It's always a trouble to input Chinese characters in Vim.
Everyone who uses Chinese Input Method knows that they have two states:
- English mode
- Chinese mode
Vim has two states, too:
- Insert mode (and similar modes)
- Non-insert mode (like normal mode or command mode)
So we have four combinations:
Vim Input method | English | Chinese |
Insert mode | :) | :) |
Non-insert mode | :) | :( |
The "Chinese / Non-insert mode" is very troublesome, your keyboard input will be intercepted by the input method and will not go into Vim.
If we can get rid of this situation, we can avoid keep hitting
or ctrl
+ space
to close input method
+ space
on macOS).
And the best way to do this is to embedded an input method in Vim.
ime.vim implements a Input Method Engine in pure VimScript. Not depends on external programs, not depends on network. After installing it, you can use it right the way.
ime.vim can be installed with Vundle or vim-plug. Please refer to their installation tutorial
Under some environment, plugin managers may not operate normally
(e.g. Windows 7 without any of git
, curl
, fetch
, wget
You can still install it manually.
ime.vim is tested under these environments:
- Vim 7.4 / Mac OS X
- Vim 8.0 / macOS Sierra
- Vim 7.4 / FreeBSD
- Vim 8.0 / FreeBSD
- gVim 7.3 / Windows 7
I'm a 嘸蝦米 input method user, but currently I'm unable to buy one, so I do a little survey first:
- VimIM
- It's said that it is very powerful
- It supports many kind of Chinese input methods (including cloud input methods)
- boshiamy-cue
- Light weight, but old
- vim-boshiamy
- Fork from VimIM and adjusted for 嘸蝦米
VimIM is powerful, but I have a biased view that "powerful software is fat", so I haven't try it. I want a software that just fit my need.
boshiamy-cue is very old, and it doesn't update since first version in early 2013. This plugin doesn't consider Pathogen and Vundle. Besides, 嘸蝦米 still needs word-choosing, which is a feature that boshiamy-cue unable to provide.
vim-boshiamy is a temporary workaround, it doesn't update since middle 2012.
returns the current status of ime.vim, you can show this information in yourstatusline
set statusline=%<%{ime#mode()}%f\ %h%m%r%=%-14.(%l,%c%V%)\ %P
looks like[嘸]README.rst [+] 75,67-59 53%
Before Vim 7.4.1711, directly put it into
may causestatusline
being reset. Wrap it with another function solves this problemfunction! IMEStatusString () if exists('*ime#mode') return ime#mode() endif return '' endfunction set statusline=%{IMEStatusString()}
Toggle English
let g:ime_toggle_english = ',,'
- The previous mode will be kept after switch to English mode.
Select mandatory input mode
let g:ime_select_mode = ',m'
- Set
for different selection style:let g:ime_select_mode_style = 'popup'
- (default) use completion menu for selectionlet g:ime_select_mode_style = 'interactive'
- use interactive menu for selection
- Set
Switch mandatory/secondary input modes
let g:ime_toggle_2nd = ',.'
If you don't want to show both modes on statusline
let g:ime_show_2nd_mode = 0
Cancel input text
let g:ime_cancel_input = '<C-h>'
- Some English words (such as
) are the roots of some Chinese characters. If you type English in Chinese mode, these words become Chinese characters. You can press<C-h>
to turn them back to English.
- Some English words (such as
Open input method setting menu
let g:ime_menu = ';;'
- Some input modes provide setting menu for users to adjust the behavior dynamically.
- Like full/half width
- Like Hiragana and Katakana
- If there are only one setting provided, after pressing
, the menu may not appear and the setting may take effect directly. - Not every input mode has menu, please refer to their documents.
- Some input modes provide setting menu for users to adjust the behavior dynamically.
Built-in input modes
- Built-in input modes are triggered with
- 嘸蝦米 input mode
- Type
and preceeding with phonetic roots (in case you forgot how to write a Chinese character)- Type
, press<space>
, all characters with same sound with測
will pop up
- Type
- Type
and proceeding with unicode code point \u[字]
- Type
- Kana mode
- Type
to switch between Japanese Hiragana and Katakana - Type
to change previous symbol to "sokuon" - Examples:
- Type
- Built-in input modes are triggered with
Custom table
You can customize your input table. This table's priority is higher than the built-in one.
Custom table filename
let g:boshiamy_custom_table = '~/.boshiamy.table'
- This global variable has no default value
The format of custom table is
string root root ...
, separate with a space(((°Д°;)) ,face (ಥ_ಥ) ,face ಠ_ಠ ,face ,stare ఠ_ఠ ,face ,stare (ゝω・) ,face (〃∀〃) ,face (¦3[▓▓] ,face ,sleep (눈‸눈) ,face ㅍ_ㅍ ,face
- The ordering in this table will be kept
Load third party plugins
let g:ime_plugins = ['emoji', 'runes']
Enable ime buffer
let g:ime_enable_ime_buffer = 1
In ime buffer
- Copy-and-cut a line by pressing Enter in Insert mode
- Copy-and-cut multiple lines by pressing Enter in visual mode
- If the line is empty, pressing Enter pastes it back
To activate ime buffer, set filetype to
:set ft=ime
For further information please refer to :help ime.vim.en
- Box-drawing characters start with
, and proceed with their shape:t
- Repeat the shape to generate double-lined symbol, up to three times:
- Katakana and Hiragana are removed in 嘸蝦米 table in order to allow
to be typed - macOS related symbols are added:
ime.vim is able to load third parth plugins.
Currently these plugins are available:
- ime-emoji.vim - Emoji
- ime-runes.vim - Runes
- ime-wide.vim - Wide characters
- ime-braille.vim - Braille
- ime-phonetic.vim - Phonetic input method
All these plugins are part of ime.vim, now they are pluggable.
Note that ime.vim doesn't manage these plugins. Please install them manually or through Vundle or vim-plug.
Further information about developing third party plugins for ime.vim:
:help ime-plugins.en
In replace mode, one character override one character, no matter the width.
When drawing ASCII graphs, if you use Chinese characters to replace space characters, the line under cursor will be longer and longer, because a two-width Chinese character only replaces one space character.
The vim built-in gR
is very useful in this case.
honglong0420 - for mentioning 𡦀
on twitter
This software is released under 2-clause BSD license, please refer to LICENSE.txt.
2017/03/30 pi314 @ HsinChu