.
- ConfigService (
- Doc update
- DeviceFarm (
- Add support for XCUI - an updated version of Apple's iOS automation suite.
- DirectConnect (
- Doc update
- DirectoryService (
- Added support for SNS notifications on directories.
- DynamoDBv2 (
- Documentation update for the new DescribeLimits API.
- EC2 (
- Added support for referencing security groups in peered Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs). For more information see the service announcement at https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2016/03/announcing-support-for-security-group-references-in-a-peered-vpc/.
- APIGateway (
- Added new suppression
- CloudSearchDomain (
- Regenerating from latest service model cloudsearchdomain-2013-01-01.normal.json
- DynamoDBv2 (
- Added support for the new DescribeLimits API, enabling users to query provisioning limits for their account.
- AutoScaling (
- Updates to the CompleteLifecycleAction and RecordLifecycleActionHeartbeat operations
- CloudFormation (
- Updated to allow resources not to be deleted and tag support of UpdateStack
- CloudWatchLogs (
- Doc update
- SimpleEmail (
- Added "Encoding" property to the SNSAction
- S3 (
- Add missing enumerations to S3Region.
- Route53 (
- Added support for SNI health check.
- CognitoIdentity (
- Added Support for Unity
- CognitoSync (
- Added Support for Unity, Moved SyncManager and CognitoSync service client into a single assembly
- DynamoDBv2 (
- Added support for Unity, Add ability to use streams with the S3Link object
- IdentityManagement (
- Add Support for Unity
- Kinesis (
- Added Support for Unity
- KinesisFirehose (
- Added Support for Unity
- Lambda (
- Added Support for Unity
- MobileAnalytics (
- Added Support for Unity
- S3 (
- Added Support for Unity
- SecurityToken (
- Added Support for Unity
- SimpleEmail (
- Added Support for Unity
- SimpleNotificationService (
- Added Support for Unity
- SQS (
- Added Support for Unity
- Core
- Added Support for Unity
- AWSMarketplaceCommerceAnalytics (
- Added support for a new data set disbursed_amount_by_product_with_uncollected_funds .
- CloudWatch (
- Documentation update.
- CodeDeploy (
- Added support for setting up triggers for a deployment group.
- StorageGateway (
- Added support for CreateTapeWithBarcode API.
- Core
- Fix issue with ConstantClass thread-safety
- ElasticMapReduce (
- Added support for adding EBS storage to an EMR instance.
- RDS (
- Added support for Cross-account Encrypted (KMS) snapshot sharing and removed unused model classes.
- APIGateway (
- Added support for custom request authorizers. With custom request authorizers, developers can authorize their APIs using bearer token authorization strategies, such as OAuth using an AWS Lambda function.
- AWS Certificate Manager (
- Breaking change: the exception type AccessDeniedException has been removed as it is not thrown by the service. The exception type was included in previous releases in error.
- Lambda (
- Added support for configuring a Lambda function to access resources in your VPC. These resources could be AWS service resources (for example, Amazon Redshift data warehouses, Amazon ElastiCache clusters, or Amazon RDS instances), or they could be your own services running on your own EC2 instances. For more information see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/vpc.html.
- AWSMarketplaceCommerceAnalytics (
- Updated documentation. Extended the GenerateDateSet operation to include a new CustomerDefinedValues parameter. This parameter allows customers to submit arbitrary key/value pair strings which will be returned, as provided, in the asynchronous response, enabling the user of customer-provided identifiers to correlate responses with their internal systems.
- CloudFront (
- Added a new field ACMCertificateARN to ViewerCertificate. This field replaces the CertificateSource and Certificate fields that were recently added.
- ConfigService (
- Documentation update.
- EC2 (
- Updated ImageUtilities class to enable use when a proxy is required.
- Gamelift (
- Added support for Amazon Gamelift, a managed service that allows game developers the ability to deploy and configure their multiplayer games.
- Core
- Updated INI credentials parsing logic to handle '=' character in values.
- S3 (
- Adding ITransferUtility interface for the TransferUtility class.
- Glacier (
- Bug fix for ArchiveTransferManager not creating unique topics and queues
- SimpleSystemsManagement (
- Documentation update for the new 63-bit id formats.
- WAF (
- You can now configure AWS WAF to block, allow, or monitor (count) requests based on the content in HTTP request bodies. This is the part of a request that contains any additional data that you want to send to your web server as the HTTP request body, such as data from an HTML form.
