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shod - shod window manager
shod [-bg] [-f buttons] [-m modifier] [-r buttons]
shod is an hybrid (tiling and floating) window manager for X11. shod is controlled by responding to client messages with EWMH hints and regular ICCCM events, and by using a specified modifier with the mouse pointer.
The options are as follows:
If this option is set, shod ignores borders when a single window is maximized on the screen. By default, borders are always drawn, except on fullscreen windows. -
-f buttons
Specify which mouse buttons can be used to focus a window when clicking on it. The buttons string is a string of numbers 1 to 5 that specify the mouse buttons 1 to 5. For example, -f 13 make windows be focused when clicking on them with the mouse buttons 1 and 3 (the left and the right mouse buttons, respectively). Without this option, no mouse button is used to focus window, and Shod uses the focus-follow-cursor focusing style. -
If this option is set, shod ignores gaps when a single window is maximized on the screen. By default, gaps are always computed when tiling windows. -
-m modifier
Specify which modifier, from Mod1 to Mod5 is used to move and resize windows with the mouse pointer. -
-r buttons
Specify which mouse buttons can be used to raise a window when clicking on it. The buttons string is a string of numbers 1 to 5 that specify the mouse buttons 1 to 5. For example, -r 13 make windows be raised when clicking on them with the mouse buttons 1 and 3 (the left and the right mouse buttons, respectively). Without this option, all mouse buttons raise windows.
The desktop is made up of a set of monitors and a set of hidden windows. One of the monitors is the focused one, where new windows go to when they are created. Hidden windows do not belong to any monitor. When a hidden window is unhidden, it goes to the focused monitor.
shod maintains one monitor for each physical monitor found by Xinerama(1). Each monitor is made up of a set of workspaces and a set of sticky windows. One of the workspaces of a monitor is the focused workspace for that monitor. Sticky windows are windows that do not belong to any workspace, instead, they are "sticked" to the monitor, and they appear on the screen no matter which workspace is shown for that monitor.
shod maintains one set of workspaces for each monitor. Each workspace is made up of a set of columns, where tiled windows belong to, and a set of floating windows. The currently focused workspace of a given monitor contains the windows that are shown on that monitor together with that monitor's sticky windows.
shod maintains a set of columns for each workspace. Columns are created on the fly, when windows are tiled or when tiled windows are moved around via configure request events. Each column contains a set of tiled windows that are tiled in a vertical fashion, one above the other. The columns are displayed one next to the other.
Shod has several ways of manipulating windows. See the section EXAMPLES for examples on how to use wmctrl(1) and wmutils(1) for controling shod.
The main method for controling windows is the mouse.
The -f buttons specifies which mouse buttons can be used to focus a window when clicking on it. If this option is not used, the focus follow the mouse pointer.
The -r buttons specifies which mouse buttons can be used to raise a window when clicking on it. If this option is not used, clicking on a window with any mouse button raises it.
Pressing the modifier key specified by the -m option and dragging a window with the Button 1 (the left mouse button) will move that window. By default, the modifier is Mod1 (which is normally Alt).
Pressing the modifier key specified by the -m option and dragging a window corner with the Button 3 (the right mouse button) will resize that window in the direction of the corner. By default, the modifier is Mod1 (which is normally Alt). Resizing windows can also be performed by dragging a window border with the Button 1.
The wmctrl(1) utility can be used to set window properties, and shod respects and sets those properties in different ways. For example, running the following command toggles the sticky option on the active window.
$ wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b toggle,sticky
If the sticky property is set on a window, this window is displayed on all workspaces of the monitor the window is in.
If the maximize_vert or maximize_horz properties are set on a window, the window is tiled. For more information for manipulating tiled windows, see the section Manipulating tiled windows below.
If the hidden property is set on a window, the window is hidden and won't be displayed on any workspace or on any monitor. After unhiding a window, the window will appear on the current workspace of the current monitor.
If the fullscreen property is set on a window, the window is maximized to fit the entire screen.
