All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Historical match by email rule is added. (#1514)
- Historical match by mobile phone rule is added. (#1516)
- Historical match by home phone rule is added. (#1518)
- Historical match by device rule is added. (#1531)
- Invalid transactions module. (#1493)
- Show the createdBy only if it exists in the guilty view. (#1515)
- Handle multiple responses from SisCard service when HTTP status code is different to 200. (#1526)
- Restore JavaScript interpolation in views. (#1527)
- Exceptions are handled in the method url. (#1527)
- Configuration is created to send notifications to the issuer. (#1519)
- Notification is created for issuers when a rule is updated, created or deleted. (#1519)
- Show data of the means by which the OTP was sent. (#1512)
- Configuration for custom subject for OTP is added. (#1522)
- The way to import axios and a sha.js file is being corrected. (#1524)
- Disable Throttle for api. (#1517)
- Change franchise brand column to enumeration. (#1415)
- Prevents KCV overwriting on subscription update. (#1509)
- Fix deprecation warnings reported after deploy using PHP 8.1 (#1506)
- Support PHP 8.2 and Laravel 10, tests split. (#1461)
- Deployment Docker image with PHP 8.2 support. (#1502)
- Now the subscription form does not deactivate the franchise. (#1502)
- Now authentication value keys are installed securely using asymmetric encryption. (#1476)
- Improve query performance using indexes in FeeTX transactions table. (#1494)
- Fields from authentication data rule allow type multiple values as tags: acctID, acctType, acquirerBIN, acquirerMerchantID, threeDSServerOperatorID. (#1488)
- Deny authentication when SisCard service responds with HTTP status code different to 200 and card error status code. (#1483)
- Replace the same placeholder multiple times in message template editor. (#1489)
- Remove unused enum and created_at, updated_at columns in metrics table. (#1487)
- Add smart OTP validation in Diners OTP Service mock. (#1480)
- Improves in challenges metrics (table for save information and procedure). (#1359)
- Update app-version to use token. (#1480)
- Display the same data between the authentication flows metric and the authentication metric. (#1306)
- Remove old vapor production environment. (#1381)
- Validate OTP strict comparaion for placetopay/diners. (#1482)
- Cardholder info text (cardholderInfo) setting to decoupled authentication. (#1418)
- Implement PlaceToPay Filters package in transactions index. (#1399)
- Change header for consuming url notification route in SendCResToNotificationURLAction. (#1472)
- Validate Diners OTP to prevent authenticate with empty value. (#1475)
- Issuer message templates module to create custom emails and text messages. (#1448)
- Send text message and Email OTP for non payment authentications. (#1467)
- Reset ACL conditionals on model changes. (#1468)
- Dynamic Authentication data field in rule (#1420)
- Use cache for transactions in final state until the end of the day in show transaction (#1337)
- KBA/OOB services respond error message on service error. (#1366)
- Make field mcc multiple select in AuthenticationData rule. (#1430)
- Perform decoupled challenge when the threeRiiInd is 03 (ADD_CARD) , 04 (MAINTAIN_CARD_INFORMATION) and 05 (ACCOUNT_VERIFICATION) according Mastercard - AN 7792. (#1456)
- Validate that prior authentication exists. (TransStatus 88 for Mastercard - AN 7792) (#1446)
- Validate acs operator id for execute ul logic in challenges. (#1460)
- A notification service is added when the cardholder has completed OOB authentication. (#1435)
- It is validated that the routes (v1.challenge-response y v1.challenge) are signed and the security of the process is reinforced. (#1278)
- Update java hsm cli for generate visa CAVV. (#1450)
- Create seeder to add new Sierra Leone currency. (#1409)
- Disputes report implementation and tour for reports. (#1416)
- Add translation to frequencies in show component. (#1434)
- Filter disputes by issuer. (#1303)
- Device channel and protocol version in authentication index. (#1379)
- Rule to aggregated purchase amount. (#1417)
- Invitation mail and instructions. (#1302)
- Remember last clicked tab. (#1326)
- Enable OAuth settings for testing services. (#1301)
- No list configs in CardHolderAuthStrategy for mock services in Issuer settings and error exporting transactions. (#1404)
- Forget cache when creating or updating country or currency models. (#1325)
- Truncate sensitive data in reports and fraud control rule names. (#1356)
- Issuer logo height in form. (#1380)
- Improve OTP label message for mobiles devices. (#1370)
- Card ranges rules arguments. (#1408)
- Removed duplicated method-url asset (#1414)
- Imports module pagination and memory leak. (#1310)
- Ability to select CAVV key indicator for the Visa brand. (#1407)
