Logic for anonymizing Pokémon Showdown teams and battle logs.
$ npm install @pkmn/anon
provides an Anonymizer
class which can be used to anonymize teams or battle logs:
import {Anonymizer, Verifier} from '@pkmn/anon';
import {Generations} from '@pkmn/data';
import {Dex} from '@pkmn/dex';
const gens = new Generations(Dex);
const gen = gens.get(raw.format.startsWith('gen') ? +raw.format.charAt(3) : 6);
const verifier = new Verifier();
const anon = Anonymizer.anonymize(gen, raw, {verifier});
if (verifier.ok()) console.log(JSON.stringify(anon, null, 2));
By default, anonymization will replace player's usernames with 'Player 1'
and 'Player 2'
Pokémon's nicknames with their species name (in addition to removing chat logs, timestamps, rating
info, etc). Both anonymize
and anonymizeTeam
take a 'salt' option which will cause the
to hash the usernames and nicknames with the salt instead - this mode allows for
tracking the presence of a player or Pokémon accross multiple battle logs without revealing the
true identities.
's methods also take an option 'verifier' parameter - a Verifier
can be used to sanity
check the log output and ensure no names have leaked out. This is almost always due to a false
positive (often a Pokémon being nicknamed something which appears in the output logs in another
location), but can be helpful in ensuring no PII gets leaked due to bugs or oversight.
The anonymize
tool takes in a log as input and anonymizes it:
$ anonymize 2020-09/gen8ou/2020-09-25/gen8ou-2875469343.log
If there are potential leaks the warnings from the Verifier
will be output instead. For
anonymizing logs efficiently en masse, see @pkmn/logs
and the
workflow. The sample
tool can be
used to come up with a --formats
flag for the workflow - the tool queries past usage stats
reports to determine how many battles were present in a given month to be able to
determine at what rates to sample at to end up with the desired number of logs for each format:
$ sample 100000 --formats=gen8ou,gen7ou --begin=2022-01 --end=2022-04
This produces --formats=gen8ou:0.019417382834173616,gen7ou:0.00402947392710268
The recommended way of using @pkmn/anon
in a web browser is to configure your bundler
(Webpack, Rollup,
Parcel, etc) to minimize it and package it with the rest of your
This package is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.