From b36a5e15ea17142ac7fad729c460c81f3d125066 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: pixeltris <->
Date: Mon, 14 May 2018 13:19:27 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Fix FileFormats/bin gitignore
.gitignore | 2 +
Lotd/FileFormats/bin/CardLimits.cs | 59 +
Lotd/FileFormats/bin/CardManager.cs | 1775 +++++++++++++++++++++++
Lotd/FileFormats/bin/RelatedCardData.cs | 99 ++
4 files changed, 1935 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 Lotd/FileFormats/bin/CardLimits.cs
create mode 100644 Lotd/FileFormats/bin/CardManager.cs
create mode 100644 Lotd/FileFormats/bin/RelatedCardData.cs
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index f652b45..b0b9604 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ bld/
# Visual Studio 2015 cache/options directory
# Uncomment if you have tasks that create the project's static files in wwwroot
diff --git a/Lotd/FileFormats/bin/CardLimits.cs b/Lotd/FileFormats/bin/CardLimits.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d62818
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lotd/FileFormats/bin/CardLimits.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+namespace Lotd.FileFormats
+ ///
+ /// Holds limited / banned card information (pd_limits.bin)
+ ///
+ public class CardLimits : FileData
+ {
+ public HashSet Forbidden { get; private set; }
+ public HashSet Limited { get; private set; }
+ public HashSet SemiLimited { get; private set; }
+ public CardLimits()
+ {
+ Forbidden = new HashSet();
+ Limited = new HashSet();
+ SemiLimited = new HashSet();
+ }
+ public override void Load(BinaryReader reader, long length)
+ {
+ ReadCardIds(reader, Forbidden);
+ ReadCardIds(reader, Limited);
+ ReadCardIds(reader, SemiLimited);
+ }
+ public override void Save(BinaryWriter writer)
+ {
+ WriteCardIds(writer, Forbidden);
+ WriteCardIds(writer, Limited);
+ WriteCardIds(writer, SemiLimited);
+ }
+ private void ReadCardIds(BinaryReader reader, HashSet cardIds)
+ {
+ cardIds.Clear();
+ short count = reader.ReadInt16();
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ cardIds.Add(reader.ReadInt16());
+ }
+ }
+ private void WriteCardIds(BinaryWriter writer, HashSet cardIds)
+ {
+ writer.Write((short)cardIds.Count);
+ foreach (ushort cardId in cardIds)
+ {
+ writer.Write(cardId);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Lotd/FileFormats/bin/CardManager.cs b/Lotd/FileFormats/bin/CardManager.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b561ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lotd/FileFormats/bin/CardManager.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,1775 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+namespace Lotd.FileFormats
+ // TODO: Split some of this into data files
+ public class CardManager
+ {
+ public Manager Manager { get; private set; }
+ public Dictionary Cards { get; private set; }
+ public List CardsByIndex { get; private set; }
+ // Card name types / archetypes
+ public Dictionary> CardNameTypes { get; private set; }
+ // Tags used for finding related cards which is used to display related cards on the left/right panels in deck edit
+ public List Tags { get; private set; }
+ private Dictionary> cardsByName;
+ public CardManager(Manager manager)
+ {
+ Manager = manager;
+ Cards = new Dictionary();
+ CardsByIndex = new List();
+ Tags = new List();
+ cardsByName = new Dictionary>();
+ CardNameTypes = new Dictionary>();
+ }
+ public CardInfo FindCardByName(Language language, string name)
+ {
+ CardInfo cardInfo;
+ cardsByName[language].TryGetValue(name, out cardInfo);
+ return cardInfo;
+ }
+ public void Load()
+ {
+ Cards.Clear();
+ CardsByIndex.Clear();
+ cardsByName.Clear();
+ Tags.Clear();
+ LotdArchive archive = Manager.Archive;
+ Dictionary indx = archive.LoadLocalizedBuffer("CARD_Indx_", true);
+ Dictionary names = archive.LoadLocalizedBuffer("CARD_Name_", true);
+ Dictionary descriptions = archive.LoadLocalizedBuffer("CARD_Desc_", true);
+ Dictionary taginfos = archive.LoadLocalizedBuffer("taginfo_", true);
+ List allCardImages = new List();
+ allCardImages.AddRange(archive.Root.FindFile("cardcropHD400.jpg.zib").LoadData().Files.Values);
+ allCardImages.AddRange(archive.Root.FindFile("cardcropHD401.jpg.zib").LoadData().Files.Values);
+ Dictionary cardImagesById = new Dictionary();
+ foreach (ZibFile file in allCardImages)
+ {
+ short cardId = short.Parse(file.FileName.Substring(0, file.FileName.IndexOf('.')));
+ cardImagesById.Add(cardId, file);
+ }
+ List cards = new List();
+ foreach (Language language in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Language)))
+ {
+ if (language != Language.Unknown)
+ {
+ LoadCardNamesAndDescriptions(language, cards, indx, names, descriptions);
+ Dictionary languageCardsByName = new Dictionary();
+ cardsByName.Add(language, languageCardsByName);
+ foreach (CardInfo card in cards)
+ {
+ // This will wipe over cards with conflicting names
+ languageCardsByName[card.Name.GetText(language)] = card;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ CardsByIndex.AddRange(cards);
+ // Load card props (card id, atk, def, level, attribute, etc)
+ LoadCardProps(cards, Cards, cardImagesById);
+ ProcessLimitedCardList(Cards);
+ LoadCardGenre(cards);
+ LoadRelatedCards(cards, Cards, Tags, taginfos);
+ LoadCardNameTypes(Cards, CardNameTypes);
+ //PrintLimitedCardList();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Loads the card name types / archetypes (e.g. "Harpie")
+ ///
+ private void LoadCardNameTypes(Dictionary cards, Dictionary> cardNameTypes)
+ {
+ using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(Manager.Archive.Root.FindFile("bin/CARD_Named.bin").LoadBuffer())))
+ {
+ ushort numArchetypes = reader.ReadUInt16();
+ ushort numCards = reader.ReadUInt16();
+ long cardsStartOffset = 4 + (numArchetypes * 4);
+ long cardsEndOffset = cardsStartOffset + (numCards * 2);
+ Debug.Assert(reader.BaseStream.Length == cardsEndOffset);
+ for (int i = 0; i < numArchetypes; i++)
+ {
+ int offset = reader.ReadInt16();// The offset of the card into the cards list
+ int count = reader.ReadInt16();// The number of cards for this name type
+ HashSet cardIds = new HashSet();
+ cardNameTypes.Add((CardNameType)i, cardIds);
+ long tempOffset = reader.BaseStream.Position;
+ reader.BaseStream.Position = cardsStartOffset + (offset * 2);
+ for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
+ {
+ short cardId = reader.ReadInt16();
+ Cards[cardId].NameTypes.Add((CardNameType)i);
+ cardIds.Add(cardId);
+ }
+ reader.BaseStream.Position = tempOffset;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void LoadCardGenre(List cards)
+ {
+ using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(Manager.Archive.Root.FindFile("bin/CARD_Genre.bin").LoadBuffer())))
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < cards.Count; i++)
+ {
+ CardInfo card = cards[i];
+ card.Genre = (CardGenre)reader.ReadUInt64();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void LoadCardProps(List cards, Dictionary cardsById, Dictionary cardImagesById)
+ {
+ using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(Manager.Archive.Root.FindFile("bin/CARD_Prop.bin").LoadBuffer())))
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < cards.Count; i++)
+ {
+ CardInfo card = cards[i];
+ LoadCardProp(card, cardsById, reader.ReadUInt32(), reader.ReadUInt32());
+ if (card.CardId > 0)
+ {
+ card.ImageFile = cardImagesById[card.CardId];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void LoadCardProp(CardInfo card, Dictionary cardsById, uint a1, uint a2)
+ {
+ uint first = (a1 << 18) | ((a1 & 0x7FC000 | a1 >> 18) >> 5);
+ uint second = (((a2 & 1u) | (a2 << 21)) & 0x80000001 | ((a2 & 0x7800) | ((a2 & 0x780 | ((a2 & 0x7E) << 10)) << 8)) << 6 |
+ ((a2 & 0x38000 | ((a2 & 0x7C0000 | ((a2 & 0x7800000 | (a2 >> 8) & 0x780000) >> 9)) >> 8)) >> 1));
+ short cardId = (short)((first >> 18) & 0x3FFF);
+ uint atk = ((first >> 9) & 0x1FF);
+ uint def = (first & 0x1FF);
+ CardType cardType = (CardType)((second >> 25) & 0x3F);
+ CardAttribute attribute = (CardAttribute)((second >> 21) & 0xF);
+ uint level = (second >> 17) & 0xF;
+ SpellType spellType = (SpellType)((second >> 14) & 7);
+ MonsterType monsterType = (MonsterType)((second >> 9) & 0x1F);
+ uint pendulumScale1 = (second >> 1) & 0xF;
+ uint pendulumScale2 = (second >> 5) & 0xF;
+ card.CardId = cardId;
+ card.Atk = (int)(atk * 10);
+ card.Def = (int)(def * 10);
+ card.Level = (byte)level;
+ card.Attribute = attribute;
+ card.CardType = cardType;
+ card.SpellType = spellType;
+ card.MonsterType = monsterType;
+ card.PendulumScale1 = (byte)pendulumScale1;
+ card.PendulumScale2 = (byte)pendulumScale2;
+ cardsById.Add(cardId, card);
+ // This is a hard coded value in native code. Might as well do the same check here.