- Remove CAVV padding from Discover, received from cloud-hsm instead . (#1400)
- More information is added to the log to verify problems in decode and decrypt. (#1401)
- Message is added when you want to edit a protected field, it is recorded. (#1275)
- Newrelic along cloudhsm image (#1398)
- HRK currency is supported in transactions and deletion reports. (#1397)
- Remove "useIndex" in transaction query ans cast in "whereIn" filter. (#1395)
- Validate encrypted field to resolve inconsistencies in reports (#1392)
- Clean json before decode in CReq incoming request. (#1390)
- Policy implementation of the reporting package is updated by update. (#1388)
- Dependencies are updated to resolve errors with inconsistencies in the number of records in reports. (#1386)
- Added interaction logs using HSM, PCI 3DS requirement. (#1384)
- Repositories are updated for installation of openjdk-11. (#1385)
- Fix empty Content-Type issue when log is enabled. (#1382)
- Enable dynamic configuration for logging incoming requests. (#1381)
- AWS Cloud HSM integration. Crypto operations are performed using the Java CLI tool on local or cloud provider. (#1281)
- HRK currency is supported in transactions and deletion reports. (#1396)
- Remove "useIndex" in transaction query and cast in "whereIn" filter. (#1395)
- Validate encrypted field to resolve inconsistencies in reports (#1393)
- Clean json before decode in CReq incoming request. (#1391)
- Policy implementation of the reporting package is updated by update. (#1388)
- Dependencies are updated to resolve errors with inconsistencies in the number of records in reports.. (#1387)
- Fix empty Content-Type issue when log is enabled. (#1382)
- Enable dynamic configuration for logging incoming requests. (#1381)
- Content type error for version 2.1.0 authentications. (#1376)
- Error when an incorrect content-type is sent when the challenge is abandoned. (#1374)
- Data elements are removed from the transaction trace messages to comply with the PCI matrix. (#1259)
- ACS returns N instead of U when Siscard services returns error message. (#1367)
- Allow non-standard content type (utf-8 lowercase). (#1368)
- Add BIN size setting for FeeTX reports. (#1341)
- Amount, currency and merchant are added in the OOB service request. (#1328)
- Query optimization for profiles and authorizations. (#1284)
- When creating an issuer, it separates the default and available services. (#1276)
- The franchise is loaded from the relationship with the transaction. (#1277)
- Show related authentications by issuer in decoupled authentications. (#1280)
- Support to 3RI recurring payment ECI for Mastercard. (#1274)
- Custom ACS reference number for each franchise. (#1274)
- Support to custom Visa challenge indicator (82) exemption. (#1274)
- Improve content type verification for x-www-form-urlencoded. (#1274)
- 3RI NPA authentications with Visa 3RI indicator (80) are processed as PA. (#1274)
- Improve to Erro responses processing from DS on send RReq. (#1274)
- Acknowledgment name and version matching. (#1274)
- Indicator metric for disputes vs action. (#1213)
- Indicator metric for disputes vs modality (result). (#1214)
- Reduce requests and database queries in dispute metrics. (#1346)
- Process many records in reporting. (#1340)
- Add Challenges report metric. (#1231)
- Visa Digital Authentication Framework DAF integration. (#1227)
- Visa DAF indicador to the CAVV. (#1235)
- Allow to choose an available authentication method. (#1221)
- Transaction export when phone data is missing. (#1338)
- Save transaction status reason when challenge is completed. (#1255)
- Handle exception for concurrent transactions with the same uuid. (#1271)
- Information is added to the show transaction view (#1254)
- Duplicate questionnaire service traces. (#1208)
- Set right indicator for each supported IP version in the Discover CAVV. (#1331)
- Report generation with AWS SQS driver. (#1327)
- Verification of supported devices. (#1330)
- Generate CAVV with all IP versions. (#1329)
- Inconsistency with metrics when country of authentication is null. (#1324)
- Prevent install develop dependencies in deploy. (e7a11f8)
- Remove calendar extension from Composer requirements. (1df481f)
- Remove non used code. (a3120e8)
- Add default timestampt to whitelists table. (25644f2)
- Support for Laravel 9 and PHP 8. (#1171)
- Indicator metric for disputes vs responsible agent. (#1212)
- Add bin 8 lengths in card ranges for data to display in reports. (#1241)
- A user with admin role can remove roles from a profile. (#1318)
- Update Discover CAVV algorithm. (#1319)
- Fix for truncate request and responses in logs for 3DS Services. (#1313)
- Prevent store cardholder phones without country code. (#1314)
- Error notification in OTP and cardholder services. (#1298)
- Option to keep session active.
