index 016ceb1..c6602b5 100644
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-Package: nwfscDiag
 Type: Package
+Package: nwfscDiag
 Title: Generate Standard NWFSC Assessment Diagnostics
 Version: 1.1.2
 Author: Chantel Wetzel
 Maintainer: Chantel Wetzel <chantel.wetzel@noaa.gov>
-Description: Package that can automates diagnositics for SS3 models by running jitters, retrospective, and profiles.  
+Description: Package that can automates diagnositics for SS3 models by
+    running jitters, retrospective, and profiles.
 License: GPL (>=3)
 URL: https://github.com/pfmc-assessments/nwfscDiag
 BugReports: https://github.com/pfmc-assessments/nwfscDiag/issues
-LazyData: true
     R (>= 3.5)
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Suggests:
-RoxygenNote: 7.3.2
 Encoding: UTF-8
+LazyData: true
 Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)
+RoxygenNote: 7.3.2
diff --git a/R/check_profile_range.R b/R/check_profile_range.R
index 1dc6b35..b55cd32 100644
--- a/R/check_profile_range.R
+++ b/R/check_profile_range.R
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 #' @export
-check_profile_range <- function(mydir, model_settings){
+check_profile_range <- function(mydir, model_settings) {
   # Read in the base model
   rep <- r4ss::SS_output(
     file.path(mydir, model_settings$base_name),
@@ -20,54 +20,54 @@ check_profile_range <- function(mydir, model_settings){
   N <- nrow(model_settings$profile_details)
-  for (aa in 1:N){
+  for (aa in 1:N) {
     profile_details <- model_settings[["profile_details"]][aa, ]
     para <- profile_details[, "parameters"]
     est <- rep$parameters[rep$parameters$Label == para, "Value"]
-   # Determine the parameter range
-   if (profile_details$param_space == "relative") {
-     range <- c(
-       est + profile_details$low,
-       est + profile_details$high
-     )
-   }
-   if (profile_details$param_space == "multiplier") {
-     range <- c(
-       est - est * profile_details$low,
-       est + est * profile_details$high
-     )
-   }
-   if (profile_details$param_space == "real") {
-     range <- c(
-       profile_details$low,
-       profile_details$high
-     )
-   }
-   step_size <- profile_details$step_size
+    # Determine the parameter range
+    if (profile_details$param_space == "relative") {
+      range <- c(
+        est + profile_details$low,
+        est + profile_details$high
+      )
+    }
+    if (profile_details$param_space == "multiplier") {
+      range <- c(
+        est - est * profile_details$low,
+        est + est * profile_details$high
+      )
+    }
+    if (profile_details$param_space == "real") {
+      range <- c(
+        profile_details$low,
+        profile_details$high
+      )
+    }
+    step_size <- profile_details$step_size
-   # Create parameter vect from base down and the base up
-   if (est != round_any(est, step_size, f = floor)) {
-     low <- rev(seq(
-       round_any(range[1], step_size, f = ceiling),
-       round_any(est, step_size, f = floor), step_size
-     ))
-   } else {
-     low <- rev(seq(
-       round_any(range[1], step_size, f = ceiling),
-       round_any(est, step_size, f = floor) - step_size, step_size
-     ))
-   }
+    # Create parameter vect from base down and the base up
+    if (est != round_any(est, step_size, f = floor)) {
+      low <- rev(seq(
+        round_any(range[1], step_size, f = ceiling),
+        round_any(est, step_size, f = floor), step_size
+      ))
+    } else {
+      low <- rev(seq(
+        round_any(range[1], step_size, f = ceiling),
+        round_any(est, step_size, f = floor) - step_size, step_size
+      ))
+    }
-   if (est != round_any(est, step_size, f = ceiling)) {
-     high <- c(est, seq(round_any(est, step_size, f = ceiling), range[2], step_size))
-   } else {
-     high <- c(seq(round_any(est, step_size, f = ceiling), range[2], step_size))
-   }
+    if (est != round_any(est, step_size, f = ceiling)) {
+      high <- c(est, seq(round_any(est, step_size, f = ceiling), range[2], step_size))
+    } else {
+      high <- c(seq(round_any(est, step_size, f = ceiling), range[2], step_size))
+    }
-   vec <- c(low, high)
-   cli::cli_inform(
-     "Profiling over {para} across values of {vec}."
-   )
+    vec <- c(low, high)
+    cli::cli_inform(
+      "Profiling over {para} across values of {vec}."
+    )
diff --git a/R/get_jitter_quants.R b/R/get_jitter_quants.R
index bb7d54d..ab628ff 100644
--- a/R/get_jitter_quants.R
+++ b/R/get_jitter_quants.R
@@ -58,10 +58,11 @@ get_jitter_quants <- function(mydir, model_settings, output) {
         "Through the jittering analysis performed here and ",
         "the estimation of likelihood profiles, ",
         "we are confident that the base model as presented represents the ",
-        "best fit to the data given the assumptions made."),
+        "best fit to the data given the assumptions made."