+ Debug.Assert(cardId < Constants.MaxCardId + 1);
+ if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(MonsterType), monsterType) ||
+ !Enum.IsDefined(typeof(SpellType), spellType) ||
+ !Enum.IsDefined(typeof(CardType), cardType) ||
+ !Enum.IsDefined(typeof(CardAttribute), attribute))
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(false);
+ }
+ }
+ private void LoadCardNamesAndDescriptions(Language language, List cards,
+ Dictionary indxByLanguage,
+ Dictionary namesByLanguage,
+ Dictionary descriptionsByLanguage)
+ {
+ if (language == Language.Unknown)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ byte[] indx = indxByLanguage[language];
+ byte[] names = namesByLanguage[language];
+ byte[] descriptions = descriptionsByLanguage[language];
+ using (BinaryReader indxReader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(indx)))
+ using (BinaryReader namesReader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(names)))
+ using (BinaryReader descriptionsReader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(descriptions)))
+ {
+ Dictionary namesByOffset = ReadStrings(namesReader);
+ Dictionary descriptionsByOffset = ReadStrings(descriptionsReader);
+ int index = 0;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ uint nameOffset = indxReader.ReadUInt32();
+ uint descriptionOffset = indxReader.ReadUInt32();
+ if (indxReader.BaseStream.Position >= indxReader.BaseStream.Length)
+ {
+ // The last index points to an invalid offset
+ break;
+ }
+ CardInfo card = null;
+ if (cards.Count > index)
+ {
+ card = cards[index];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cards.Add(card = new CardInfo(index));
+ }
+ card.Name.SetText(language, namesByOffset[nameOffset]);
+ card.Description.SetText(language, descriptionsByOffset[descriptionOffset]);
+ index++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private Dictionary ReadStrings(BinaryReader reader)
+ {
+ Dictionary result = new Dictionary();
+ while (reader.BaseStream.Position < reader.BaseStream.Length)
+ {
+ uint offset = (uint)reader.BaseStream.Position;
+ string name = reader.ReadNullTerminatedString(Encoding.Unicode);
+ result.Add(offset, name);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ private void LoadRelatedCards(List cards, Dictionary cardsByCardId, List tags,
+ Dictionary taginfos)
+ {
+ foreach (Language language in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Language)))
+ {
+ if (language == Language.Unknown)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(taginfos[language])))
+ {
+ int count = reader.ReadInt32();
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ CardTagInfo tagInfo = null;
+ if (i >= tags.Count)
+ {
+ tagInfo = new CardTagInfo();
+ tags.Add(tagInfo);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tagInfo = tags[i];
+ }
+ tagInfo.Index = i;
+ tagInfo.MainType = (CardTagInfo.Type)reader.ReadInt16();
+ tagInfo.MainValue = reader.ReadInt16();
+ for (int j = 0; j < tagInfo.Elements.Length; j++)
+ {
+ tagInfo.Elements[j].Type = (CardTagInfo.ElementType)reader.ReadInt16();
+ tagInfo.Elements[j].Value = reader.ReadInt16();
+ }
+ long stringOffset1 = reader.ReadInt64();
+ long stringOffset2 = reader.ReadInt64();
+ long tempOffset = reader.BaseStream.Position;
+ reader.BaseStream.Position = stringOffset1;
+ tagInfo.Text.SetText(language, reader.ReadNullTerminatedString(Encoding.Unicode));
+ reader.BaseStream.Position = stringOffset2;
+ tagInfo.DisplayText.SetText(language, reader.ReadNullTerminatedString(Encoding.Unicode));
+ reader.BaseStream.Position = tempOffset;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(Manager.Archive.Root.FindFile("bin/tagdata.bin").LoadBuffer())))
+ {
+ long dataStart = reader.BaseStream.Position + (cards.Count * 8);
+ for (int i = 0; i < cards.Count; i++)
+ {
+ uint shortoffset = reader.ReadUInt32();
+ uint tagCount = reader.ReadUInt32();
+ long tempOffset = reader.BaseStream.Position;
+ long start = dataStart + (shortoffset * 4);
+ reader.BaseStream.Position = start;
+ if (tagCount > 0 && i >= 0)
+ {
+ CardInfo card = cards[i];
+ card.RelatedCards.Clear();
+ for (int j = 0; j < tagCount; j++)
+ {
+ card.RelatedCards.Add(new RelatedCardInfo(cardsByCardId[reader.ReadInt16()], Tags[reader.ReadInt16()]));
+ }
+ }
+ reader.BaseStream.Position = tempOffset;
+ }
+ }
+ CardTagInfo.Type[] knownMainTagTypes = (CardTagInfo.Type[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(CardTagInfo.Type));
+ CardTagInfo.ElementType[] knownElementTagTypes = (CardTagInfo.ElementType[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(CardTagInfo.ElementType));
+ foreach (CardTagInfo tag in tags)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(knownMainTagTypes.Contains(tag.MainType));
+ Debug.Assert(tag.MainValue <= 1);
+ foreach (CardTagInfo.Element element in tag.Elements)
+ {
+ if (element.Type == CardTagInfo.ElementType.None)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ Debug.Assert(knownElementTagTypes.Contains(element.Type));
+ }
+ if (tag.MainType == CardTagInfo.Type.Exact)
+ {
+ // Need english here
+ Language language = Language.English;
+ string displayText = tag.DisplayText.GetText(language);
+ string text = tag.Text.GetText(Language.English);
+ int splitIndex = displayText == null ? -1 : displayText.IndexOf(':');
+ if (splitIndex >= 0)
+ {
+ string typeStr = displayText.Substring(0, splitIndex).Trim();
+ string value = displayText.Substring(splitIndex + 1).Trim();
+ switch (typeStr.ToLower())
+ {
+ case "related to":
+ tag.Exact = CardTagInfo.ExactType.RelatedTo;
+ tag.ExactCard = FindCardByName(language, value);
+ break;
+ case "card effect":
+ tag.Exact = CardTagInfo.ExactType.CardEffect;
+ break;
+ case "ritual monster":
+ tag.Exact = CardTagInfo.ExactType.RitualMonster;
+ tag.ExactCard = FindCardByName(language, value);
+ break;
+ case "fusion monster":
+ tag.Exact = CardTagInfo.ExactType.FusionMonster;
+ tag.ExactCard = FindCardByName(language, value);
+ break;
+ case "spell and trap":
+ tag.Exact = CardTagInfo.ExactType.SpellTrap;
+ break;
+ case "works well with":
+ tag.Exact = CardTagInfo.ExactType.WorksWellWith;
+ tag.ExactCard = FindCardByName(language, value);
+ break;
+ default:
+ Debug.Assert(false);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch (text.ToLower())
+ {
+ case "banishbeast":
+ tag.Exact = CardTagInfo.ExactType.BanishBeast;
+ break;
+ case "banishdark":
+ tag.Exact = CardTagInfo.ExactType.BanishDark;
