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BOOTSEL mode of RP2040

HASUMI Hitoshi edited this page Apr 14, 2022 · 4 revisions

Valid version

Feature Version
Double-pressing the RESET button 0.9.1+
Software rebooting 0.9.13+


When you want to install a new uf2 file of PRK Firmware, make sure the mass storage drive is RPI-RP2, not PRKFirmware, which means RP2040 booted into BOOTSEL mode.

There are three ways of rebooting RP2040 into BOOTSEL mode.

Reconnect the USB cable while pressing the BOOTSEL button of the microcontroller board

This is eligible no matter what. But I know you feel troublesome.

Double-pressing the RESET button

  • If you should be able to access the RESET button of the microcontroller board (Though Raspi Pico doesn't have a RESET button!)
    • Or, The PCB has a RESET button that connects to RP2040's reset circuit
  • Then you can reboot RP2040 to BOOTSEL mode by double-pressing any of the RESET button
  • Note that PRK Firmware should have already been installed prior to the above

Software rebooting

I guess this is what you want.

Keyboard#bootsel! method will reboot RP2040 into BOOTSEL mode. So you can configure a key as a reboot button like this:

kbd =
kbd.add_layer :default, %i(KC_A KC_B KC_C BOOTSEL)
kbd.define_mode_key :BOOTSEL, [ { kbd.bootsel! }, nil, 200, nil]
#                                                               ^^^
#                                                       Should NOT be `nil`
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