- AWS Certificate Manager (
- AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) is an AWS service that makes it easier for you to deploy secure SSL based websites and applications on the AWS platform. SSL is the standard protocol for encrypting communications and establishing the identity of a website over the Internet. ACM takes care of all of the complexity of obtaining, deploying, and renewing the digital certificates used with SSLCertificate Manager certs with CloudFront distributions.
- DeviceFarm (
- Minor documentation update.
- IoT (
- IoT api update to support enabling and disabling topic rules, and return arns in some structures.
- SecurityToken (
- Minor documentation update.
- DeviceFarm (
- Api update with new enumeration values for uploads.
- OpsWorks (
- Minor documentation update.
- SecurityToken (
- Add support for RegionDisabledException.
- CloudFront (
- Enforce HTTPS-only connection between CloudFront and your origin webserver, support for TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 between CloudFront and your origin webserver, add or modify request headers forwarded from CloudFront to your origin webserver.
- CloudWatchEvents (
- Added support for the new CloudWatch Events service. CloudWatch Events allows you to Monitor and rapidly react to changes in your AWS resources.
- EC2 (
- Scheduled instances is a new EC2 service offering which allows customers to purchase reserved capacity for specific slots of time on a one-time or recurring basis.
- EC2 (
- Added support for DNS over classiclink.
- EC2 (
- Fixed incorrect request class and marshaling code for the DescribeNetworkInterfaceAttribute api. The class should have contained a single 'Attribute' member, not multiple members corresponding to the allows values for 'Attribute'.
- S3 (
- Updated to use new Core, version
- Add more defensive code while processing xml error responses
- Core
- Add more defensive code while processing xml error responses. Fixed issue with callbacks being invoked multiple times when unhandled exception occurs in .NET 3.5 async code. Updated RegionEndpoint constants for new Asia Pacific (Seoul) (ap-northeast-2) region.
- all services packages updated to require new core
- ECR (
- Add SDK support for the Amazon EC2 Container Registry, a secure, fully-managed Docker image registry that makes it easy for developers to store and retrieve Docker container images.
- ECS (
- Add support for deployment configuration.
- ElasticMapReduce (
- Update RunJobFlow to accept the ServiceSecurityGroup parameter.
- SecurityToken (
- Fix a bug in SAML assertion parsing where there are duplicate role names.
- IoT (
- Documentation update
- IotData (
- Documentation update
- CloudFront (
- For web distributions, you can now configure CloudFront to automatically compress files of certain types for both Amazon S3 and custom origins, so downloads are faster and your web pages render faster. Compression also reduces your CloudFront data transfer cost because you pay for the total amount of data served.
- CloudTrail (
- This release supports trails that apply across all regions, and support for multiple trails per region.
- ConfigService (
- Update to add support for AWS Config rules. These rules enable users to evaluate whether their AWS resources comply with desired configuration settings.
Added support for Identity and Access Management (IAM) resource types.
- DynamoDBv2 (
- Fix issue where a high retry count causes integer overflow - aws#286
- EC2 (
- Added support for managed NAT, a highly available and scalable Network Address Translation (NAT) solution that enables Internet connectivity for instances in private subnets of a customer’s VPC
- RDS (
- Add support for enhanced monitoring in RDS instances.
- Core
- Fix issue where a high retry count causes integer overflow - aws#286.
Fix issue causing "Path cannot be the empty string or all whitespace" error when running under a user account that has no profile or home directory - aws#287.
- EC2 (
- Added new parameters to CopyImage API that allows a customer to create an AMI copy where all the associated EBS snapshots are encrypted.
- AutoScaling (
- Add support for SetInstanceProtection operation
- RDS (
- Add RDS support for encrypting your databases using keys you manage through AWS Key Management Service (KMS).
- Core
- Improve exception handling in AsyncRunner aws#281
- DirectoryService (
- Support for managed directories
- RDS (
- Added support for modifying DB port number via ModifyDbInstance.
- Route53 (
- Added traffic policy support
- CognitoIdentity (
- Add api to clone logins dictionary
- ConfigService (
- Support for new resource type - dedicated host.
- DynamoDBv2 (
- Add PaginationToken support to DocumentModel Query and Scan operations.
- Fix issue where ignored properties in DataModel were not being properly ignored.
- SecurityToken (
- Implement support for SAML-based identity federation to vend temporary AWS credentials.
- Core
- Added new role credential and endpoint profile types to support SAML identity federation.
- Added Roslyn code analyzers to all NuGet service packages.