+ break;
+ case "banishfish":
+ tag.Exact = CardTagInfo.ExactType.BanishFish;
+ break;
+ case "banishrock":
+ tag.Exact = CardTagInfo.ExactType.BanishRock;
+ break;
+ case "countertrapfairy":
+ tag.Exact = CardTagInfo.ExactType.CounterTrapFairy;
+ break;
+ case "spellcounter":
+ tag.Exact = CardTagInfo.ExactType.SpellCounter;
+ break;
+ default:
+ Debug.Assert(false);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ switch (tag.Exact)
+ {
+ case CardTagInfo.ExactType.CardEffect:
+ CardTagInfo.CardEffectType cardEffect;
+ if (!Enum.TryParse(text, true, out cardEffect))
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(false);
+ }
+ tag.CardEffect = cardEffect;
+ break;
+ case CardTagInfo.ExactType.SpellTrap:
+ CardTagInfo.CardEffectType spellEffect;
+ if (!Enum.TryParse("Spell_" + text, true, out spellEffect))
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(false);
+ }
+ tag.CardEffect = spellEffect;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (CardInfo card in cards)
+ {
+ foreach (RelatedCardInfo relatedCardInfo in card.RelatedCards)
+ {
+ if (relatedCardInfo.TagInfo.CardEffect != CardTagInfo.CardEffectType.None)
+ {
+ card.CardEffectTags.Add(relatedCardInfo.TagInfo.CardEffect);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void ProcessLimitedCardList(Dictionary cardsById)
+ {
+ foreach (CardInfo card in cardsById.Values)
+ {
+ card.Limit = CardLimitation.NotLimited;
+ }
+ foreach (short cardId in Manager.CardLimits.Forbidden)
+ {
+ cardsById[cardId].Limit = CardLimitation.Forbidden;
+ }
+ foreach (short cardId in Manager.CardLimits.Limited)
+ {
+ cardsById[cardId].Limit = CardLimitation.Limited;
+ }
+ foreach (short cardId in Manager.CardLimits.SemiLimited)
+ {
+ cardsById[cardId].Limit = CardLimitation.SemiLimited;
+ }
+ }
+ private void PrintLimitedCardList()
+ {
+ Debug.WriteLine("========================== Forbidden ==========================");
+ foreach (short cardId in Manager.CardLimits.Forbidden)
+ {
+ Debug.WriteLine(Cards[cardId].Name);
+ }
+ Debug.WriteLine("========================== Limited ==========================");
+ foreach (short cardId in Manager.CardLimits.Limited)
+ {
+ Debug.WriteLine(Cards[cardId].Name);
+ }
+ Debug.WriteLine("========================== Semi-limited ==========================");
+ foreach (short cardId in Manager.CardLimits.SemiLimited)
+ {
+ Debug.WriteLine(Cards[cardId].Name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public class CardInfo
+ {
+ public int CardIndex { get; set; }
+ public short CardId { get; set; }
+ public ZibFile ImageFile { get; set; }
+ public LocalizedText Name { get; set; }
+ public LocalizedText Description { get; set; }
+ public List RelatedCards { get; private set; }
+ public HashSet CardEffectTags { get; private set; }
+ ///
+ /// Name type / archetype e.g. "Harpie"
+ ///
+ public HashSet NameTypes { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// The set ids this card belongs to (this is loaded from external sources)
+ /// A set is a pack, deck or other form of card collection in the official game
+ ///
+ public List SetIds { get; private set; }
+ public int Atk { get; set; }
+ public int Def { get; set; }
+ public byte Level { get; set; }
+ public bool IsUnknownAtk
+ {
+ get { return Atk == 5110; }
+ }
+ public bool IsUnknownDef
+ {
+ get { return Def == 5110; }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Light, Dark, Water, Fire (also Spell / Trap)
+ ///
+ public CardAttribute Attribute { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Fusion, Effect, Tuner, Flip, Ritual (also Spell / Trap)
+ ///
+ public CardType CardType { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Field, Equip, QuickPlay, Continuous
+ ///
+ public SpellType SpellType { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Insect, Fiend, Beast, Aqua, Plant (also Spell / Trap)
+ ///
+ public MonsterType MonsterType { get; set; }
+ public byte PendulumScale1 { get; set; }
+ public byte PendulumScale2 { get; set; }
+ public byte PendulumScale
+ {
+ get { return Math.Max(PendulumScale1, PendulumScale2); }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Card limitation (NotLimited, Forbidden, Limited, SemiLimited)
+ ///
+ public CardLimitation Limit { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Card genre (negate effect, direct attack, cannot be destroyed, etc)
+ ///
+ public CardGenre Genre { get; set; }
+ public CardTypeFlags CardTypeFlags
+ {
+ get { return GetCardTypeFlags(CardType); }
+ }
+ public bool IsMonsterToken
+ {
+ get { return IsMonster && CardTypeFlags.HasFlag(CardTypeFlags.Token); }
+ }
+ public bool IsEffect
+ {
+ get { return CardTypeFlags.HasFlag(CardTypeFlags.Effect); }
+ }
+ public bool IsMonster
+ {
+ get { return Attribute != CardAttribute.Spell && Attribute != CardAttribute.Trap; }
+ }
+ public bool IsNormalMonster
+ {
+ get { return FrameType == CardFrameType.Normal || FrameType == CardFrameType.PendulumNormal; }
+ }
+ public bool IsPendulum
+ {
+ get { return CardTypeFlags.HasFlag(CardTypeFlags.Pendulum); }
+ }
+ public bool IsXyz
+ {
+ get { return CardTypeFlags.HasFlag(CardTypeFlags.Xyz); }
+ }
+ public bool IsSynchro
+ {
+ get { return CardTypeFlags.HasFlag(CardTypeFlags.Synchro); }
+ }
+ public bool IsFusion
+ {
+ get { return CardTypeFlags.HasFlag(CardTypeFlags.Fusion); }
+ }
+ public bool IsMainDeckCard
+ {
+ get { return !IsExtraDeckCard; }
+ }
+ public bool IsExtraDeckCard
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return CardTypeFlags.HasFlag(CardTypeFlags.Xyz) || CardTypeFlags.HasFlag(CardTypeFlags.Fusion) ||
+ CardTypeFlags.HasFlag(CardTypeFlags.Synchro);
+ }
+ }
+ public bool IsSpell
+ {
+ get { return Attribute == CardAttribute.Spell; }
+ }
+ public bool IsTrap
+ {
+ get { return Attribute == CardAttribute.Trap; }
+ }
+ public string FrameName
+ {
+ get { return GetFrameName(FrameType); }
+ }
+ public CardFrameType FrameType
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ if (IsSpell)
+ {
+ return CardFrameType.Spell;
+ }
+ if (IsTrap)
+ {
+ return CardFrameType.Trap;
+ }
+ CardTypeFlags cardFlags = CardTypeFlags;
+ if (cardFlags.HasFlag(CardTypeFlags.Synchro))
+ {
+ if (cardFlags.HasFlag(CardTypeFlags.Pendulum))
+ {
+ return CardFrameType.PendulumSynchro;
+ }
+ return CardFrameType.Synchro;
+ }
+ if (cardFlags.HasFlag(CardTypeFlags.Xyz))
+ {
+ if (cardFlags.HasFlag(CardTypeFlags.Pendulum))
+ {
+ return CardFrameType.PendulumXyz;
+ }
