Make sure you've enabled task workers in Swoole server
# config/packages/swoole.yaml swoole: http_server: settings: task_worker_count: auto
package in your applicationcomposer require symfony/messenger
Configure Swoole Transport
# config/packages/messenger.yaml framework: messenger: enabled: true transports: swoole: swoole://task routing: '*': swoole
Now follow official Symfony Messenger guide to create messages, handlers and optionally different transports.
You can also clone and play with swoole-bundle-symfony-demo
, where everything including Symfony Messenger configuration is set-up properly. You can run it in seconds using Docker!
Swoole Task Transport always execute tasks / messages on the same Swoole HTTP Server instance, so before using it on production make sure you don't need to share persist/messages between different hosts without using external queue system like RabbitMQ. However, this transport should be convinenent to use for testing / local/development environments or on non-critical production workloads due to its simplicity. Also, keep in note that messages are passed between server processes without any serialization process, so unlike to AMPQ transport it is NOT required to implement \Serializable
interface on your messages or include symfony/serializer