- Arduino UNO, ATmega328
- OS: Ubuntu 20.04
- Arduino v1.8.9
- microcom
- python (for external control)
arduino --upload clock_to_RGB/clock_to_RGB.ino --port /dev/ttyACM0
microcom -s 115200 -p /dev/ttyACM0
is based on arduino-1.8.9/libraries/RTClib/examples/pcf8523/pcf8523.ino
For later version, clone RTClib in arduino-1.8.13/libraries/
- Use ADAfruit DataLogger Shield
- Use a RGB LED on PWM pins solder on top of the shield
- Turn red during night
- Turn green during day
Compile has 2 steps:
- uncomment the following line to init the RTC with compile time:
// rtc.adjust(DateTime(F(__DATE__), F(__TIME__)));
then compile & upload - comment the same line, compile & upload, so that RTC isn't adjust on every next startup
Use microcom
to debug read time. RTC may drift overtime and needs to
be re-adjuted.
Control manually from python script:
pip install pyserial
./serial_to_RGB/color_to_serial 100 0 0
Control with MIDI controller like the Kork nanoKontrol2
pip install pygame #tested with 1.9.6
python ./serial_to_RGB/midi_to_serial.py
Had to prepend: LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/alsa-lib/libasound_module_conf_pulse.so
Install Adafruit NeoPixel
in <arduino_dir>/libraries
This site proposes a good examples of strip FX.
Autonomous (no control) strip fx.
require python3
and pyserial
was designed to be integrated in a puppet parts.
It supports color FX like: wave, fire, meteor, plain, flashes.
turns MIDI commands into color wave along the
[Neopixel strip]((//www.adafruit.com/product/1376?length=1). It also
report the status of button_pin 2 by sending MIDI messages back.
For MIDI control, Arduino UNO microcontroller doesn't have USB
capability, thus doesn't support MIDI natively.
library can still be used but only with serial port as transport.
And a MIDI-over-serial-bridge like ttymidi
must be installed on the host PC.
Execute start_midi.sh
to launch that bridge and
the Kork-to-Arduino bridge.
Note that, using the sliders may saturate the data path, and buttons are prefered.