+ return CardFrameType.Xyz;
+ }
+ if (cardFlags.HasFlag(CardTypeFlags.Pendulum))
+ {
+ if (cardFlags.HasFlag(CardTypeFlags.Effect))
+ {
+ return CardFrameType.PendulumEffect;
+ }
+ return CardFrameType.PendulumNormal;
+ }
+ if (cardFlags.HasFlag(CardTypeFlags.Token))
+ {
+ return CardFrameType.Token;
+ }
+ if (cardFlags.HasFlag(CardTypeFlags.Fusion))
+ {
+ return CardFrameType.Fusion;
+ }
+ if (cardFlags.HasFlag(CardTypeFlags.Ritual))
+ {
+ return CardFrameType.Ritual;
+ }
+ if (cardFlags.HasFlag(CardTypeFlags.Effect) ||
+ cardFlags.HasFlag(CardTypeFlags.SpecialSummon) ||
+ cardFlags.HasFlag(CardTypeFlags.Union) ||
+ cardFlags.HasFlag(CardTypeFlags.Toon) ||
+ cardFlags.HasFlag(CardTypeFlags.Gemini))
+ {
+ return CardFrameType.Effect;
+ }
+ return CardFrameType.Normal;
+ }
+ }
+ public CardInfo(int index)
+ {
+ CardIndex = index;
+ Name = new LocalizedText();
+ Description = new LocalizedText();
+ RelatedCards = new List();
+ CardEffectTags = new HashSet();
+ NameTypes = new HashSet();
+ SetIds = new List();
+ }
+ public string GetDescription(Language language, bool pendulumDescription)
+ {
+ if (pendulumDescription && !IsPendulum)
+ {
+ return string.Empty;
+ }
+ string text = Description.GetText(language);
+ if (IsPendulum)
+ {
+ string pendulumHeader = "[Pendulum Effect]";
+ int index = text.IndexOf(pendulumHeader);
+ if (pendulumDescription)
+ {
+ return index == -1 ? string.Empty : text.Substring(index + pendulumHeader.Length);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return index == -1 ? text : text.Substring(0, index);
+ }
+ }
+ return text;
+ }
+ public static CardTypeFlags GetCardTypeFlags(CardType cardType)
+ {
+ switch (cardType)
+ {
+ case CardType.Default: return CardTypeFlags.Default;
+ case CardType.Effect: return CardTypeFlags.Effect;
+ case CardType.Fusion: return CardTypeFlags.Fusion;
+ case CardType.FusionEffect: return CardTypeFlags.Fusion | CardTypeFlags.Effect;
+ case CardType.Ritual: return CardTypeFlags.Ritual;
+ case CardType.RitualEffect: return CardTypeFlags.Ritual | CardTypeFlags.Effect;
+ case CardType.ToonEffect: return CardTypeFlags.Toon | CardTypeFlags.Effect;
+ case CardType.SpiritEffect: return CardTypeFlags.Spirit | CardTypeFlags.Effect;
+ case CardType.UnionEffect: return CardTypeFlags.Union | CardTypeFlags.Effect;
+ case CardType.GeminiEffect: return CardTypeFlags.Gemini | CardTypeFlags.Effect;
+ case CardType.Token: return CardTypeFlags.Token;
+ case CardType.Spell: return CardTypeFlags.Spell;
+ case CardType.Trap: return CardTypeFlags.Trap;
+ case CardType.Tuner: return CardTypeFlags.Tuner;
+ case CardType.TunerEffect: return CardTypeFlags.Tuner | CardTypeFlags.Effect;
+ case CardType.Synchro: return CardTypeFlags.Synchro;
+ case CardType.SynchroEffect: return CardTypeFlags.Synchro | CardTypeFlags.Effect;
+ case CardType.SynchroTunerEffect: return CardTypeFlags.Synchro | CardTypeFlags.Tuner | CardTypeFlags.Effect;
+ case CardType.DarkTunerEffect: return CardTypeFlags.DarkTuner | CardTypeFlags.Effect;
+ case CardType.DarkSynchroEffect: return CardTypeFlags.DarkSynchro | CardTypeFlags.Effect;
+ case CardType.Xyz: return CardTypeFlags.Xyz;
+ case CardType.XyzEffect: return CardTypeFlags.Xyz | CardTypeFlags.Effect;
+ case CardType.FlipEffect: return CardTypeFlags.Flip | CardTypeFlags.Effect;
+ case CardType.Pendulum: return CardTypeFlags.Pendulum;
+ case CardType.PendulumEffect: return CardTypeFlags.Pendulum | CardTypeFlags.Effect;
+ case CardType.EffectSp: return CardTypeFlags.Effect | CardTypeFlags.SpecialSummon;
+ case CardType.ToonEffectSp: return CardTypeFlags.Toon | CardTypeFlags.Effect | CardTypeFlags.SpecialSummon;
+ case CardType.SpiritEffectSp: return CardTypeFlags.Spirit | CardTypeFlags.Effect | CardTypeFlags.SpecialSummon;
+ case CardType.TunerEffectSp: return CardTypeFlags.Tuner | CardTypeFlags.Effect | CardTypeFlags.SpecialSummon;
+ case CardType.DarkTunerEffectSp: return CardTypeFlags.DarkTuner | CardTypeFlags.Effect | CardTypeFlags.SpecialSummon;
+ case CardType.FlipTunerEffect: return CardTypeFlags.Flip | CardTypeFlags.Tuner | CardTypeFlags.Effect;
+ case CardType.PendulumTunerEffect: return CardTypeFlags.Pendulum | CardTypeFlags.Tuner | CardTypeFlags.Effect;
+ case CardType.XyzPendulumEffect: return CardTypeFlags.Xyz | CardTypeFlags.Pendulum | CardTypeFlags.Effect;
+ case CardType.PendulumFlipEffect: return CardTypeFlags.Pendulum | CardTypeFlags.Flip | CardTypeFlags.Effect;
+ //case CardType.SynchoPendulumEffect: return CardTypeFlags.Synchro | CardTypeFlags.Pendulum | CardTypeFlags.Effect;
+ //case CardType.UnionTunerEffect: return CardTypeFlags.Union | CardTypeFlags.Tuner | CardTypeFlags.Effect;
+ //case CardType.RitualSpiritEffect: return CardTypeFlags.Ritual | CardTypeFlags.Spirit | CardTypeFlags.Effect;
+ case CardType.AnyNormal: return CardTypeFlags.Any | CardTypeFlags.Normal;
+ case CardType.AnyFusion: return CardTypeFlags.Any | CardTypeFlags.Fusion;
+ case CardType.AnyFlip: return CardTypeFlags.Any | CardTypeFlags.Flip;
+ case CardType.AnyPendulum: return CardTypeFlags.Any | CardTypeFlags.Pendulum;
+ case CardType.AnyRitual: return CardTypeFlags.Any | CardTypeFlags.Ritual;
+ case CardType.AnySynchro: return CardTypeFlags.Any | CardTypeFlags.Synchro;
+ case CardType.AnyTuner: return CardTypeFlags.Any | CardTypeFlags.Tuner;
+ case CardType.AnyXyz: return CardTypeFlags.Any | CardTypeFlags.Xyz;
+ default:
+ throw new NotImplementedException("Unhandled CardType->CardTypeFlags conversion " + cardType);
+ }
+ }
+ public static string GetFrameName(CardFrameType frameType)
+ {
+ switch (frameType)
+ {
+ default:
+ case CardFrameType.Normal: return "card_nomal";
+ case CardFrameType.Effect: return "card_kouka";
+ case CardFrameType.Token: return "card_token";
+ case CardFrameType.Ritual: return "card_gisiki";
+ case CardFrameType.Fusion: return "card_yugo";
+ case CardFrameType.PendulumEffect: return "card_pendulum";
+ case CardFrameType.PendulumNormal: return "card_pendulum_n";
+ case CardFrameType.PendulumSynchro: return "card_sync_pendulum";
+ case CardFrameType.PendulumXyz: return "card_xyz_pendulum";
+ case CardFrameType.Synchro: return "card_sync";
+ case CardFrameType.Xyz: return "card_xyz";
+ case CardFrameType.Spell: return "card_mahou";
+ case CardFrameType.Trap: return "card_wana";
+ }
+ }
+ public static string GetFullMonsterTypeName(MonsterType monsterType, CardTypeFlags cardType)
+ {
+ string result = null;
+ foreach (CardTypeFlags flag in Enum.GetValues(typeof(CardTypeFlags)))