+      ),
       alt_caption = "Comparison of the negative log-likelihood across jitter runs",
-    label = c("jitter", "jitter-zoomed"),
-    filein = file.path("..", jitter_dir, c("jitter.png", "jitter_zoomed.png"))
+      label = c("jitter", "jitter-zoomed"),
+      filein = file.path("..", jitter_dir, c("jitter.png", "jitter_zoomed.png"))
     file = file.path(jitter_dir, "jitterfigures4doc.csv"),
     row.names = FALSE
diff --git a/R/get_param_values.R b/R/get_param_values.R
index d1d2e6b..6738f9e 100644
--- a/R/get_param_values.R
+++ b/R/get_param_values.R
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
 #' @export
 get_param_values <- function(mydir, para = NULL, vec, summary) {
   x <- summary
   n <- x[["n"]]
   endyr <- x[["endyrs"]][1] + 1
@@ -52,20 +51,20 @@ get_param_values <- function(mydir, para = NULL, vec, summary) {
   out <- t(out)
   colnames(out) <- vec
-  if(!is.null(para)) {
-  	name <- para
-  	if (para == "SR_LN(R0)") {
-  	  colnames(out) <- paste0("R0 ", vec)
-  	}
-  	if (para == "NatM_uniform_Fem_GP_1") {
-  	  colnames(out) <- paste0("M_f ", vec)
-  	}
-  	if (para == "NatM_uniform_Mal_GP_1") {
-  	  colnames(out) <- paste0("M_m ", vec)
-  	}
-  	if (para == "SR_BH_steep") {
-  	  colnames(out) <- paste0("h ", vec)
-  	}
+  if (!is.null(para)) {
+    name <- para
+    if (para == "SR_LN(R0)") {
+      colnames(out) <- paste0("R0 ", vec)
+    }
+    if (para == "NatM_uniform_Fem_GP_1") {
+      colnames(out) <- paste0("M_f ", vec)
+    }
+    if (para == "NatM_uniform_Mal_GP_1") {
+      colnames(out) <- paste0("M_m ", vec)
+    }
+    if (para == "SR_BH_steep") {
+      colnames(out) <- paste0("h ", vec)
+    }
   utils::write.csv(x = out, file = file.path(mydir, paste0(name, "_quant_table.csv")), row.names = TRUE)
diff --git a/R/get_retro_quants.R b/R/get_retro_quants.R
index 0378462..46eb1da 100644
--- a/R/get_retro_quants.R
+++ b/R/get_retro_quants.R
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 #' @export
-get_retro_quants <- function(mydir,  model_settings, output) {
+get_retro_quants <- function(mydir, model_settings, output) {
   retro_dir <- output[["plotdir"]]
   endyrvec <- output[["endyrvec"]]
   retroSummary <- output[["retroSummary"]]
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ get_retro_quants <- function(mydir,  model_settings, output) {
     mydir = retro_dir,
     para = "retro",
-    vec = c("Base Model", paste0("Retro -", 1:(length(endyrvec)-1))),
+    vec = c("Base Model", paste0("Retro -", 1:(length(endyrvec) - 1))),
     summary = retroSummary
@@ -53,11 +53,12 @@ get_retro_quants <- function(mydir,  model_settings, output) {
         "recalculated for each peel given the removal of another year of data.",
         "See Table \\ref{tab:RetroMohnsrho} for other derivations of Mohn's rho."
-      alt_caption = sprintf("Each successive peel of data led to a Mohn's rho of %s for %s.",
-                            lapply(c("SSB", "Bratio"), function(x) {
-                              knitr::combine_words(sprintf("%.2f", (rhosall[rownames(rhosall) == x, ])))
-                            }),
-                            c("SSB", "fraction unfished")
+      alt_caption = sprintf(
+        "Each successive peel of data led to a Mohn's rho of %s for %s.",
+        lapply(c("SSB", "Bratio"), function(x) {
+          knitr::combine_words(sprintf("%.2f", (rhosall[rownames(rhosall) == x, ])))
+        }),
+        c("SSB", "fraction unfished")
       label = c("RetroSsb", "RetroFractionunfished"),
       filein = file.path("..", retro_dir, c("compare2_spawnbio_uncertainty.png", "compare4_Bratio_uncertainty.png"))
diff --git a/R/get_settings.R b/R/get_settings.R
index c4926ce..13a2b94 100644
--- a/R/get_settings.R
+++ b/R/get_settings.R
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
 #' get_settings(list("Njitter" = 10))
 get_settings <- function(settings = NULL, verbose = FALSE) {
   if (is.vector(settings)) settings <- as.list(settings)
   Settings_all <- list(
@@ -91,10 +90,11 @@ get_settings <- function(settings = NULL, verbose = FALSE) {
   if ("profile" %in% Settings_all[["run"]]) {
-    if (Settings_all[["verbose"]]){
+    if (Settings_all[["verbose"]]) {
         mydir = mydir,
-        model_settings = Settings_all)
+        model_settings = Settings_all
+      )
diff --git a/R/get_settings_profile.R b/R/get_settings_profile.R
index 2f8196e..6b01c59 100644
--- a/R/get_settings_profile.R
+++ b/R/get_settings_profile.R
@@ -61,10 +61,10 @@
 #' # Define each parameter in real space
 #' get_settings_profile(
 #'   parameters = c("NatM_uniform_Fem_GP_1", "SR_BH_steep", "SR_LN(R0)"),
-#'    						 low =  c(0.02, 0.25, 8),
-#'    						 high = c(0.07, 1.0,  11),
-#'    						 step_size = c(0.005, 0.05, 0.25),
-#'    						 param_space = c('real', 'real', 'real')
+#'   low = c(0.02, 0.25, 8),
+#'   high = c(0.07, 1.0, 11),
+#'   step_size = c(0.005, 0.05, 0.25),
+#'   param_space = c("real", "real", "real")
 #' )
 #' # Example 2: Run a profile for natural mortality one with the prior likelihood and one without
