- Complete these user stories:
As a vanilla git power-user that has never seen GiggleGit before, I want to… understand what GiggleGit provides in respect to vanilla git and learn to use it efficiently.
As a team lead onboarding an experienced GiggleGit user, I want to… quickly onboard my team and provide details on advanced GiggleGit features that will be used.
- Create a third user story, one task for this user story, and two associated tickets. As a new user that has never used GiggleGit nor vanilla Git, I want to easily navigate through the important documentations to get started.
task: increase accessibility and decrease complexity of navigation
ticket 1: Implement in-page hyperlinks in documentation add links on important keywords that will take the user to relevant information
ticket 2: prominant "getting started" section in the homepage add a clearly visible and easily accessible "Getting Started" section on the homepage that directs new users to the documentation for setting up and using GiggleGit.
- This is not a user story. Why not? What is it? this is not a user story because the story is extremely vague: it doesn't tell me what kind of user it is, and doesn't give me an idea of why they want to able to authenticate on a new machine.
this is more of a request for a feature/benefit.