+ {
+ if (cardType.HasFlag(flag))
+ {
+ string flagName = GetCardTypeFlagName(flag);
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(flagName))
+ {
+ // Reverse order
+ result = result == null ? flagName : flagName + "/" + result;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return "[" + GetMonsterTypeName(monsterType) + (result == null ? string.Empty : "/" + result) + "]";
+ }
+ public static string GetMonsterTypeName(MonsterType monsterType)
+ {
+ switch (monsterType)
+ {
+ case MonsterType.Dragon: return "Dragon";
+ case MonsterType.Zombie: return "Zombie";
+ case MonsterType.Fiend: return "Fiend";
+ case MonsterType.Pyro: return "Pyro";
+ case MonsterType.SeaSerpent: return "Sea Serpent";
+ case MonsterType.Rock: return "Rock";
+ case MonsterType.Machine: return "Machine";
+ case MonsterType.Fish: return "Fish";
+ case MonsterType.Dinosaur: return "Dinosaur";
+ case MonsterType.Insect: return "Insect";
+ case MonsterType.Beast: return "Beast";
+ case MonsterType.BeastWarrior: return "Beast-Warrior";
+ case MonsterType.Plant: return "Plant";
+ case MonsterType.Aqua: return "Aqua";
+ case MonsterType.Warrior: return "Warrior";
+ case MonsterType.WingedBeast: return "Winged Beast";
+ case MonsterType.Fairy: return "Fairy";
+ case MonsterType.Spellcaster: return "Spellcaster";
+ case MonsterType.Thunder: return "Thunder";
+ case MonsterType.Reptile: return "Reptile";
+ case MonsterType.Psychic: return "Psychic";
+ case MonsterType.Wyrm: return "Wyrm";
+ case MonsterType.DivineBeast: return "Divine-Beast";
+ case MonsterType.CreatorGod: return "Creator";
+ case MonsterType.Spell: return "Spell";
+ case MonsterType.Trap: return "Trap";
+ case MonsterType.Unknown:
+ default:
+ return "?";
+ }
+ }
+ public static string GetCardTypeFlagName(CardTypeFlags flag)
+ {
+ switch (flag)
+ {
+ default:
+ case CardTypeFlags.Default: return null;
+ case CardTypeFlags.Effect: return "Effect";
+ case CardTypeFlags.Fusion: return "Fusion";
+ case CardTypeFlags.Ritual: return "Ritual";
+ case CardTypeFlags.Toon: return "Toon";
+ case CardTypeFlags.Spirit: return "Spirit";
+ case CardTypeFlags.Union: return "Union";
+ case CardTypeFlags.Gemini: return "Gemini";
+ case CardTypeFlags.Token: return "Token";
+ case CardTypeFlags.Spell: return "Spell";
+ case CardTypeFlags.Trap: return "Trap";
+ //case CardTypeFlags.Common: return "";
+ case CardTypeFlags.Tuner: return "Tuner";
+ case CardTypeFlags.DarkTuner: return "Dark Tuner";
+ case CardTypeFlags.DarkSynchro: return "Dark Synchro";
+ case CardTypeFlags.Synchro: return "Synchro";
+ case CardTypeFlags.Xyz: return "Xyz";
+ case CardTypeFlags.Flip: return "Flip";
+ case CardTypeFlags.Pendulum: return "Pendulum";
+ //case CardTypeFlags.SpecialSummon: return "";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public enum CardAttribute
+ {
+ Unknown = 0,
+ LightMonster = 1,
+ DarkMonster = 2,
+ WaterMonster = 3,
+ FireMonster = 4,
+ EarthMonster = 5,
+ WindMonster = 6,
+ DivineMonster = 7,
+ Spell = 8,
+ Trap = 9
+ }
+ public enum CardType
+ {
+ Default = 0,
+ Effect = 1,
+ Fusion = 2,
+ FusionEffect = 3,// Thousand-Eyes Restrict
+ Ritual = 4,
+ RitualEffect = 5,// Relinquished
+ ToonEffect = 6,// Toon Masked Scorcerer
+ SpiritEffect = 7,// Maharaghi
+ UnionEffect = 8,// Y-Dragon Head
+ GeminiEffect = 9,// Elemental HERO Neos Alius
+ Token = 10,
+ //11 = Effect? - duel links states this is "God"
+ //12 = Effect? - duel links states this is "Dummy"
+ Spell = 13,
+ Trap = 14,
+ Tuner = 15,// Flamvell Guard
+ TunerEffect = 16,// Cryomancer of the Ice Barrier
+ Synchro = 17, // Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth
+ SynchroEffect = 18,// Dark End Dragon
+ SynchroTunerEffect = 19,// Formula Synchron
+ DarkTunerEffect = 20,// unused
+ DarkSynchroEffect = 21,// unused
+ Xyz = 22,// Gem-Knight Pearl
+ XyzEffect = 23,// Number 39: Utopia
+ FlipEffect = 24,
+ Pendulum = 25,// Flash Knight
+ PendulumEffect = 26,// Stargazer Magician
+ EffectSp = 27,// Larvae Moth
+ ToonEffectSp = 28,// Manga Ryu-Ran (Sp = special summon "This monster cannot be Normal Summoned or Set")
+ SpiritEffectSp = 29,// Yamato-no-Kami
+ TunerEffectSp = 30,// Trap Eater
+ DarkTunerEffectSp = 31,// unused
+ FlipTunerEffect = 32,// Shaddoll Falco
+ PendulumTunerEffect = 33,// "Luster Pendulum, the Dracoslayer"
+ XyzPendulumEffect = 34,// Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon
+ PendulumFlipEffect = 35,// Performapal Momoncarpet
+ //SynchoPendulumEffect = 36,// unused
+ //UnionTunerEffect = 37,// unused
+ //RitualSpiritEffect = 38,// unused
+ //_______ = 39,// unused - underscores??
+ // These values are used for tagdata/taginfo
+ AnyNormal = 37,// NORMAL*
+ AnySynchro = 38,// SYNC*
+ AnyXyz = 39,// XYZ*
+ AnyTuner = 40,// TUNER*
+ AnyFusion = 41,// FUSION*
+ AnyRitual = 42,// RITUAL*
+ AnyPendulum = 43,// PEND*
+ AnyFlip = 44,// FLIP*
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Flags version of CardType for easier checking of individual types
+ ///
+ [Flags]
+ public enum CardTypeFlags : uint
+ {
+ Default = 0,
+ Effect = 1 << 0,
+ Fusion = 1 << 1,
+ Ritual = 1 << 2,
+ Toon = 1 << 3,
+ Spirit = 1 << 4,
+ Union = 1 << 5,
+ Gemini = 1 << 6,
+ Token = 1 << 7,
+ Spell = 1 << 8,
+ Trap = 1 << 9,
+ Tuner = 1 << 10,
+ DarkTuner = 1 << 11,
+ DarkSynchro = 1 << 12,
+ Synchro = 1 << 13,
+ Xyz = 1 << 14,
+ Flip = 1 << 15,
+ Pendulum = 1 << 16,
+ SpecialSummon = 1 << 17,// "This monster cannot be Normal Summoned or Set"
+ Link = 1 << 18,// Not in LOTD
+ Normal = 1 << 19,// Special flag used for finding related cards
+ Any = 1 << 20,// Special flag used for finding related cards
+ }
+ public enum MonsterType
+ {
+ Unknown = 0,
+ Dragon = 1,
+ Zombie = 2,
+ Fiend = 3,
+ Pyro = 4,
+ SeaSerpent = 5,
+ Rock = 6,
+ Machine = 7,
+ Fish = 8,
+ Dinosaur = 9,
+ Insect = 10,
+ Beast = 11,
+ BeastWarrior = 12,
+ Plant = 13,
+ Aqua = 14,
+ Warrior = 15,
+ WingedBeast = 16,
+ Fairy = 17,
+ Spellcaster = 18,
+ Thunder = 19,
+ Reptile = 20,
+ Psychic = 21,
+ Wyrm = 22,
+ DivineBeast = 23,
+ CreatorGod = 24,// This does't appear on any card in the game - its meant for "Holacite the Creator of Light"
+ Spell = 25,
+ Trap = 26
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Also known as "Property" - the type of spell / trap card
+ ///
+ public enum SpellType
+ {
+ Normal = 0,
+ ///
+ /// Counter trap cards are a unique trap card type that are of spell speed 3.