@@ -83,7 +83,6 @@ get_settings_profile <- function(parameters = c("NatM_uniform_Fem_GP_1", "SR_BH_
                                  step_size = c(0.01, 0.05, 0.25),
                                  param_space = c("multiplier", "real", "relative"),
                                  use_prior_like = lifecycle::deprecated()) {
   if (length(parameters) != length(low) |
     length(parameters) != length(high) |
     length(parameters) != length(step_size) |
diff --git a/R/get_summary.R b/R/get_summary.R
index e80847c..72e5377 100644
--- a/R/get_summary.R
+++ b/R/get_summary.R
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
 #' @export
 get_summary <- function(mydir, para, vec, profilemodels, profilesummary) {
   # Need to identify a way to determine if a model estimates male growth parameters as offsets from females
   # get output
diff --git a/R/jitter_wrapper.R b/R/jitter_wrapper.R
index f114113..562e1a2 100644
--- a/R/jitter_wrapper.R
+++ b/R/jitter_wrapper.R
@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@
 jitter_wrapper <- function(mydir, model_settings) {
   output <- run_jitter(
     mydir = mydir,
-    model_settings = model_settings)
+    model_settings = model_settings
+  )
     mydir = mydir,
     model_settings = model_settings,
diff --git a/R/plot_jitter.R b/R/plot_jitter.R
index aef6e20..4312907 100644
--- a/R/plot_jitter.R
+++ b/R/plot_jitter.R
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ plot_jitter <- function(mydir, model_settings, output) {
   pngfun(wd = jitter_dir, file = "jitter.png", h = 12, w = 9)
   on.exit(grDevices::dev.off(), add = TRUE)
   plot(keys, like - est,
-       ylim = c(ymin, ymax), cex.axis = 1.25, cex.lab = 1.25,
-       ylab = ylab, xlab = xlab
+    ylim = c(ymin, ymax), cex.axis = 1.25, cex.lab = 1.25,
+    ylab = ylab, xlab = xlab
   graphics::abline(h = 0, col = "darkgrey", lwd = 2)
   find <- which(est == like)
@@ -43,16 +43,16 @@ plot_jitter <- function(mydir, model_settings, output) {
-                   legend = c("Base Model Likelihood", "Higher Likelihood", "Lower Likelihood"),
-                   bty = "n", pch = 16, col = c("green3", "blue", "red")
+    legend = c("Base Model Likelihood", "Higher Likelihood", "Lower Likelihood"),
+    bty = "n", pch = 16, col = c("green3", "blue", "red")
   if (ymax > 100) {
     pngfun(wd = jitter_dir, file = "jitter_zoomed.png", h = 12, w = 9)
     on.exit(grDevices::dev.off(), add = TRUE)
     plot(keys, like - est,
-         ylim = c(ymin, 100), cex.axis = 1.25, cex.lab = 1.25,
-         ylab = ylab, xlab = xlab
+      ylim = c(ymin, 100), cex.axis = 1.25, cex.lab = 1.25,
+      ylab = ylab, xlab = xlab
     graphics::abline(h = 0, col = "darkgrey", lwd = 2)
     find <- which(est == like)
@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ plot_jitter <- function(mydir, model_settings, output) {
-                     legend = c("Base Model Likelihood", "Higher Likelihood", "Lower Likelihood"),
-                     bty = "n", pch = 16, col = c("green3", "blue", "red")
+      legend = c("Base Model Likelihood", "Higher Likelihood", "Lower Likelihood"),
+      bty = "n", pch = 16, col = c("green3", "blue", "red")
diff --git a/R/plot_retro.R b/R/plot_retro.R
index a7960d3..b960337 100644
--- a/R/plot_retro.R
+++ b/R/plot_retro.R
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 #' @export
-plot_retro <- function(mydir,  model_settings, output) {
+plot_retro <- function(mydir, model_settings, output) {
   retro_dir <- output[["plotdir"]]
   endyrvec <- output[["endyrvec"]]
   retroSummary <- output[["retroSummary"]]
@@ -30,9 +30,10 @@ plot_retro <- function(mydir,  model_settings, output) {
     endyrvec = endyrvec,
     legendlabels = c(
       "Base Model",
-      sprintf("Data %.0f year%s",
-              model_settings[["retro_yrs"]],
-              ifelse(abs(model_settings[["retro_yrs"]]) == 1, "", "s")
+      sprintf(
+        "Data %.0f year%s",
+        model_settings[["retro_yrs"]],
+        ifelse(abs(model_settings[["retro_yrs"]]) == 1, "", "s")
     btarg = model_settings[["btarg"]],
@@ -64,13 +65,15 @@ plot_retro <- function(mydir,  model_settings, output) {
       function(x) {
           "Base Model",
-          sprintf("Data %.0f year%s (Revised Mohn's rho %.2f)",
-                  model_settings[["retro_yrs"]],
-                  ifelse(abs(model_settings[["retro_yrs"]]) == 1, "", "s"),
-                  rhosall[rownames(rhosall) == x, ]
+          sprintf(
+            "Data %.0f year%s (Revised Mohn's rho %.2f)",
+            model_settings[["retro_yrs"]],
+            ifelse(abs(model_settings[["retro_yrs"]]) == 1, "", "s"),
+            rhosall[rownames(rhosall) == x, ]
-      })
+      }
+    )
@@ -78,9 +81,10 @@ plot_retro <- function(mydir,  model_settings, output) {
     endyrvec = endyrvec,
     legendlabels = c(
       "Base Model",
-      sprintf("Data %.0f year%s",
-              model_settings[["retro_yrs"]],
-              ifelse(abs(model_settings[["retro_yrs"]]) == 1, "", "s")