- The method now properly handles cases where it is passed null as an argument. (#1311)
- An error occurs when searching for the RBA message extension in the first position. (#1309)
- Update schema redis config.
- Improve database using indices in transactions, migrate from varchar to char, and enums.
- Fix Erro responses processing from DS on send RReq.
- FeeTX Reports are no longer created by issuer, the reports unite all the issuer's data by configuration. (#1230)
- OnUpdate and OnDelete events are removed from foreign keys. (#1261)
- Scheme in default and cache redis config.
- Write/read configuration database is allowed.
- New reason column in authentications report. (#1256)
- Missing data in authentications report. (#1256)
- The Common Name in certificates must not be a domain value. (#1253)
- Certificates fields are optionals (#1251)
- Error loading profiles index view. (#1250)
- Issuer can choose a CAVV algorithm in the franchise subscription. (#1203)
- The otp shipping template that is sent by mail is changed. (#1223)
- Removed button and route to create profiles. (#1234)
- Add missing authentications translations, translation of strategies in traces. (#1237)
- Fix in created by filter use RouteKeyName. (#1244)
- Displays the authentication value visible at the top of the index. (#1228)
- Add the information of the traces of the services to the information when exporting a transaction in PDF. (#1232)
- Truncate sensitive information. (#1229)
- Save authentication and eci for flow with OTP. (#1228)
- Update composer packages (acl 5.1.2: fix query to filter by model). (#1217)
- Indicator metric for disputes. (#1175)
- Update invitation instructions. (#1206)
- Hide dropdown item if report is not complete. (#1207)
- Reduce queries to process unresolved transactions. (#1215)
- Fix visa authentication value. (Julian Date). (#1219)
- Handle invalid JSON content on decode CReq message from App. (#1202)
- Fix in email invitations message. (#1206)
- Add default queue for testing environments. (#1207)
- The cardholder can change the OTP target. (#1201)
- Amount column of the metrics table has been extended to support large amounts. (#1209)
- Amount helper now handle large numeric values. (#1209)
- Disable throttle middleware for API routes. (#1205)
- Comparison with casting to detect 8 digits bin in reports. (#1205)
- Report processing is optimized by improving queries and updating columns. (#1204)
- Prevent challenge cancellation double request. (#1191)
- Handle empty CReq with response without content. (#1196)
- Empty answer result on validate OTP select question. (#1197)
- Store cardholder data correctly when using SisCard service. (#1198)
- Accept Erro message from DS as response of RReq message. (#1188)
- Reduce duplicate queries for challenge targets. (#1187)
- Adjustment is made to be able to access the detail of a transaction without AReq. (#1186)
- Truncate cardholder sensitive data using SisCard strategy. (#1184)
- Prevent resend OTP for complete transactions. (#1185)
- Update FeeTx settings key. (#1182)
- Prevent generate duplicate FeeTx data on generate reports on demand. (#1182)
- Notification for bins out of range in authentication endpoint. (#1170)
- BI procedures were created (countries and franchises). (#1177)
- BI procedures were updated (transactions). (#1177)
- It is validated that the transaction with challenge has a target in the GenerateFeeTxData process. (#1178)
- Message tracking date and time update parse is adjusted to accept null dates. (#1176)
- FeeTX reports send notification in case of error. (#1158)
- Command to generate FeeTx reports on demand. (#1158)
- FeeTX reports were enabled using a scheduled task. (#1158)
- Ability to store error message in challenge flow. (#1166)
- Fix in store device info for method url controller. (#1164)
- Fix in base64 decode for show method url info. (#1165)
- Authenticate non payment transactions with target and without target. (#1167)
- CRes for app devices now do not contain HTML tags. (#1161)
- FeeTX reports were enabled using a scheduled task. (#1158)
- Remove route to show Issuer settings in available settings section. (#1159)
- Fix in ACLs options for issuers and franchise in index authentications filters, index decouple transactions filter and create reports. (#1160)