+ ///
+ Counter = 1,
+ Field = 2,
+ Equip = 3,
+ Continuous = 4,
+ QuickPlay = 5,
+ Ritual = 6
+ }
+ public enum CardFrameType
+ {
+ Normal,
+ Effect,
+ Token,
+ Ritual,
+ Fusion,
+ PendulumEffect,
+ PendulumNormal,
+ PendulumSynchro,
+ PendulumXyz,
+ Synchro,
+ Xyz,
+ Spell,
+ Trap,
+ }
+ public enum CardLimitation
+ {
+ NotLimited,
+ Forbidden,
+ Limited,
+ SemiLimited
+ }
+ [Flags]
+ public enum CardGenre : ulong
+ {
+ None = 0,
+ RecoverLP = 1UL << 0,//0x0000000000000001 ICON_ID_GENRE_LPUP
+ DamageLP = 1UL << 1,//0x0000000000000002 ICON_ID_GENRE_LPDOWN
+ HelpDraw = 1UL << 2,//0x0000000000000004 ICON_ID_GENRE_DRAW
+ SpecialSummon = 1UL << 3,//0x0000000000000008 ICON_ID_GENRE_SPSUMMON
+ NegateEffect = 1UL << 4,//0x0000000000000010 ICON_ID_GENRE_DISABLE
+ SearchDeck = 1UL << 5,//0x0000000000000020 ICON_ID_GENRE_DECKSEARCH
+ RecoverFromGraveyard = 1UL << 6,//0x0000000000000040 ICON_ID_GENRE_USEGRAVE
+ IncreaseDecreaseAtkDef = 1UL << 7,//0x0000000000000080 ICON_ID_GENRE_POWER
+ ChangeBattlePosition = 1UL << 8,//0x0000000000000100 ICON_ID_GENRE_POSITION
+ SetControls = 1UL << 9,//0x0000000000000200 ICON_ID_GENRE_CONTROL
+ DestroyMonster = 1UL << 10,//0x0000000000000400 ICON_ID_GENRE_BREAKMONST
+ DestroySpellCard = 1UL << 11,//0x0000000000000800 ICON_ID_GENRE_BREAKMAGIC
+ DestroyHand = 1UL << 12,//0x0000000000001000 ICON_ID_GENRE_HANDDES
+ DestroyDeck = 1UL << 13,//0x0000000000002000 ICON_ID_GENRE_DECKDES
+ RemoveCard = 1UL << 14,//0x0000000000004000 ICON_ID_GENRE_REMOVECARD
+ ReturnCard = 1UL << 15,//0x0000000000008000 ICON_ID_GENRE_CARDBACK
+ Piercing = 1UL << 16,//0x0000000000010000 ICON_ID_GENRE_SPEAR
+ DirectAttack = 1UL << 17,//0x0000000000020000 ICON_ID_GENRE_DIRECTATK
+ AttackMultipleTimes = 1UL << 18,//0x0000000000040000 ICON_ID_GENRE_MANYATK
+ CannotBeDestroyed = 1UL << 19,//0x0000000000080000 ICON_ID_GENRE_UNBREAK
+ LimitAttack = 1UL << 20,//0x0000000000100000 ICON_ID_GENRE_LIMITATK
+ CannotNormalSummon = 1UL << 21,//0x0000000000200000 ICON_ID_GENRE_CANTSUMMON
+ FlipEffectMonster = 1UL << 22,//0x0000000000400000 ICON_ID_GENRE_REVERSE
+ ToonMonster = 1UL << 23,//0x0000000000800000 ICON_ID_GENRE_TOON
+ SpiritMonster = 1UL << 24,//0x0000000001000000 ICON_ID_GENRE_SPIRIT
+ UnionMonster = 1UL << 25,//0x0000000002000000 ICON_ID_GENRE_UNION
+ GeminiMonster = 1UL << 26,//0x0000000004000000 ICON_ID_GENRE_DUAL
+ LvMonster = 1UL << 27,//0x0000000008000000 ICON_ID_GENRE_LEVELUP
+ Original = 1UL << 28,//0x0000000010000000 ICON_ID_GENRE_ORIGINAL
+ FusionMaterialMonster = 1UL << 29,//0x0000000020000000 ICON_ID_GENRE_FUSION
+ Ritual = 1UL << 30,//0x0000000040000000 ICON_ID_GENRE_RITUAL
+ Token = 1UL << 31,//0x0000000080000000 ICON_ID_GENRE_TOKEN
+ Counter = 1UL << 32,//0x0000000100000000 ICON_ID_GENRE_COUNTER
+ Gamble = 1UL << 33,//0x0000000200000000 ICON_ID_GENRE_GAMBLE
+ AttributeRelated = 1UL << 34,//0x0000000400000000 ICON_ID_GENRE_ATTR
+ TypeRelated = 1UL << 35,//0x0000000800000000 ICON_ID_GENRE_TYPE
+ Tuner = 1UL << 36,//0x0000001000000000 ICON_ID_GENRE_TUNER
+ SynchroMonster = 1UL << 37,//0x0000002000000000 ICON_ID_GENRE_SYNC
+ SendToGraveyard = 1UL << 38,//0x0000004000000000 ICON_ID_GENRE_DROPGRAVE
+ // These values don't visibly appear in the game
+ NormalMonsterRelated = 1UL << 39,//0x0000008000000000 ICON_ID_GENRE_NORMAL
+ LightMonsterRelated = 1UL << 40,//0x0000010000000000 ICON_ID_GENRE_ATTR_LIGHT
+ DarkMonsterRelated = 1UL << 41,//0x0000020000000000 ICON_ID_GENRE_ATTR_DARK
+ EarthMonsterRelated = 1UL << 42,//0x0000040000000000 ICON_ID_GENRE_ATTR_EARTH
+ WaterMonsterRelated = 1UL << 43,//0x0000080000000000 ICON_ID_GENRE_ATTR_WATER
+ FireMonsterRelated = 1UL << 44,//0x0000100000000000 ICON_ID_GENRE_ATTR_FIRE
+ WindMonsterRelated = 1UL << 45,//0x0000200000000000 ICON_ID_GENRE_ATTR_WIND
+ XyzMonster = 1UL << 46,//0x0000400000000000 ICON_ID_GENRE_XYZ
+ LevelModifier = 1UL << 47,//0x0000800000000000 ICON_ID_GENRE_LVUPDOWN
+ Pendulum = 1UL << 48,//0x0001000000000000 ICON_ID_GENRE_PENDULUM
+ // These values aren't on any cards (but appear in game if you force them on a card)
+ DivineAttribute = 1UL << 49,//0x0002000000000000 ICON_ID_GENRE_ATTR_GOD
+ NewCard = 1UL << 50,//0x0004000000000000 ICON_ID_GENRE_NEW
+ GameOriginal = 1UL << 51,//0x0008000000000000 ICON_ID_GENRE_GAME_ORIGINAL
+ CardVaritation = 1UL << 52,//0x0010000000000000 ICON_ID_GENRE_PICTURE (assumed)
+ //
+ // The game uses broken icons for those values:
+ //DivineAttribute = ICON_ID_ORDER_ASCENDING
+ //GameOriginal = ICON_ID_SEARCH
+ //CardVaritation = ICON_ID_DUEL_MENU_PHASE
+ //Unused8 = 1UL << 53,//0x0020000000000000
+ //Unused9 = 1UL << 54,//0x0040000000000000
+ //Unused10 = 1UL << 55,//0x0080000000000000
+ //Unused11 = 1UL << 56,//0x0100000000000000