+      sprintf(
+        "Data %.0f year%s",
+        model_settings[["retro_yrs"]],
+        ifelse(abs(model_settings[["retro_yrs"]]) == 1, "", "s")
     btarg = model_settings[["btarg"]],
@@ -113,20 +117,22 @@ plot_retro <- function(mydir,  model_settings, output) {
       function(x) {
           "Base Model",
-          sprintf("Data %.0f year%s (Revised Mohn's rho %.2f)",
-                  model_settings[["retro_yrs"]],
-                  ifelse(abs(model_settings[["retro_yrs"]]) == 1, "", "s"),
-                  rhosall[rownames(rhosall) == x, ]
+          sprintf(
+            "Data %.0f year%s (Revised Mohn's rho %.2f)",
+            model_settings[["retro_yrs"]],
+            ifelse(abs(model_settings[["retro_yrs"]]) == 1, "", "s"),
+            rhosall[rownames(rhosall) == x, ]
-      })
+      }
+    )
   label <- ifelse(
     retroSummary[["SpawnOutputUnits"]][1] == "biomass",
     "Spawning Biomass",
     "Spawning Output"
-    )
+  )
   n <- ncol(retroSummary[["SpawnBio"]]) - 2
   years <- retroSummary[["startyrs"]][1]:retroSummary[["endyrs"]][1] + 1
   denom <- paste0("model", 1:n)
@@ -169,10 +175,11 @@ plot_retro <- function(mydir,  model_settings, output) {
   col_names <- c("Yr", "Reference_Point", paste0("per_diff_model", 1:n))
   df <- rbind(
-    sb[ , colnames(sb) %in% col_names],
+    sb[, colnames(sb) %in% col_names],
     bratio[, colnames(bratio) %in% col_names],
-    f[ , colnames(f) %in% col_names],
-    rec[, colnames(rec) %in% col_names]) |>
+    f[, colnames(f) %in% col_names],
+    rec[, colnames(rec) %in% col_names]
+  ) |>
       cols = starts_with("per_diff_model"),
       names_to = "model",
@@ -181,18 +188,18 @@ plot_retro <- function(mydir,  model_settings, output) {
   df_out <- NULL
   y <- years
-  for (a in 1:n){
+  for (a in 1:n) {
     col_name <- paste0("per_diff_model", a)
     df_out <- rbind(df_out, df[df[["Yr"]] %in% y & df[["model"]] %in% col_name, ])
-    if (a == 1){
+    if (a == 1) {
       df_out[["model"]][df_out[["model"]] == col_name] <- "Base Model"
     } else {
-      df_out[["model"]][df_out[["model"]] == col_name] <- paste0("Retro -", a-1)
+      df_out[["model"]][df_out[["model"]] == col_name] <- paste0("Retro -", a - 1)
     y <- y - 1
   colnames(df_out)[colnames(df_out) == "model"] <- "Run"
-  leg_order <- c("Base Model", paste0("Retro -", 1:(length(endyrvec) -1)))
+  leg_order <- c("Base Model", paste0("Retro -", 1:(length(endyrvec) - 1)))
   df_out[["Run"]] <- factor(df_out[["Run"]], levels = leg_order)
   xrange <- c(ifelse(min(df_out[["Yr"]]) < 1980, 1980, min(df_out[["Yr"]])), max(df_out[["Yr"]]))
   find <- df_out |>
@@ -205,27 +212,28 @@ plot_retro <- function(mydir,  model_settings, output) {
   ggplot2::ggplot(df_out, ggplot2::aes(x = Yr, y = diff, col = Run)) +
     ggplot2::geom_line() +
     ggplot2::geom_point() +
-    #ylim(yrange) +
-    ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(limits = xrange, expand = c(0,0)) +
+    # ylim(yrange) +
+    ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(limits = xrange, expand = c(0, 0)) +
     ggplot2::ylab("% Differece from Base Model") +
     ggplot2::xlab("Year") +
     ggplot2::scale_colour_viridis_d() +
     ggplot2::theme_bw(base_size = 15) +
-    ggplot2::facet_wrap("Reference_Point", scales = 'free_y')
+    ggplot2::facet_wrap("Reference_Point", scales = "free_y")
   ggplot2::ggsave(filename = file.path(retro_dir, "retro_percent_difference_4_panel.png"), width = 10, height = 12)
-  sub_out <- df_out[df_out[["Reference_Point"]] != "Recruits",]
+  sub_out <- df_out[df_out[["Reference_Point"]] != "Recruits", ]
   find <- sub_out |>
     dplyr::filter(Yr >= xrange[1]) |>
-      bound = abs(max(diff)))
+      bound = abs(max(diff))
+    )
   yrange <- c(-1 * find[["bound"]] - 5, find[["bound"]] + 5)
   ggplot2::ggplot(sub_out, ggplot2::aes(x = Yr, y = diff, col = Run)) +
     ggplot2::geom_line() +
     ggplot2::geom_point() +
     ggplot2::ylim(yrange) +
-    ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(limits = xrange, expand = c(0,0)) +
+    ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(limits = xrange, expand = c(0, 0)) +
     ggplot2::ylab("% Differece from Base Model") +
     ggplot2::xlab("Year") +
     ggplot2::scale_colour_viridis_d() +
@@ -233,7 +241,7 @@ plot_retro <- function(mydir,  model_settings, output) {
     ggplot2::facet_wrap("Reference_Point", ncol = 1, nrow = 3)
   ggplot2::ggsave(filename = file.path(retro_dir, "retro_percent_difference_3_panel.png"), width = 10, height = 12)
-  endyrvec_long <- (min(endyrvec)-5):max(endyrvec)
+  endyrvec_long <- (min(endyrvec) - 5):max(endyrvec)
   pngfun(wd = retro_dir, file = "recruitment_retrospective_squid.png", h = 7, w = 7)
     retroSummary = retroSummary,
diff --git a/R/profile_plot.R b/R/profile_plot.R
index 22f7c13..bfa7232 100644
--- a/R/profile_plot.R
+++ b/R/profile_plot.R
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
 #' @seealso [profile_wrapper] and [rerun_profile_vals] call `plot_profile`.
