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File metadata and controls

62 lines (50 loc) · 3.73 KB


This repository contains code to reproduce the results reported in this study about the effects of spending time on variants on Lichess users' odds of winning standard chess games.

Before running the code, download the January 2022 data dumps from the Lichess database.

Place in the same folder as the data dumps. Run this bash script on each data dump to unzip it and convert its PGN content into a much lighter CSV file. Provide the path to the CSV files in global.R.

Afterward, run the R scripts in this order: pgn.R, games.R, logit.R, plots.R. Each script reads the output of the previous (if any) and saves its own output to disk. Be aware that some of the scripts deal with very large files and take several hours to run, even with parallelization.

Model results

After running the R scripts, it only takes a few commands to print the analysis results.

load("logit.RData")       # loads the model object
max(logit$cond$condindx)  # prints the condition number of the data matrix
summary(logit$fit)        # prints model estimates

Estimates can be easily converted to odds ratios and printed along with their 95% confidence intervals.

    predictor = rownames(coefficients)[-1],
    odds_ratio = exp(coefficients[-1, "Estimate"]),
    ci_lower = exp(coefficients[-1, "Estimate"] - 1.96 * coefficients[-1, "Std. Error"]),
    ci_upper = exp(coefficients[-1, "Estimate"] + 1.96 * coefficients[-1, "Std. Error"])

Here is the output:

Predictor variable Odds ratio Confidence interval
Player rating 1.0001736 1.0001633—1.0001839
Player rating minus opponent rating 0.9924233 0.9923669—0.9924796
Playing as white 1.1971876 1.1881737—1.2062699
Total number of games played 1.0010999 1.0010463—1.0011536
Share of games at faster controls 0.8788922 0.8609969—0.8971594
Share of games at slower controls 0.8725062 0.8520389—0.8934651
Share of Antichess games 0.7121424 0.6038492—0.8398567
Share of Atomic games 0.6383595 0.5416142—0.7523859
Share of Chess960 games 0.8830630 0.7552096—1.0325615
Share of Crazyhouse games 0.8362861 0.7108098—0.9839123
Share of Horde games 0.6676855 0.4662084—0.9562334
Share of King of the Hill games 0.6957822 0.4963507—0.9753446
Share of Racing Kings games 0.4729084 0.3213880—0.6958640
Share of Three-Check games 0.4782089 0.3657699—0.6252121