- all services packages updated to require new core
- Throwing exceptions if constructing a request with bidirectional control characters
- Fix for aws#212
- EC2 (
- This release includes support for EC2 Dedicated Hosts. This feature enables the use of your own per-socket and per-core OS licenses in EC2. This release also supports two new APIs, ModifyIdFormat and DescribeIdFormat, that will be used to manage the transition to longer EC2 and EBS resource IDs. These APIs are reserved for future use.
- ECS (
- Add support for Amazon ECS task stopped reasons and task start and stop times. You can now see if a task was stopped by a user or stopped due to other reasons such as a failing Elastic Load Balancing health check, as well as the time the task was started and stopped. Service scheduler error messages have additional information that describe why tasks cannot be placed in the cluster.
- ElasticBeanstalk (
- Add support for AWS Elastic Beanstalk for composable web applications. Customers whose applications consists of several linked modules (micro services architecture) can now deploy, manage, and scale their applications using EB.
- S3 (
- Added missing canned ACL.
- CloudSearchDomain (
- Updated to use new Core, version
- Fix for aws#274
- EC2 (
- Updated to use new Core, version
- Fix for aws#274
- S3 (
- Updated to use new Core, version
- Fix for aws#274
- SQS (
- Updated to use new Core, version
- Fix for aws#274
- Core
- Fix for aws#274 , response handler logic being called instead of skipped for .NET 3.5 async, when an exception is thrown in the pipeline.
- DeviceFarm (
- Added support for new test and upload types.
- Inspector (
- Documentation update.
- S3 (
- Updated to use new Core, version
- Increment version to pick up latest core patch for dealing with key edge cases.
- Core
- Fix issue with AWS4Signer.
CognitoIdentity (
- Updated to use new Core, version, to pick up the latest ClientContext.
CognitoSync (
- Updated to use new Core, version, to pick up the latest ClientContext.
EC2 (
- Documentation update
Lambda (
- Updated to use new Core, version, to pick up the latest ClientContext.
MobileAnalytics (
- Updated to use new Core, version, to pick up the latest ClientContext.
- Added support for modifying DB instance visibility. Updated documentation to note support for M4 types for DB instance class.
- Minor fixes to ClientContext.
- APIGateway (
- Added support for stage variables.
- IoT (
- Updated to use new Core, version
- Incremented Core package dependency to fix signature errors when a PUT or POST requests contains only query params (e.g. IOT AcceptCertificateTransfer, CreateKeysAndCertificate).
- Core
- Fix for signature errors when a PUT or POST requests contains only query params (e.g. IOT AcceptCertificateTransfer, CreateKeysAndCertificate).
- RDS (
- Add support for sharing manual DB snapshots
- DeviceFarm (
- Added support for AWS Device Farm APIs to manage projects, device pools, runs, and uploads.
- S3 (
- Add validation for S3 get object calls to make sure the object key is set. If it's not set, that makes the request the same as ListObject call to S3 giving unexpected results to the caller.
- Core
- Fix for disposed instance of web request being used to get header values.
- IdentityManagement (
- Update IAM policy simulator to help test, verify, and understand resource-level permissions.
- S3 (
- Updated to use new Core, version
- Fixed the minimum version of Core dependency.
- Core
- Added AmazonDateTimeUnmarshallingException type.
- APIGateway (
- Update API Gateway model to fix PutIntegration calls.
- S3 (
- Fix issue with byte range for CopyPart operation
- APIGateway (
- Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale.
- S3 (
- Fix to handle responses with invalid values in the expires header for S3 GetObject and GetObjectMetatdata APIs.
- SimpleSystemsManagement (
- EC2 Run Command
- A new EC2 feature that enables you to securely and remotely manage the configuration of your Amazon EC2 Windows instances. Run Command provides a simple way of automating common administrative tasks like executing scripts, running PowerShell commands, installing software or patches and more.
- AutoScaling (
- Adding support for EBS encryption in block device mappings.
- IdentityManagement (
- Enable Policy Simulator API to do simulation with resource-based policies.
- Lambda (
- Fix issue with invoking Lambda GetPolicy operation.
- IoT (
- Updated to use new Core, version
- Rev version to pick up latest core patch for sending both a query string and a body.
- Lambda (
- Updated to use new Core, version
- Rev version to pick up latest core patch for sending both a query string and a body.
- Core
- Fixed issue with operations that contain both a query string and a body.
- KeyManagementService (
- Add support for deleting Customer Master Keys, including two new APIs for scheduling and canceling key deletion.