 plot_profile <- function(mydir, rep, para, profilesummary) {
   label <- ifelse(para == "SR_LN(R0)", expression(log(italic(R)[0])),
     ifelse(para %in% c("NatM_p_1_Fem_GP_1", "NatM_uniform_Fem_GP_1"), "Natural Mortality (female)",
       ifelse(para %in% c("NatM_p_1_Mal_GP_1", "NatM_uniform_Mal_GP_1"), "Natural Mortality (male)",
@@ -46,7 +45,7 @@ plot_profile <- function(mydir, rep, para, profilesummary) {
   like_comp <- unique(profilesummary[["likelihoods_by_fleet"]][["Label"]][
       -grep("_lambda", profilesummary[["likelihoods_by_fleet"]][["Label"]]),
-      -grep("_N_use",  profilesummary[["likelihoods_by_fleet"]][["Label"]]),
+      -grep("_N_use", profilesummary[["likelihoods_by_fleet"]][["Label"]]),
       -grep("_N_skip", profilesummary[["likelihoods_by_fleet"]][["Label"]])
@@ -144,7 +143,8 @@ plot_profile <- function(mydir, rep, para, profilesummary) {
   like <- as.numeric(profilesummary[["likelihoods"]][profilesummary[["likelihoods"]][["Label"]] == "TOTAL", n] -
     ifelse(starter[["prior_like"]] == 0,
       profilesummary[["likelihoods"]][profilesummary[["likelihoods"]][["Label"]] == "Parm_priors", n],
-      0) -
+      0
+    ) -
     rep[["likelihoods_used"]][1, 1])
   ylike <- c(min(like) + ifelse(min(like) != 0, -0.5, 0), max(like))
@@ -172,23 +172,29 @@ plot_profile <- function(mydir, rep, para, profilesummary) {
   plot(x, depl, type = "l", lwd = 2, xlab = label, ylab = expression("Fraction Unfished"[final]), ylim = c(0, 1.2))
   points(est, depl_est, pch = 21, col = "black", bg = "blue", cex = 1.5)
   abline(h = c(btarg, thresh), lty = c(2, 2), col = c("darkgreen", "red"))
-  if(btarg > 0){
+  if (btarg > 0) {
-           legend = c("Management target", "Minimum stock size threshold"),
-           lty = 2, col = c("darkgreen", "red"), bty = "n"
+      legend = c("Management target", "Minimum stock size threshold"),
+      lty = 2, col = c("darkgreen", "red"), bty = "n"
   # parameter vs. SB0
-  plot(x, sb0, type = "l", lwd = 2, xlab = label,
+  plot(x, sb0,
+    type = "l", lwd = 2, xlab = label,
     ylab = ifelse(profilesummary[["SpawnOutputUnits"]][1] == "numbers",
-      expression(SO[0]), expression(SB[0])), ylim = c(0, max(sb0)))
+      expression(SO[0]), expression(SB[0])
+    ), ylim = c(0, max(sb0))
+  )
   points(est, sb0_est, pch = 21, col = "black", bg = "blue", cex = 1.5)
   # parameter vs. SBfinal
-  plot(x, sbf, type = "l", lwd = 2, xlab = label,
+  plot(x, sbf,
+    type = "l", lwd = 2, xlab = label,
     ylab = ifelse(profilesummary[["SpawnOutputUnits"]][1] == "numbers",
-      expression(SO[final]), expression(SB[final])), ylim = c(0, max(sbf)))
+      expression(SO[final]), expression(SB[final])
+    ), ylim = c(0, max(sbf))
+  )
   points(est, sbf_est, pch = 21, col = "black", bg = "blue", cex = 1.5)
   # Create the sb and depl trajectories plot
diff --git a/R/profile_wrapper.R b/R/profile_wrapper.R
index 0b3ea26..0109ce3 100644
--- a/R/profile_wrapper.R
+++ b/R/profile_wrapper.R
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
 #' @export
 profile_wrapper <- function(mydir, model_settings) {
   N <- nrow(model_settings$profile_details)
   for (aa in 1:N) {
diff --git a/R/rerun_profile_vals.R b/R/rerun_profile_vals.R
index fdb2433..0718c59 100644
--- a/R/rerun_profile_vals.R
+++ b/R/rerun_profile_vals.R
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 #'     run = c("profile"),
 #'     profile_details = get_settings_profile(
 #'       parameters = c("NatM_uniform_Fem_GP_1"),
-#'       low =  c(0.20),
+#'       low = c(0.20),
 #'       high = c(0.25),
 #'       step_size = c(0.02),
 #'       param_space = c("multiplier")
@@ -56,11 +56,11 @@
 #' rerun_profile_vals(
 #'   mydir = temp_profile_dir,
 #'   model_settings = model_settings,
-#'   para_name =  "NatM_uniform_Fem_GP_1",
+#'   para_name = "NatM_uniform_Fem_GP_1",
 #'   run_num = c(1),
 #'   data_file_nm = "data.ss"
 #' )
+#' }
 rerun_profile_vals <- function(mydir,
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ rerun_profile_vals <- function(mydir,
   para <- para_name
-  profile_dir <-  paste(mydir, "profile", para_name, sep = "_")
+  profile_dir <- paste(mydir, "profile", para_name, sep = "_")
   temp_dir <- file.path(profile_dir, "temp")
   dir.create(temp_dir, showWarnings = FALSE)
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ rerun_profile_vals <- function(mydir,
   # Use the SS_parlines function to ensure that the input parameter can be found
   check_para <- r4ss::SS_parlines(
-    ctlfile =  model_settings$oldctlfile,
+    ctlfile = model_settings$oldctlfile,
     dir = temp_dir,
     verbose = FALSE,
     active = FALSE
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ rerun_profile_vals <- function(mydir,
     if (like >= like_check[i]) {
       for (ii in 1:5) {
         starter <- r4ss::SS_readstarter(file = file.path(temp_dir, "starter.ss"))
-        if (ii == 1){
+        if (ii == 1) {
           starter$jitter_fraction <- 0.01
         } else {
           starter$jitter_fraction <- add + starter$jitter_fraction
diff --git a/R/retro_wrapper.R b/R/retro_wrapper.R
index 882b434..edb489f 100644
--- a/R/retro_wrapper.R
+++ b/R/retro_wrapper.R
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 #' @export
-retro_wrapper <- function(mydir,  model_settings) {
+retro_wrapper <- function(mydir, model_settings) {
   output <- run_retro(
     mydir = mydir,
     model_settings = model_settings
@@ -55,5 +55,5 @@ retro_wrapper <- function(mydir,  model_settings) {
     model_settings = model_settings,
     output = output
-	cli::cli_inform("Finished retrospective runs.")
+  cli::cli_inform("Finished retrospective runs.")
diff --git a/R/run_diagnostics.R b/R/run_diagnostics.R
index dd2d4fe..758d051 100644
--- a/R/run_diagnostics.R
+++ b/R/run_diagnostics.R
@@ -12,10 +12,9 @@
 #' @export
 run_diagnostics <- function(mydir, model_settings) {
   exe <- r4ss::check_exe(exe = model_settings$exe, dir = file.path(mydir, model_settings[["base_name"]]))[["exe"]]
   model_settings[["exe"]] <- exe
-  '%>%' <- magrittr::'%>%'
+  "%>%" <- magrittr::"%>%"
   # Check for Report file
   model_dir <- file.path(mydir, paste0(model_settings[["base_name"]]))
diff --git a/R/run_profile.R b/R/run_profile.R
index d0916a8..4bc8550 100644
--- a/R/run_profile.R
+++ b/R/run_profile.R
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
 #' @export
 run_profile <- function(mydir, model_settings, para) {
   # Create a profile folder with the same naming structure as the base model
   # Add a label to show if prior was used or not
   profile_dir <- file.path(mydir, paste0(model_settings[["base_name"]], "_profile_", para))
@@ -77,7 +76,7 @@ run_profile <- function(mydir, model_settings, para) {
   # Use the SS_parlines function to ensure that the input parameter can be found
   check_para <- r4ss::SS_parlines(
-    ctlfile =  model_settings[["oldctlfile"]],
+    ctlfile = model_settings[["oldctlfile"]],
     dir = profile_dir,
     verbose = FALSE,
     version = model_settings[["version"]],
@@ -90,8 +89,10 @@ run_profile <- function(mydir, model_settings, para) {
   # Copy oldctlfile to newctlfile before modifying it
-  file.copy(file.path(profile_dir, model_settings[["oldctlfile"]]),
-            file.path(profile_dir, model_settings[["newctlfile"]]))
+  file.copy(
+    file.path(profile_dir, model_settings[["oldctlfile"]]),
+    file.path(profile_dir, model_settings[["newctlfile"]])
+  )
   # Change the control file name in the starter file
   starter <- r4ss::SS_readstarter(file = file.path(profile_dir, "starter.ss"))
@@ -153,28 +154,37 @@ run_profile <- function(mydir, model_settings, para) {
   # backup original control.ss_new file for use in second half of profile
   file.copy(file.path(profile_dir, model_settings[["oldctlfile"]]),
-            file.path(profile_dir, "backup_oldctlfile.ss"),
-            overwrite = model_settings$overwrite)
+    file.path(profile_dir, "backup_oldctlfile.ss"),
+    overwrite = model_settings$overwrite
+  )
   # backup original par file for use in second half of profile
   # if usepar = TRUE
   file.copy(file.path(profile_dir, "ss.par"),
-            file.path(profile_dir, "backup_ss.par"),
-            overwrite = model_settings[["overwrite"]])
+    file.path(profile_dir, "backup_ss.par"),
+    overwrite = model_settings[["overwrite"]]
+  )
   # loop over down, then up
   for (iprofile in 1:2) {
-    whichruns <- which(vec %in% if(iprofile == 1){low} else {high})
+    whichruns <- which(vec %in% if (iprofile == 1) {
+      low
+    } else {
+      high
+    })
     if (!is.null(model_settings[["whichruns"]])) {
       whichruns <- intersect(model_settings[["whichruns"]], whichruns)
     if (iprofile == 2) {
       # copy backup back to use in second half of profile
-      file.copy(file.path(profile_dir, "backup_oldctlfile.ss"),
-                file.path(profile_dir, model_settings[["oldctlfile"]]))
+      file.copy(
+        file.path(profile_dir, "backup_oldctlfile.ss"),
+        file.path(profile_dir, model_settings[["oldctlfile"]])
+      )
       # copy backup back to use in second half of profile
       file.copy(file.path(profile_dir, "backup_ss.par"),
-                file.path(profile_dir, "ss.par"),
-                overwrite = model_settings[["overwrite"]])
+        file.path(profile_dir, "ss.par"),
+        overwrite = model_settings[["overwrite"]]
+      )
     profile <- r4ss::profile(
       dir = profile_dir,
@@ -204,7 +214,7 @@ run_profile <- function(mydir, model_settings, para) {
   profilemodels <- r4ss::SSgetoutput(dirvec = profile_dir, keyvec = num)
   profilesummary <- r4ss::SSsummarize(biglist = profilemodels)
-  if(!is.null(model_settings[["btarg"]])){
+  if (!is.null(model_settings[["btarg"]])) {
     profilesummary[["btarg"]] <- model_settings[["btarg"]]
     profilesummary[["minbthresh"]] <- model_settings[["minbthresh"]]
diff --git a/R/run_retro.R b/R/run_retro.R
index 9f8a475..a955b2b 100644
--- a/R/run_retro.R
+++ b/R/run_retro.R
@@ -40,9 +40,8 @@
 #' @export
-run_retro <- function(mydir,  model_settings) {
-  if(!file.exists(file.path(mydir, model_settings[["base_name"]], "Report.sso"))) {
+run_retro <- function(mydir, model_settings) {
+  if (!file.exists(file.path(mydir, model_settings[["base_name"]], "Report.sso"))) {
     base <- model_settings[["base_name"]]
     cli::cli_abort("There is no Report.sso file in the base model directory {file.path(mydir, base}")
@@ -50,7 +49,7 @@ run_retro <- function(mydir,  model_settings) {
   # Create a jitter folder with the same naming structure as the base model
   retro_dir <- file.path(mydir, paste0(model_settings[["base_name"]], "_retro_", length(model_settings[["retro_yrs"]]), "_yr_peel"))
   dir.create(retro_dir, showWarnings = FALSE)
-  all_files = list.files(file.path(mydir, model_settings[["base_name"]]))
+  all_files <- list.files(file.path(mydir, model_settings[["base_name"]]))
   ignore <- file.copy(
     from = file.path(mydir, model_settings[["base_name"]], all_files),
     to = retro_dir,
@@ -73,11 +72,11 @@ run_retro <- function(mydir,  model_settings) {
   ignore <- file.remove(from = file.path(retro_dir, all_files))
   runs <- list()
-  for(aa in 1:(length(model_settings[["retro_yrs"]]) + 1)) {
+  for (aa in 1:(length(model_settings[["retro_yrs"]]) + 1)) {
     if (aa == 1) {
       runs[[aa]] <- r4ss::SS_output(dir = file.path(mydir, model_settings[["base_name"]]), verbose = FALSE, printstats = FALSE)
     } else {
-      tmp = file.path(retro_dir, model_settings[["newsubdir"]], paste0("retro", model_settings[["retro_yrs"]][aa-1]))
+      tmp <- file.path(retro_dir, model_settings[["newsubdir"]], paste0("retro", model_settings[["retro_yrs"]][aa - 1]))
       runs[[aa]] <- r4ss::SS_output(dir = tmp, verbose = FALSE, printstats = FALSE)
diff --git a/man/get_settings_profile.Rd b/man/get_settings_profile.Rd
index 4b42811..12dc120 100644
--- a/man/get_settings_profile.Rd
+++ b/man/get_settings_profile.Rd
@@ -81,10 +81,10 @@ any of the options for specifying a parameter range for any parameter.