+ //Unused12 = 1UL << 57,//0x0200000000000000
+ //Unused12 = 1UL << 58,//0x0400000000000000
+ //Unused13 = 1UL << 59,//0x0800000000000000
+ //Unused14 = 1UL << 60,//0x1000000000000000
+ //Unused15 = 1UL << 61,//0x2000000000000000
+ //Unused16 = 1UL << 62,//0x4000000000000000
+ //Unused17 = 1UL << 63,//0x8000000000000000
+ }
+ public enum CardNameType
+ {
+ Null,
+ Toon,
+ Demon,
+ Keeper,
+ Guardian,
+ Scorpion,
+ Amazoness,
+ Ninja,
+ Level,
+ NeosMaterial,
+ NeosFusion,
+ Neos,
+ Ojama,
+ Battery,
+ DarkWorld,
+ BES,
+ Antique,
+ Sphinx,
+ Machiners,
+ Harpie,
+ Roid,
+ Vehicloid,
+ Neospacian,
+ Cocoon,
+ Alien,
+ Mythical,
+ Allure,
+ Gadget,
+ Six,
+ Jewel,
+ Volcanic,
+ BlazeCanon,
+ Venom,
+ Cloudian,
+ Gladial,
+ Weapon,
+ Takemitsu,
+ Drunk,
+ Arcana,
+ Fossil,
+ Gunner,
+ Forbidden,
+ Rainbow,
+ CyberFusion,
+ Icebarrier,
+ AOJ,
+ Saber,
+ Worm,
+ LightLord,
+ Frog,
+ Nitro,
+ Genex,
+ MistValley,
+ Flamebell,
+ NeosNHERO,
+ Deformer,
+ Chain,
+ Natul,
+ Clear,
+ RedEyes,
+ BlackFeather,
+ SlashBuster,
+ Roaring,
+ Jurac,
+ RealGenex,
+ EarthbindGod,
+ Koakimail,
+ Infernity,
+ X_Saber,
+ FortuneLady,
+ Dragnity,
+ FortuneWitch,
+ Synchron,
+ Saviour,
+ Reptiles,
+ Shien,
+ Junk,
+ Tomabo,
+ Sin,
+ Gem,
+ GemKnight,
+ Laval,
+ Vailon,
+ Scrap,
+ Eleki,
+ Fusion,
+ Infinity,
+ Wisel,
+ TG,
+ Karakuri,
+ Ritua,
+ Gusta,
+ Invelds,
+ Reactor,
+ Agent,
+ Polestar,
+ PolestarBeast,
+ PolestarGhost,
+ PolestarAngel,
+ PolestarItem,
+ PoleGod,
+ SoundWarrior,
+ Resonator,
+ Meklord_Emp,
+ Meklord_Sld,
+ Meklord,
+ Zenmai,
+ Penguin,
+ Evold,
+ Evolder,
+ TrapHole,
+ TimeGod,
+ Sacred,
+ Velds,
+ Numbers,
+ Gagaga,
+ Gogogo,
+ Photon,
+ Ninjutsu,
+ Inzector,
+ Invasion,
+ Bouncer,
+ Butterfly,
+ HolySeal,
+ Majin,
+ Heroic,
+ Ooparts,
+ Spellbook,
+ Madolce,
+ Geargear,
+ Xyz,
+ Poseidon,
+ Mermail,
+ Abyss,
+ Magical,
+ Nimble,
+ Duston,
+ Medallion,
+ NobleKnight,
+ FireKing,
+ Galaxy,
+ HolySword,
+ FireStar,
+ FireDance,
+ HazeBeast,
+ Haze,
+ ZexalWeapon,
+ Hope,
+ GimmickPuppet,
+ Dododo,
+ BK,
+ PhantomMek,
+ FireKingBeast,
+ ChaosNumbers,
+ ChaosXyz,
+ Geargearno,
+ SDRobo,
+ SDRobo2,
+ Umbral,
+ HolyLightning,
+ Bujin,
+ Kowakuma,
+ Hole,
+ CNo39,
+ H_Challenger,
+ Malicebolus,
+ Ghostrick,
+ Vampire,
+ Cat,
+ CyberDragon,
+ Cybernetic,
+ Shinra,
+ Necrovalley,
+ Zubaba,
+ Fishborg,
+ RUM,
+ Medallion2,
+ Artifact,
+ Evolkaiser,
+ GalaxyEyes,
+ Tachyon,
+ Over100,
+ Wizard,
+ OddEyes,
+ LegendDragon,
+ LegendKnight,
+ WingedKuriboh,
+ Stardust,
+ Sprout,
+ Artorius,
+ Lancelot,
+ Superheavy,
+ Genso,
+ Tellarknight,
+ Shadoll,
+ DragonStar,
+ EM,
+ Change,
+ Higan,
+ UA,
+ DD,
+ DDD,
+ Furnimal,
+ Deathtoy,
+ Qliphot,
+ Bunborg,
+ Goblin,
+ Cthulhu,
+ Contract,
+ Gottoms,
+ Yosen,
+ Necroth,
+ Spirit_All,
+ Spirit_Tamer,
+ Spirit_Beast,
+ RR,
+ Infernoid,
+ Jinzo,
+ Gaia,
+ Monarch,
+ Charmer,
+ Possessed,
+ Crystal,
+ Warrior,
+ PowerTool,
+ BMG,
+ EdgeImp,
+ Sephira,
+ GensoPrincess,
+ Spirit_Rider,
+ Stellarknight,
+ Void,
+ Em,
+ Dragonsword,
+ Igknight,
+ Aroma,
+ Empowered,
+ AetherWeapon,
+ FortunePrince,
+ Aquaactress,
+ Aquarium,
+ ChaosSoldier,
+ Majespecter,
+ Gradle,
+ SOz,
+ Kaiju,
+ SR,
+ PSYFrame,
+ RedDemon,
+ Burgestoma,
+ Dante,
+ BusterBlader,
+ BusterSword,
+ Dynamist,
+ Shiranui,
+ Dragondevil,
+ Exodia,
+ PhantomKnight,
+ Phantom,
+ Super,
+ Super_Quantum,
+ Super_Machine,
+ BlueEyes,
+ HopeX,
+ Moonlight,
+ Amorphage,
+ ElfSwordsman,
+ MagicianGirl,
+ BlackMagic,
+ Metalphose,
+ Tramid,
+ ABF,
+ Houkai,
+ Chaos,
+ CyberAngel,
+ Cypher,
+ Cardian,
+ SilentSword,
+ SilentMagic,
+ MagnetWarrior,
+ BlackMagic2,
+ Kuriboh,
+ Crystron,
+ Kagoju,
+ ApoQliphot,
+ Chichukai,
+ ChichukaiRyu,
+ Spyral,
+ SpyralGear,
+ MakaiGekidan,
+ MakaiDaihon,
+ FallenAngel,
+ WW,
+ Beast12,
+ PendDragon
+ }
+ public class RelatedCardInfo
+ {
+ ///
+ /// The related card
+ ///
+ public CardInfo Card { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// The relationship tag info
+ ///
+ public CardTagInfo TagInfo { get; set; }
+ public RelatedCardInfo(CardInfo card, CardTagInfo tagInfo)
+ {
+ Card = card;
+ TagInfo = tagInfo;
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Describes how cards can be tagged / related to one another
+ ///
+ public class CardTagInfo
+ {
+ ///
+ /// The index of this tag info in the tags collection
+ ///
+ public int Index { get; set; }
+ public ExactType Exact { get; set; }
+ public CardEffectType CardEffect { get; set; }
+ public CardInfo ExactCard { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// The main type of this tag - priority seems to be 0,1,2
+ ///
+ public Type MainType { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Unknown - some kind of sub priority?