- Task to update transactions where trans_status field is null and set U as value. (#1142)
- Ability to delete and create optional settings. (#1155)
- RReq message will be sent with messageExtension data from AReq message. (#1143)
- Modified home metric by transaction status metric and reordered weekdays in bar chart. (#1144)
- Corrected metric behavior by conversion rate. (#1146)
- Improve transaction show view when trans_status field is null. (#1142)
- Issuer settings module with translations and shared settings between services. (#1155)
- Pagination error in decoupled transaction module. (#1141)
- Multiple encryption of Issuer settings values when they are considered secure. (#1155)
- Fix in generate reports, use ACLs and validate filters. (#1154)
- Traces for fraud control lists. (#1150)
- Validation of mandatory fields in decoupled transaction flow is added. (#1151)
- Fraud control list IP checker now compare IP from AReq. (#1150)
- Prevent duplicate destroy action on try delete a fraud control list. (#1150)
- Add confirmation modal for enable and disable countries, currencies, brands(franchises), fraudControlGroup, fraudControlRules, profiles, and settings. (#1112)
- Authentication flow using fraud control lists. (#1147)
- All currencies shared to fraud control creation form. (#1147)
- Disabled historical score rule and Issuer score rule. (#1147)
- Corrects count of maximum number of attempts per challenge. (#1145)
- Logging validation errors on authentication request. (#1133)
- Improvements in input date at form and translations of fraud control list module. (#1130)
- Deleted acquirer BIN column in transactions index. (#1135)
- PHP CS Fixer upgraded to version 3. (#994)
- Composer packages were upgraded to prepare Laravel upgrade to version 9. (#1125)
- Fixed error to load the alphabetic code in transaction currency in otp-send endpoint. (#1124)
- Corrected button behavior to filter metrics. (#1134)
- Infinite page reload in decouple transaction module. (#1137)
- Many redirects on filter by date in Dispute index. (#1123)
- Access to common or platform device data of deviceInfo field. (#1136)
- Custom database queue driver with transactions retries. (#1120)
- Downgrade acknowledgement to V1 for MasterCard and Discover. (#1129)
- Issuer slug is generate automatically on creating or editing. (#1119)
- Data types in start_range and end_range fields in card ranges to bigint. (#1126)
- Generate metrics with job and procedures. (#1058)
- Improve performance to disputes index. (#1116)
- Redirect on trying edit when invitation is accepted. (#1118)
- ACL edition in profiles module. (#1117)
- User model in Entities namespace. (#1115)
- State U is added to the state list field in the transaction index. (#893)
- Error when 3RI flows required challenge. (#1086)
- Fix in transactions filters for "bin" and "last_four". (#1106)
- Transaction namespace of traces queues will be updated by the scheduling task. (#1111)
- Get all the currencies from the cache and not only the enabled ones. (#1109)
- Add validation that returns an error message when the card number is not sent. (#1107)
- Shared view for errors and challenge errors. (#1108)
- Message extension overwriting. (#1110)
- Transaction traces for questionnaire and Out of Band services. (#1094)
- Added descriptions for permission in roles. (#1095)
- The ordering of the countries in the metric filter is adjusted. (#1099)
- PAYE questionnaire services supported. (#1091)
- Only number limitation for inputs in authentications and reports. (#1085)
- Decode DeviceInfo field with Base64Url on AReq from App device. (#1096)
- OTP challenge answer validation with App device and the Diners strategy. (#1100)
- Created PDF exportable for the transaction information. (#1083)
- Added section with transaction identifiers to transaction detail view. (#1089)
- Added searcher for card ranges in issuer card ranges detail. (#1090)
- Added translations to messages in transaction traces. (#1093)
- Upgrade laravel to version 8.(#1076)
- PAYE authentication option added. (#1068)
- Added issuer and franchise data that uses the certificate in index and show certificates views. (#1077)
- Improve storage of certificates and keys on disk (#1065)
- Optimized challenge endpoint.(#1050)
- Added detail of challenge type in CRes message. (#1057)
- Modified component for add alphabetic order to fields of type select. (#1069)
- BI procedures were updated (#1078)
- Fix node warnings (#1074)
- Updated base package version to support nullable transaction status. (#1073)
- Refactored code and bug fixes for UL certification. (#1036)
- Add support to base64 to CReq (#1070)
- Questionnaire challenge allows to iterate for each question and check all answers. (#1049)
- Second factor authentication results code is calculated with authentication method. (#1059)
- Improve challenge views. (#1056)
- Added legends for required fields in brand subscription create form. (#1054)
- Encoding CReq with Base64Url on challenge cancel form. (#1062)
- Button to resend OTP in challenge view. (#1064)
- Log is added to get the response of the brand that is generating an error.(#1060)
- Fix bug in show certificate view when trying to remove a certificate.(#1053)
- Fix error in setCertificate sending error notification to DS (#1055)
- Support for Out of Band Issuer settings. (#1047)
- Support for questionnaire service for issuers. (#1027)
- Stored procedures for product monitoring are updated. (#1041)
- Refactored ProcessingFlows classes according to UL certification branch. (#1034)
- Grouped settings services in issuers. (#1040)
- Improve performance to see decoupled transaction. (#1039)
- Fix bug in create and edit countries forms.(#1048)
- Refactored TranslateFormUrlEncoded middleware.(#1009)
- Refactored CertifyCardholderData, LogIncomingRequest, SendNotificationToDSAfterAuthentication and UpdateTransactionStatus listeners according to UL certification. (#1021)
- Refactored ChallengeCompleted event and UpdateTransactionStatus listener according to changes in UL branch. (#1022)
- Refactor setter in challenge types factories. (#1025)
- Refactor Erro message and base Message class according to changes in UL. (#1026)
- Refactored ResultStepValidator according to changes in UL. (#1028)
- Refactored ResultRequestService. (#1029)
- Updated app-version command, use VersionFile::read() over VersionFile::readSha(). (#1042)
- Added card ranges to support UL tests. (#1014)
- Added fraud control rules to support UL tests. (#1016)
- Added missing actions and text colors for fraud control rules with A, I, U and R statuses. (#1018)
- Improve logs on sending or validating OTP with Diners strategy. (#1033)
- Fix bug when sending a message extension in the CReq. (#1033)
- Add V2 in Acknowledgement for message extension app interaction with challengue . (#1008)
- Response with Error message when the AReq message has invalid or duplicate UUID. (#993)
- Refactored authenticate service. (#1000)
- Refactored challenge service. (#1003)
- Refactored BrwAuthenticationStep.(#1007)
- Dispatch transactions traces with "traces" queue. (#1006)
- Refactor ResultRequestServiceMock and SendErrorNotificationToDirectoryServer listener according to UL branch. (#1023)
- Removed unnecessary rule builders to validate ThreeDS messages. (#1005)
- Removed unused ThreeDS constants. (#1011)
- Authentication service settings are validated and exception added. (#1019)
- Increase ip length in device table. (#1020)
- Message encoding to send CReq to AReq notification URL. (#1017)
- Add Authorization OAuth strategy configuration for Issuers. (#984)
- Constants are changed to those of the base package in tests/Feature/Api/V1/Authentication/BRW. (#971)
- Constants are changed to those of the base package in AuthenticationWithMasterCardBrandTest and AuthenticationTracesTest. (#972)
- Constants are changed to those of the base package in tests/Feature/Api/V1/Challenge. (#973)
- Constants are changed to those of the base package in feature/tests. (#974)
- Constants are changed to those of the base package in tests/Unit/Builders/Messages/Errors. (#975)
- Constants are changed to those of the base package in tests/Unit/Builders/Messages/Requests. (#976)
- Constants are changed to those of the base package in tests/Unit/Builders/Messages/Responses. (#977)
- Constants are changed to those of the base package in tests/Unit/Challenge, tests/Unit. (#978)
- Constants are changed to those of the base package in Encryption, Factories and FeeTxTransactions unit tests. (#979)
- Constants are changed to those of the base package in tests/Unit/FraudControl. (#980)
- Constants are changed to those of the base package in tests/Unit/FraudControl/Rules. (#981)
- Constants are changed to those of the base package in tests/Unit/Jobs. (#982)
- Constants are changed to those of the base package in CReqTest. (#983)
- Changed ACS constants for base package constants in tests/Unit/ProcessingFlows. (#988)
- Changed ACS constants for base package constants in tests/Unit/ProcessingFlows to 210 and 220 versions. (#989)
- Changed ACS constants for base package constants in tests/Unit/Services. (#990)
- Constants are changed to those of the base package in MessageBuilderError (#909)
- Rename Franchise for Brand in views. (#999)
- The execution of the SendRReqAfterRequestorMaxTime job is conditioned only for decoupled transactions. (#986)
- Prevent N+1 queries in jobs on query Issuer settings: VerifyTransactionAfterChallengeTimeout, VerifyTransactionWithoutFirstCReq. (#987)
- Constants are changed to those of the base package in resources/views/admin/transaction. (#965)
- Constants are changed to those of the base package in tests/Concerns. (#966)
- Constants are changed to those of the base package in tests/Feature/Admin/DecoupledTransaction. (#968)
- Constants are changed to those of the base package in transactions feature tests. (#969)
- Constants are changed to those of the base package in tests/Feature/Api/V1. (#970)
- Add database and resources views folders in conditional for pipeline. (#873)
- Changed ACS constants for base package constants in ThreeDS/ProcessingFlows/Concerns. (#949)
- Changed ACS constants for base package constants in ThreeDS/ProcessingFlows/V210. (#950)
- Changed ACS constants for base package constants in ThreeDS/ProcessingFlows/V220. (#951)
- Changed ACS constants for base package constants in AuthenticationDecisionFactory. (#952)
- Changed ACS constants for base package constants in ResultRequestService. (#955)
- Changed ACS constants for base package constants in ThreeDS/Services/ULInfo. (#956)
- Changed ACS constants for base package constants in ResultStepValidator. (#957)
- Changed ACS constants for base package constants in View/Models. (#958)
- Changed ACS constants for base package constants in database/factories. (#959)
- Changed ACS constants for base package constants in database/migrations. (#960)
- Changed ACS constants for base package constants in resources/lang. (#961)
- Constants are changed to those of the base package in views. (#962)
- Constants are changed to those of the base package in resources/views/admin/disputes. (#964)
- Laravel Telescope for local development. (#985)
- Constants are changed to those of the base package in Middleware domain. (#933)
- Constants are changed to those of the base package in Events, FraudControl, Helpers domain. (#928)
- Constants are changed to those of the base package in Request domain. (#930)
- Constants are changed to those of the base package in Controllers/Api, View/Composers. (#938)
- Changed ACS constants for base package constants in HasWhiteListing and IsCancellable traits and OTPTargetTextQuestion. (#939)
- Changed ACS constants for base package constants in ThreeDS/Factories module. (#942)
- Changed ACS constants for base package constants in EciGenerator. (#943)
- Changed ACS constants for base package constants in MessageErrorHandler. (#944)
- Changed ACS constants for base package constants in ThreeDS/Messages/Requests. (#946)
- Changed ACS constants for base package constants in ThreeDS/Messages/Responses. (#947)
- Changed ACS constants for base package constants in ThreeDS/ProcessingFlows. (#948)
- Remove un used traits (V_210/HasTransactionStatus, V_220/HasTransactionStatus). (#963)
- Deleted unused HasFieldsToAddToRules trait. (#939)
- Base64url for deviceInfo instead of base64 (#967)
- Constants are changed to those of the base package in AcsRenderingType (#901)
- Changed ACS constants for base package constants, in AuthenticationValue and Eci modules. (#913)
- Constants are changed to those of the base package in Requests/V210. (#924)
- Constants are changed to those of the base package in Requests/V220. (#925)
- Constants are changed to those of the base package in Responses/V210. (#926)