 # Define each parameter in real space
   parameters = c("NatM_uniform_Fem_GP_1", "SR_BH_steep", "SR_LN(R0)"),
-   						 low =  c(0.02, 0.25, 8),
-   						 high = c(0.07, 1.0,  11),
-   						 step_size = c(0.005, 0.05, 0.25),
-   						 param_space = c('real', 'real', 'real')
+  low = c(0.02, 0.25, 8),
+  high = c(0.07, 1.0, 11),
+  step_size = c(0.005, 0.05, 0.25),
+  param_space = c("real", "real", "real")
 # Example 2: Run a profile for natural mortality one with the prior likelihood and one without
diff --git a/man/rerun_profile_vals.Rd b/man/rerun_profile_vals.Rd
index a35f2dc..d6552d5 100644
--- a/man/rerun_profile_vals.Rd
+++ b/man/rerun_profile_vals.Rd
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ model_settings <- get_settings(
     run = c("profile"),
     profile_details = get_settings_profile(
       parameters = c("NatM_uniform_Fem_GP_1"),
-      low =  c(0.20),
+      low = c(0.20),
       high = c(0.25),
       step_size = c(0.02),
       param_space = c("multiplier")
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ run_diagnostics(
   mydir = temp_profile_dir,
   model_settings = model_settings,
-  para_name =  "NatM_uniform_Fem_GP_1",
+  para_name = "NatM_uniform_Fem_GP_1",
   run_num = c(1),
   data_file_nm = "data.ss"
diff --git a/tests/testthat.R b/tests/testthat.R
index 03c1bc6..b284012 100644
--- a/tests/testthat.R
+++ b/tests/testthat.R
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-runs.R b/tests/testthat/test-runs.R
index 621e185..7ae6717 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-runs.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-runs.R
@@ -15,84 +15,96 @@ on.exit(unlink(tmp_path, recursive = TRUE))
 test_path <- file.path(runs_path, "simple_small")
 skip_test <- TRUE
-if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
-	if (file.exists(file.path(test_path, "ss3.exe"))) {
-		skip_test <- FALSE
-	}
+if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
+  if (file.exists(file.path(test_path, "ss3.exe"))) {
+    skip_test <- FALSE
+  }
-if(.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
-	if (file.exists(file.path(test_path, "ss3"))) {
-		skip_test <- FALSE
-	}
+if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
+  if (file.exists(file.path(test_path, "ss3"))) {
+    skip_test <- FALSE
+  }
 test_that("Do profile using the simple model", {
   path <- file.path(runs_path)
-	get <- get_settings_profile(
-	  parameters =  c("NatM_uniform_Fem_GP_1", "SR_BH_steep", "SR_LN(R0)"),
-		low =  c(0.20, 0.40, -0.5),
-		high = c(0.20, 1.0,  0.5),
-		step_size = c(0.01, 0.2, 0.25),
-		param_space = c('multiplier', 'real', 'relative'))
-	model_settings <- get_settings(
-	  settings = list(
-	    base_name = "simple_small",
-		  run = c("profile"),
-		  profile_details = get )
-	  )
-	run_diagnostics(mydir = path, model_settings = model_settings)
-	profile_para <- c("NatM_uniform_Fem_GP_1", "SR_BH_steep", "SR_LN(R0)")
-	check <- 0
-	for (a in 1:length(profile_para)){
-		check <- check +
-			as.numeric(
-				file.exists(
-					file.path(path,
-						paste0(model_settings$base_name, "_profile_",
-						profile_para[a]),
-						paste0(profile_para[a], "_quant_table.csv")))
-			)
-	}
-	expect_true(check == length(profile_para))
+  get <- get_settings_profile(
+    parameters = c("NatM_uniform_Fem_GP_1", "SR_BH_steep", "SR_LN(R0)"),
+    low = c(0.20, 0.40, -0.5),
+    high = c(0.20, 1.0, 0.5),
+    step_size = c(0.01, 0.2, 0.25),
+    param_space = c("multiplier", "real", "relative")
+  )
+  model_settings <- get_settings(
+    settings = list(
+      base_name = "simple_small",
+      run = c("profile"),
+      profile_details = get
+    )
+  )
+  run_diagnostics(mydir = path, model_settings = model_settings)
+  profile_para <- c("NatM_uniform_Fem_GP_1", "SR_BH_steep", "SR_LN(R0)")
+  check <- 0
+  for (a in 1:length(profile_para)) {
+    check <- check +
+      as.numeric(
+        file.exists(
+          file.path(
+            path,
+            paste0(
+              model_settings$base_name, "_profile_",
+              profile_para[a]
+            ),
+            paste0(profile_para[a], "_quant_table.csv")
+          )
+        )
+      )
+  }
+  expect_true(check == length(profile_para))
 test_that("Do jitters using the simple model", {
   path <- file.path(runs_path)
-	model_settings <- get_settings(
-	  settings = list(base_name = "simple_small",
-		run = c("jitter"),
-		Njitter = 3))
+  model_settings <- get_settings(
+    settings = list(
+      base_name = "simple_small",
+      run = c("jitter"),
+      Njitter = 3
+    )
+  )
-	run_diagnostics(mydir = path, model_settings = model_settings)
+  run_diagnostics(mydir = path, model_settings = model_settings)
-	jitter_folder <- file.path(
-	  path,
-    paste0(model_settings$base_name, "_jitter_", model_settings$jitter_fraction))
+  jitter_folder <- file.path(
+    path,
+    paste0(model_settings$base_name, "_jitter_", model_settings$jitter_fraction)
+  )
-	expect_true(file.exists(file.path(jitter_folder, "jitter_results.csv")))
+  expect_true(file.exists(file.path(jitter_folder, "jitter_results.csv")))
 test_that("Do retrospectives using the simple model", {
   path <- file.path(runs_path)
-	model_settings <- get_settings(
-	  settings = list(base_name = "simple_small",
-		run = c("retro"),
-		retro_yrs = -1:-2))
+  model_settings <- get_settings(
+    settings = list(
+      base_name = "simple_small",
+      run = c("retro"),
+      retro_yrs = -1:-2
+    )
+  )
-	run_diagnostics(mydir = path, model_settings = model_settings)
+  run_diagnostics(mydir = path, model_settings = model_settings)
   n <- length(model_settings$retro_yrs)
-	check <- file.exists(
-	  file.path(path, paste0(model_settings$base_name, "_retro_", n, "_yr_peel"), "mohnsrho.csv"))
-	expect_true(check)
+  check <- file.exists(
+    file.path(path, paste0(model_settings$base_name, "_retro_", n, "_yr_peel"), "mohnsrho.csv")
+  )
+  expect_true(check)