+ ///
+ public short MainValue { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// The elements which make up this tag info
+ ///
+ public Element[] Elements { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// The string representation
+ ///
+ public LocalizedText Text { get; private set; }
+ ///
+ /// The string respresentation which is displayed at the bottom of the relationship window
+ ///
+ public LocalizedText DisplayText { get; private set; }
+ public CardTagInfo()
+ {
+ Elements = new Element[8];
+ Text = new LocalizedText();
+ DisplayText = new LocalizedText();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// The main type of the tag info
+ ///
+ public enum Type
+ {
+ ///
+ /// An exact relationship of some kind e.g. "Card effect: Negate Attack", "Related to: Exodia the Forbidden One"
+ ///
+ Exact = 0,
+ ///
+ /// Some kind of impact on the card
+ ///
+ Ad = 1,
+ ///
+ /// Finding other cards e.g. "Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Gemini monster from your hand." - "{FIND}KIND:DUAL LEVEL:<=4"
+ ///
+ Find = 2,
+ ///
+ /// Same as Ad but for only XYZ
+ ///
+ AdXyz = 257,
+ ///
+ /// Same as Find but only for XYZ
+ ///
+ FindXyz = 258
+ }
+ public enum ElementType
+ {
+ None = -1,
+ AtkLessThanOrEquals = 0,
+ DefLessThanOrEquals = 2,
+ LevelLessThanOrEquals = 4,
+ RankLessThanOrEquals = 8,
+ AtkLessThan = 256,
+ Attribute = 513,// This should map into the enum CardAttribute
+ AtkEquals = 512,
+ DefEquals = 514,
+ CardType = 515,// XYZ/Monster/Effect/etc - should map into CardType
+ LevelEquals = 516,
+ SpellType = 517,// This should map into enum SpellType
+ MonsterType = 518,// This should map into enum MonsterType
+ DeckType = 519,
+ RankEquals = 520,// For XYZ monsters
+ SpecialSummon = 521,
+ Tribute = 522,
+ Tribute2 = 523,// This monster counts as 2 tribute summons
+ AtkGreaterThanOrEquals = 768,
+ LevelGreaterThanOrEquals = 772,
+ RankGreaterThanOrEquals = 776,
+ }
+ public struct Element
+ {
+ public ElementType Type;
+ public short Value;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Defines what an "Exact" tag info type does
+ ///
+ public enum ExactType
+ {
+ None,
+ ///
+ /// Related to an archetype / exact card
+ ///
+ RelatedTo,
+ ///
+ /// Related to a fusion monster
+ ///
+ FusionMonster,
+ ///
+ /// Related to a ritual monster
+ ///
+ RitualMonster,
+ ///
+ /// A spell / trap card effect
+ ///
+ SpellTrap,
+ ///
+ /// Monster card effect
+ ///
+ CardEffect,
+ WorksWellWith,
+ ///
+ /// Monsters that use Spell Counters
+ ///
+ SpellCounter,
+ ///
+ /// Fairy-Type effects that trigger with Counter Traps
+ ///
+ CounterTrapFairy,
+ ///
+ /// Banished Beast and Winged-Beast Type monsters
+ ///
+ BanishBeast,
+ ///
+ /// Banished Dark monsters
+ ///
+ BanishDark,
+ ///
+ /// Banished Fish, Sea Serpent, and Aqua-Type monsters
+ ///
+ BanishFish,
+ ///
+ /// Banished Rock-Type monsters
+ ///
+ BanishRock
+ }
+ public enum CardEffectType
+ {
+ None,
+ AntiAttack,
+ AntiDefense,
+ AntiDiscard,
+ AntiDraw,
+ AntiEffectDamage,
+ AntiFaceDown,
+ AntiMonsterEffect,
+ AntiPendulum,
+ AntiSpell,
+ AntiTrap,
+ ATKReduction,
+ AttackDirectly,
+ AttributeDestruction,
+ AttributeEquipBoost,
+ BanishOpp,
+ BanishPlayer,
+ BoostNormal,
+ BurnDamageAtk,
+ BurnDamageCont,
+ BurnDamageDirect,
+ BurnDamageMons,
+ BurnDamageTrib,
+ CannotAttack,
+ CannotChangePosition,
+ CardDiscard,
+ CardDraw,
+ ChangeLevel,
+ ChooseAttackTarget,
+ CoinToss,
+ Combo,
+ ContinuousSpellTrib,
+ DarkCardDraw,
+ DEFGain,
+ DEFReduction,
+ DestroyType,
+ Dice,
+ DragonBoost,
+ EquipDragon,
+ EquipFairy,
+ EquipMachine,
+ EquipSpellcaster,
+ EquipWarrior,
+ FaceUp,
+ FieldPowerAttr,
+ FieldPowerType,
+ FlipFaceDown,
+ Fusion,
+ GiveControl,
+ GraveToHandMonster,
+ GraveToHandSpellTrap,
+ IceCount,
+ LargeATKGainEquip,
+ LifeGain,
+ LookAtDeck,
+ LookAtHand,
+ Mill,
+ NegateAttack,
+ RecycleToDeck,
+ RestrictMonster,
+ Ritual,
+ SameAttributeBoost,
+ Simochi,
+ SpellTrapProtect,
+ SSGraveyard,
+ SSZombie,
+ StopFlipNormalSummon,
+ StopSpecialSummon,
+ SwitchATKDEF,
+ SynchroFusion,
+ SynchroMaterial,
+ TakeControl,
+ ToGraveyard,
+ Token,
+ TokenOpponent,
+ TrapMonster,
+ Ultimaya,
+ ZoneDeny,
+ // Spell/trap values
+ Spell_DoubleSummon,
+ Spell_MonsterDestruction,
+ Spell_MonsterProtect,
+ Spell_Piercing,
+ Spell_PreventBattleDamage,
+ Spell_QuickATKboost,
+ Spell_SSHandDeck,
+ Spell_StopFusion,
+ Spell_StopRitual,
+ Spell_StopSynchro,
+ Spell_StopTribute,
+ Spell_StopXyz
+ }
+ }
+ public enum DeckType
+ {
+ Main = 0,
+ Extra = 1,
+ Side = 2
+ }
diff --git a/Lotd/FileFormats/bin/RelatedCardData.cs b/Lotd/FileFormats/bin/RelatedCardData.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df6a1a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Lotd/FileFormats/bin/RelatedCardData.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+namespace Lotd.FileFormats
+ ///
+ /// Holds a list of related cards for each card. This information is displayed in the panel on the right side of the screen
+ /// in the deck editor. This is tagdata.bin
+ ///
+ public class RelatedCardData : FileData
+ {
+ ///
+ /// List of related cards.
+ /// The first list represents a card index (not the card id).
+ /// The second list represents the related cards for that index.
+ ///
+ public List> Items { get; private set; }
+ public RelatedCardData()
+ {
+ Items = new List>();
+ }
+ public override void Load(BinaryReader reader, long length)
+ {
+ Clear();
+ // There doesn't seem to be any identifier which says how many items to read. Assuming it reads until known max cards.
+ int numCards = Constants.NumCards;
+ long dataStart = reader.BaseStream.Position + (numCards * 8);
+ for (int i = 0; i < numCards; i++)
+ {
+ uint shortoffset = reader.ReadUInt32();
+ uint tagCount = reader.ReadUInt32();
+ long tempOffset = reader.BaseStream.Position;
+ long start = dataStart + (shortoffset * 4);
+ reader.BaseStream.Position = start;
+ List- items = new List
- ();
+ for (int j = 0; j < tagCount; j++)
+ {
+ items.Add(new Item(reader.ReadUInt16(), reader.ReadUInt16()));
+ }
+ Items.Add(items);
+ reader.BaseStream.Position = tempOffset;
+ }
+ }
+ public override void Save(BinaryWriter writer)
+ {
+ uint shortOffset = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < Items.Count; i++)
+ {
+ writer.Write(shortOffset);
+ writer.Write(Items[i].Count);
+ shortOffset += (uint)Items[i].Count + 1;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < Items.Count; i++)
+ {
+ foreach (Item item in Items[i])
+ {
+ writer.Write(item.CardId);
+ writer.Write(item.TagIndex);
+ }
+ writer.Write(0);
+ }
+ }
+ public override void Clear()
+ {
+ Items.Clear();
+ }
+ public class Item
+ {
+ public ushort CardId { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// An index into taginfo_X.bin
+ ///
+ public ushort TagIndex { get; set; }
+ public Item(ushort cardId, ushort tagIndex)
+ {
+ CardId = cardId;
+ TagIndex = tagIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ }