- Thanks to all contributors
- You too can contribute, even if you are not a developer.
- JAVE: Convert audio
- OkHttp: HTTP client
- ZXing: Create QR codes
- Beaglebuddy: Read ReplayGain from MP3 APE tags
- Apache Commons IO
- Apache Commons Lang
- Apache Commons Net
- coverartarchive-api: Query coverartarchive.org for covers.
- gson: Java Objects to/from JSON
- Jaudiotagger: Tag audio
- java-express: HTTP Framework based on expressjs
- jCharts: Create stats charts
- jOpenDocument: Open Document (LibreOffice / OpenOffice) support (used in tests)
- JSch: SSH support
- json-simple: JSON support (used for remote)
- lastfm-java: Query last.fm database for tags and covers
- musicbrainzws2-java: Query musicbrainz.org database for tags
- MySQL Connector: MySQL support
- sqlite-jdbc: Sqlite support
- themoviedbapi: Query themoviedb.org