- Constants are changed to those of the base package in Responses/V220. (#927)
- Changed ACS constants for base package constants in VerifyTransactionAfterChallengeTimeout job. (#935)
- Changed ACS constants for base package constants in UpdateUnresolvedTransactions job. (#936)
- Changed ACS constants for base package constants in VerifyTransactionWithoutFirstCReq job. (#937)
- Changed ACS constants for base package constants in Ui data builders. (#940)
- Changed ACS constants for base package constants in ThreeDS/Constants module. (#941)
- Changed ACS constants for base package constants in ThreeDS/Messages. (#945)
- Constants are changed to those of the base package in SaveTransactionMessage, SendErrorNotificationToDirectoryServer, SendNotificationToDSAfterAuthentication listeners. (#902)
- Constants are changed to those of the base package in Metrics domain. (#903)
- Constants are changed to those of the base package in Mocks domain. (#904)
- Constants are changed to those of the base package in Reports domain. (#907)
- Constants are changed to those of the base package in Services domain. (#908)
- Changed ACS constants for base package constants, in actions, commands and entities modules. (#911)
- Set authentication type in aRes from config. (#929)
- Added functionality that allows decoupled challenge in card ranges, modified create and update card ranges form and added decoupled parameter to the index and show views. (#898)
- Constants are changed to those of the base package in VerifyTransactionWithoutFirstCReq. (#899)
- Constants are changed to those of the base package in SendRReqAfterRequestorMaxTime. (#900)
- OS version for mobile is not always collected (#918)
- Certify cardholder data verification for no targets (#915)
- ECI is added in RReq message (#916)
- Maximum execution time validation is included in the SendTargetOTP job (#917)
- Take client/server certificate in ds connection (#914)
- Diners traces in transactions now display code description readable for humans. (#886)
- Applied improvements to logs description in all project. (#897)
- Renamed threeDS jobs. (#897)
- Improved transaction verification after challenge timeout. (#897)
- Deleted unused actions to verify challenge timeout from kernel. (#897)
- Removed metric listeners. (#910)
- Removed transaction in feetx listeners. (#912)
- Drop browser support restrictions in ACS. (#895)
- Fix exchange rate base endpoint config. (#894)
- Fix handle errors and logging on sync exchanges command. (#894)
- Fix in get certificates for subscribe franchise in issuers (get client/server certificate). (#890)
- Change SDK for Signing in certificates (code and views). (#885)
- Updated base package version with missing transaction statuses reasons for VISA. (#879)
- Created fraud control rule for validate a card range. (#863)
- Add new field to timestamp current message (a997bd, b3e864)
- Add Unresolved Transaction Updater (scheduled job) (ab60ad2)
- Logs for card ranges, imports, issuer bins, profiles (a55b60, d7fd41)
- Transaction index displays the OS badge and UA badge. (59abab8)
- Add signing certificate to franchise subscription. (4c9e1bc), (4f572f2), (7ed74e1), (3c473ed), (29e65f5), (2bd09b4)
- Logo viewer routes now have a dedicated controller. (e28bf49)
- Card range table optimizations. (aa7b775, 95b6fc, 5c611d)
- Bin field is removed from the create and update card ranges form. (1d22ccc), (e396bf4)
- Query optimizations in transaction index. (272d02b)
- Link is changed to view transaction details. (b769d72), (3d961ea)
- A start date of two days is set by default for date ranges. (4c3a987), (85e7d4c)
- Card range import now support BIN's with 6 digits. (cbd03c2)
- Async OTP for diners service does not catch errors. (#880)
- Fix handler for OTP errors in JSON. (#881)
- AuthenticationType identification has been added. (#877)
- ECI has been added when transStatus is U in 2.1.0 version. (#877)
- Field payTokenSource has been removed. (#877)
- Throw Exception when exchange rates not found and return message type Erro. (#859)
- Stored procedures for product monitoring are added. (#872)
- Added translations for the currencies, and it changed forms and field type to json. (#861)
- Discover support and certification. (#809)
