this project gives the solution to how you can solve the parking problem easily.
Nowadays, we know that people have to face a lot of problem in big cities to park their vehicles like first find the empty space for parking, security of vehicles and it consumes a lot of time. Our project is a solution for parking.
We host the server using MQTT in which subscriber can see the empty
slots, damaged slots and occupied slots in the parking area -
It has an automatic locking system. When you park your bicycle in the empty slot then you have to create
new password using the matrix keyboard which is above the slot. -
all the required instructions are displayed in LCD display which is fixed beside the matrix keyboard.
If any slot will be damaged then a buzzer will inform the security guard and its information is also
published in mqtt hosted server. -
If you have forgotten your password then there is a master password facility also you can use it after
after showing you required proof that bicycle parked in the slot has belonged from you. -
there are separate slot of individual bicycles to avoid the falling of all bicycles in that row in which a bucycle
is fallen down at peak hour when there are overcrowding of bicycles. -
There is an automatic street light system. There is street light off in the day time. As visibility goes down then street
then street lights glow and when there is not any movement in the parking area till five minutes then street light off
as anybody approach in parking area then street lights glow automatically. there are less litting in slots also.
green led shows that the slot is empty and is in good condition and Red led shows that the slot is damaged.
Libaries to be included
1.LiquidCrystal.h - For LCD Display
2.Keypad.h - For Keypad
3.LowPower.h - For arduino sleep
-Copy whole foldor in your PC
-Open Module_1/Module_1.ino in your arduino IDE
-Download above mentioned libraries
-Connect Arduino_1(The one for Smart lock mechanism)
-Upload the code in Arduino 1
-Open Module_2/Module_2.ino in your arduino IDE
-Download above mentioned libraries
-Connect Arduino_2(The one for street light control, Empty slot display)
-Upload the code in Arduino_2
- Copy Files in MQTT Module in your PC
-Publisher and Subscriber should be connected to same server - To Publish data- Open Terminal
Execute file - To Subscribe for data - Open Terminal
Execute file