- Core
- Fix issue with LitJson handling of null values in some cases.
- ECS (
- Task definitions now support more Docker options
- IoT (
- AWS IoT offering enables our users to leverage the AWS Cloud for their Internet of things use-cases.
- IotData (
- AWS IoT-Data enables secure, bi-directional communication between Internet-connected things (such as sensors, actuators, embedded devices, or smart appliances) and the AWS cloud.
- Lambda (
- Lambda now supports function versioning.
- AWSMarketplaceCommerceAnalytics (
- Updated to use new Core, version
- The AWS Marketplace Commerce Analytics service allows marketplace partners to programmatically request business intelligence data from AWS Marketplace. This service provides the same data that was previously only available through the AWS Marketplace Management Portal, but offers the data in a fully-machine-readable format and available in fine-grained data sets rather than large reports.
- ConfigService (
- Added support for Config Rule and Evaluations.
- Inspector (
- Amazon Inspector is a new service from AWS that identifies security issues in your application deployments. Use Inspector with your applications to assess your security posture and identify areas that can be improved. Inspector works with your EC2 Instances to monitor activity in the applications and system.
- Kinesis (
- Added two new Amazon Kinesis APIs that allow customers to choose how long their data records are stored in their Amazon Kinesis streams.
- KinesisFirehose (
- Amazon Kinesis Firehose is a fully managed service for ingesting data streams directly into AWS data services such as Amazon S3 and Amazon Redshift.
- Core
- Updated the set of error codes that are automatically retried.
- Core
- Fixed issue where NullReferenceException could be thrown for certain SDK calls (aws#252).
- all services packages updated to require new core
- CloudFront (
- Added support for integrating CloudFront with AWS WAF.
- EC2 (
- Added new property BlockDurationMinutes to RequestSpotInstancesRequest. This specifies the duration for which the instance is required.
- WAF (
- Updated to use new Core, version
- Added support for AWS WAF (Web Application Firewall). AWS WAF protects web applications from attack by allowing customers to block bad actors and provides filters against common web exploits like SQL injection.
- Core
- Added support for WAF.
- CloudTrail (
- Added new APIs for AWS CloudTrail: AddTags, ListTags, RemoveTags, and ListPublicKeys. This release of CloudTrail includes support for log file integrity validation, log encryption with AWS KMS–Managed Keys (SSE-KMS), and trail tagging.
- Elasticsearch (
- Added support for the new Amazon Elasticsearch Service.
- RDS (
- Added support for t2.large DB instance, support for copying tags to snapshot, and other minor updates.
- WorkSpaces (
- Added support for user volume encryption.
- CloudFormation (
- Added new DescribeAccountLimits API and optional ResourceTypes parameter for CreateStack and UpdateStack APIs.
- EC2 (
- Added support for the new ModifySpotFleetRequest API.
- SimpleEmail (
- Amazon Simple Email Service can now accept incoming emails. You can configure Amazon SES to deliver messages to an Amazon S3 bucket, call an AWS Lambda function, publish notifications to Amazon SNS, drop messages, or bounce messages. Added new cmdlets to support this feature.
- CognitoIdentity (
- Documentation update.
- CloudWatchLogs (
- Added support for exporting log data from Log Groups to Amazon S3 Buckets.
- S3 (
- Added support for the new STANDARD_IA storage class and for multiple lifecycle transitions.
- EC2 (
- Added DataEncryptionKeyId and StateMessage properties to the Amazon.EC2.Model.Snapshot class, this data is returned by the DescribeSnapshots operation. Added AllocationStrategy property to the Amazon.EC2.Model.SpotFleetRequestConfigData class, this data is used by the RequestSpotFleet operation.
- ElasticFileSystem (
- Added MountTargetId to Amazon.ElasticFileSystem.Model.DescribeMountTargetsRequest.
- MobileAnalytics (
- Fixed FxCop violations, and minor refactoring.
- Route53 (
- Added support for calculated and latency health checks.
- ElasticMapReduce (
- Deprecated DescribeJobFlows API.
- IdentityManagement (
- Add support for IAM policy simulator.
- ImportExport (
- Documentation update for ImportExport client.
- Kinesis (
- Add timestamp field to Amazon.Kinesis.Model.Record type.
- Lambda (
- Deprecated InvokeAsync API
- MachineLearning (
- Documentation update for Amazon Machine Learning client.
- Core
- Included pull request aws#242 to fix signing issues for endpoints with a path component.
