QR codes can be created and customized with different dot patterns, corner shapes, colors, and more. They can contain bitlinks, links to microsites, or several kinds of static data.
See the full Bitly API documentation for QR codes.
With an API client you can list the QR codes by group ID.
client = Bitly::API::Client.new(token: token)
group = client.group(guid)
qr_codes = group.qrcodes
Or with the class method
qr_codes = Bitly::API::Qrcodes.list_by_grouo(client: client, group_guid: group_guid)
If you have the id of a QR code, you can fetch it directly.
qr_code = client.qrcode(qrcode_id)
Or with the class method
group = Bitly::API::Qrcode.fetch(client: client, qrcode_id: qrcode_id)