If the above property is set on a window, the window is raised above all other windows.
If the below property is set on a window, the window is lowered below all other windows.
The shaded property is ignored, since shod does not have title bars for shading windows.
shod acts upon other client messages sent to windows and to the root window. Most client messages can be sent via wmctrl(1) with a specific option. The options and the message they send are specified below. Note that what wmctrl calls “desktop” shod calls “workspace”.
A message sent with the -s NUMBER option of wmctrl(1) makes shod changes the workspace. That is, hide the windows on the current workspace and show the windows on a new workspace. If the workspace is on another monitor, shod instead move the pointer to that monitor and focus a window on it.
A message sent with the -k on or -k off options of wmctrl(1) makes shod show or hide the desktop, respectively.
A message sent with the -a WINDOW option of wmctrl(1) makes shod change the active window. That is, focus and raise the specified window.
A message sent with the -c WINDOW option of wmctrl(1) makes shod close gently the specified window.
A message sent with the -e POSITION option of wmctrl(1) makes shod change the position and geometry of the specified window.
A message sent with the -s NUMBER option of wmctrl(1) makes shod send a specified window to a specified workspace.
A message sent with the -t NUMBER option of wmctrl(1) makes shod move the specified window to the specified workspace.
shod acts upon configure request events sent to windows via utilities like wmutils' wrs(1) and wmv(1), by resizing and moving windows just as if the user have resized or moved them with the mouse. For more information, on how to do this, see the manual of these utilities.
When a window is moved from a monitor to a new monitor, that window moves from the workspace it is in to the focused workspace of the monitor it is moved to.
When a window is maximized, it is tiled by shod. A tiled window behaves differently of regular windows. The tiled windows are organized in columns. Each tiled window ocupies a row in a column.
In order to move a tiled window from one column to another just move the window left or right with wmv(1). This will move the window from its current column to the column to its left or right, or it will create a new column, if needed.
In order to move a tiled window up or down a column, just move the window up or down with wmv(1).
Resizing a tiled window with wrs(1) or with the Modifier plus the mouse button 3 will change the size of the window, the size of the column it is in, and the size of the neighboring windows.
The following environment variables affect the execution of shod
The display to start shod on.
shod understands the following X resources.
The size in pixels of the border around windows. -
The gap in pixels between the left border of the monitor and the windows. -
The gap in pixels between the right border of the monitor and the windows. -
The gap in pixels between the top border of the monitor and the windows. -
The gap in pixels between the bottom border of the monitor and the windows. -
The gap in pixels between the tiled windows. -
The color of the focused window. -
The color of the regular, non-focused windows. -
The color of urgent windows.
- 0 Success.
- >0 Error occurred.
The following is a sample invokation of shod. It uses the Mod4 modifier as modifier key (which is normally the Windows key) for resizing and moving windows, uses the Button1 (left mouse button) and Button3 (right mouse button) for focusing windows, and the Button1 for raising them. It also ignores gaps and borders when there is only a single tiled window, for optimizing the space.
$ shod -m Mod4 -f 13 -r 1 -g -b
The following is a sample configuration for X resources. It must be placed in $HOME/.Xresources or $HOME/.Xdefaults or other file called by xrdb(1). This example makes shod draw a 3 pixels wide border around windows, and a 7 pixels wide gap around and between tiled windows. It sets the color of the border of urgent windows to red; the border of the focused window to blue; and the border of regular windows to gray.
shod.borderWidth: 3
shod.gapLeft: 7
shod.gapRight: 7
shod.gapTop: 7
shod.gapBottom: 7
shod.gapInner: 7
shod.urgent: #cc0000
shod.focused: #3465a4
shod.unfocused: #555753
The following is a sample configuration for sxhkd(1), a program that binds keypresses (or key releases) to commands. This example uses wmctrl(1) for sending EWMH hints to shod. It uses wmv(1) and wrs(1) for moving and resizing windows, respectively. And it also uses pfw(1) to obtain the numeric ID of the focused window. wmv(1), wrs(1), and pfw(1) are utilities from the wmutils(1) set of window manipulation utilities.
# Start terminal (urxvt)
mod4 + Enter
# Killing windows
mod4 + shift + q
wmctrl -ic $(pfw)
# Workspace
mod4 + {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0}
wmctrl -s {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
mod4 + shift + {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0}
wmctrl -ir $(pfw) -t {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
# Resize/move windows
mod4 + {c, v, shift + c, shift + v}
wrs {-25 0, 0 -25, +25 0, 0 +25} $(pfw)
mod4 + shift + {h, j, k, l}
wmv {-10 0, 0 10, 0 -10, 10 0} $(pfw)
# Change window status to sticky/above/below/minimized/fullscreen/maximized
mod4 + shift + {s, a, b, z, f, m}
wmctrl -ir $(pfw) -b toggle,{sticky,above,below,hidden,fullscreen,maximized_vert}
The previous example binds the following keys to the following commands:
Mod4 + Enter
Spawns a terminal emulator window. -
Mod4 + Shift + Q
Gently closes the focused windows. -
Mod4 + <N>
Go to the N-th workspace. -
Mod4 + Shift + <N>
Send focused window to the N-th workspace. -
Mod4 + C
Shrink the focused window horizontally by 25 pixels. -
Mod4 + Shift + C
Expand the focused window horizontally by 25 pixels. -
Mod4 + V
Shrink the focused window vertically by 25 pixels. -
Mod4 + Shift + V
Expand the focused window vertically by 25 pixels. -
Mod4 + Shift + H
Move the focused window 10 pixels to the left. -
Mod4 + Shift + J
Move the focused window 10 pixels down. -
Mod4 + Shift + K
Move the focused window 10 pixels up. -
Mod4 + Shift + L
Move the focused window 10 pixels to the right. -
Mod4 + Shift + S
Make the focused window sticky; or make it normal if it was sticky. -
Mod4 + Shift + A
Raise the focused window above the others; or move it to its normal place if it was already above others. -
Mod4 + Shift + B
Lower the focused window below the others; or move it to its normal place if it was already below others. -
Mod4 + Shift + Z
Hide the focused window. -
Mod4 + Shift + F
Make the focused window fullscreen; or make it normal if it was already fullscreen. -
Mod4 + Shift + M
Tile the focused window; or make it floating if it was already tiled. -
Mod4 + Shift + U
Call theunhide.sh
script (see below).
The following is a sample script for dmenu(1). This script lists the hidden (minimized) windows and unhides the selected one. This script uses xprop(1) to obtain the X properties set by shod.
lsw() {
xprop -notype -f "_NET_CLIENT_LIST" 0x ' $0+\n' -root "_NET_CLIENT_LIST" |\
cut -d' ' -f2- |\
sed 's/, */\
ishidden() {
xprop -notype -f "_NET_WM_STATE" 32a ' $0+\n' -id "$1" "_NET_WM_STATE" |\
cut -d' ' -f2- |\
sed 's/, */\
/g' | grep -q "_NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN"
printname() {
name="$(xprop -notype -f "_NET_WM_NAME" 8s ' $0+\n' -id "$1" "_NET_WM_NAME" 2>/dev/null)"
[ "$(echo $name)" = "_NET_WM_NAME: not found." ] && name="$(xprop -notype -f "WM_NAME" 8s ' $0+\n' -id "$1" "WM_NAME" 2>/dev/null)"
echo $name |\
cut -d' ' -f2- |\
sed 's/, */\
for win in $(lsw)
ishidden $win && printf "%s: " $win && printname $win
done |\
dmenu -i -l 8 -p "unhide window:" |\
cut -d: -f1 |\
xargs wmctrl -b toggle,hidden -ir
dmenu(1), sxhkd(1), wmctrl(1), wmutils(1), xprop(1)