- DynamoDBv2 (
- Added enum support for DynamoDB DataModel.
- StorageGateway (
- Add support for tagging StorageGateway resources.
- EC2 (
- Add support for spot fleet instance weights.
- ConfigService (
- Added support for ListDiscoveredResources.
- MobileAnalytics (
- Added MobileAnalyticsErrorEvent to Amazon Mobile Analytics and minor improvements.
- Core
- Service packages updated to require new core, which includes FileLogger for PCL.
- CodePipeline (
- Add support for KMS encryption keys on S3 artifact stores.
- ElasticBeanstalk (
- Add Elastic Beanstalk client support for environment health.
- MobileAnalytics (
- Updated to need new core version
- Updated documentation
- S3 (
- Updated S3 TransferUtility to retry a failed download without discarding the bytes that were already downloaded
- Core
- SimpleWorkflow (
- Update SWF client for Lambda support
- DeviceFarm (
- Update DeviceFarm client with latest model, adding support for iOS and retrieving account settings.
- CloudSearchDomain (
- Updated to need new core version
- Picking up the version of PCL core that fixes SigV4 streaming signature issue.
- Glacier (
- Updated to need new core version
- Picking up the version of PCL core that fixes SigV4 streaming signature issue.
- Lambda (
- Updated to need new core version
- Picking up the version of PCL core that fixes SigV4 streaming signature issue.
- S3 (
- Updated to need new core version
- Picking up the version of PCL core that fixes SigV4 streaming signature issue.
- Core
- Fix PCL SigV4 signing issue where SHA256 hash is not always calculated correctly.
- OpsWorks (
- Add support for ECS clusters.
- RDS (
- Add support for Amazon Aurora.
- CloudWatchLogs (
- Adding 4 new APIs: PutDestination, PutDestinationPolicy, DescribeDestinations and DeleteDestination
- S3 (
- Support for new storage class headers on GET/HEAD requests.
- Enhancements to S3 event notifications
- Support for Deletes.
- Support for Bucket Change events like policy changes and lifecycle changes
- Support for filtering on object names including prefixes and suffixes.
- The Version 3 of AWS SDK for .NET is out of preview and promoted to general availability.
- All service SDKs and Core assemblies are set to version for this release.
- Xamarin support added to Portable Class Library (PCL) version of the SDK. The Xamarin and PCL versions of the SDK are available as public preview.
- Additional Changes
- Pull request 222 - Fix to code that resolves location of .aws\credentials file.
- Fixed issue with setting ServiceURL for DynamoDB Streams client.
- AutoScaling (
- Step scaling policies allow customers to scale their Auto Scaling groups based on the magnitude of the alarm breach.
- CloudFront (
- Amazon CloudFront now lets you configure a maximum time-to-live (TTL) and a default TTL to specify how long CloudFront caches your objects in edge locations.
- CodeCommit (
- AWS CodeCommit is a secure, highly scalable, managed source control service that hosts private Git repositories.
- CodePipeline (
- AWS CodePipeline is a continuous delivery service that enables you to model, visualize, and automate the steps required to release your software.
- CognitoIdentity (
- The following Amazon Cognito operations now throw a ConcurrentModificationException when more than one requests are sent for modification of resources in parallel to the services
- CognitoSync (
- The following Amazon Cognito operations now throw a ConcurrentModificationException when more than one requests are sent for modification of resources in parallel to the services
- ConfigService (
- You can now set up AWS Config to record changes for specific resource types.
- EC2 (
- You can now optionally enable encryption using AWS KMS keys when copying an unencrypted EBS snapshot.
- ECS (
- You can now use the UDP protocol with containers on Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS).
- Glacier (
- Glacier vaults now support tagging.
- IdentityManagement (
- You can upload SSH public keys to IAM and use those keys for authentication with AWS CodeCommit.
- Lambda (
- You can now develop your AWS Lambda function code using Java.
- OpsWorks (
- You can now manage updates of the agent software running on instances managed by AWS OpsWorks.
- Redshift (
- Redshift supports automatic cross-region backups for your KMS encrypted clusters for disaster recover.
- SimpleEmail (
- Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) adds support for cross-account sending.
- Core
- ECS (
- You can now choose the sort order for task definitions, deregister task definitions, and override task definition environment variables when running a task.
- AutoScaling (
- EC2 (
- Regen EC2 for latest API changes. The update contains the new VPC Flow Logs feature.
- ECS (
- Regen ECS with latest service API updates.