- Retry sending the RReq message according to Req 240 of 3DS protocol. (#841)
- Refactor HomeMetric data visualization (#860)
- Authentication method support with dynamic value depending on challenge (OTP implementation) (#865)
- The request logs are adjusted to show the most relevant information. (#866)
- Add ECI value when transStatus is U (#867)
- Improvements in pipeline (shell scripts and conditionals). (#848)
- Fixed code smells (#870)
- Show button for truncated email in show transactions view. (#842)
- Franchise filter for transactions and decouple transactions. (#847)
- Error when send OTP (#846)
- Add support to Mastercard Identity Check Platform Updates AN 4805 (#718)
- Add KCV in subscription form. (#843)
- Search in the users module. (#830)
- User timezone support. (#822)
- Validation is added so that bin is not inside a bin . (#837)
- Validation is added to not allow duplicate bins by issuer. (#834)
- Newsletter AI11604. Return TransStatusReason 13 when cardholder is not enrolled in service. (#833)
- Query and process to list security logs are optimized. (#821)
- Transaction traces are removed from the security logs module. (#823)
- Visual improvements in certificates close to expire notification message. (#826)
- Improve pagination style. (#829)
- CAVV key set for interdin (#828)
- Add support to processing of NPA transaction to VISA AI10361 (#744)
- Prevent duplicate challenge form submit. (#818)
- Decrypt private key to send RReq. (#817)
- http-headers package implementation. (#756)
- Display the Issuer logo on download dispute report. (#797)
- New design system to issuer options menu. (#790)
- Report card range exception to sentry. (#802)
- Allow to parameterize the charset and collation fields in environment vars (#803)
- Report method is added in ResultRequestService when an exception occur (#810)
- Add x-frame-options (Allow From) (#807)
- Get acs url by config. (#804)
- Validation of inacive rules by issuer is corrected. (#798)
- Remove locale relationship from Issuer module. (#642)
- Display default values from 3DS protocol on rule creation with authentication data. (#761)
- Pure transaction traces. (#748)
- ECI is added for Discover. (#791)
- Implementing CAVV algorithm for Discover (#771)
- Refactoring linked fraud control groups (#750)
- Refactoring of method that validates a certificate for conflicts in steam (#770)
- Charts using Highcharts library. (#774)
- Bins of 6 and 8 are supported in creating a range of cards. (#793)
- Translations in conversion rate chart. (#762)
- Update vulnerable UA-parser-js package, update dependencies. (#775)
- Reset filters feature in metrics module. (#777)
- Error was corrected when validating a certificate. (#787)
- Created device fingerprint match rule to fraud control. (#537)
- Added translations for Authentication Request fields in the trace. #765
- Confirmation modal to dispute. (#751)
- Display fraud control group name when rule execute group. (#757)
- Enter keys for MasterCard and Visa by issuer franchise (#729)
- Data of the keys of the issuer's franchise is loaded in the update form (#776)
- Pagination with system design styles. (#737)
- Changed organization name in certificate seeder. (#752)
- Added improvements to card display, created notification email and added additional information to log. (#760)
- Modified BIN rule with specific length in authentication filters. (#767)
- Query improvements in index and show views (#742)
- Validation order is changed to see if a transaction requires challenge by otp (#779)
- Changed Vapor Project ID. (#784)
- Improve reliability rating (#747)
- Too many requests when authentications are filtered per year. (#746)
- Add enabled at in issuer query (#749)
- Add setting parent when issuer is created (#753)
- Delete option transposes into list of values (#766)
- Change validation to svg mimes (#769)
- Mail variable is updated in environment file (#778)
- Fix seeder name AuthenticationValueToTableIssuerFranchiseSeeder (#776)
- Safe data saving in a setting update form is corrected (#779)
- Error in the validation message of the fields for entering the franchise keys by issuer is corrected (#785)
- Speed condition rule. (#724)
- Add additional settings in CardHolderInfoStrategy (#679)
- Add confirmation when try to enable/disable an issuer. (#699)
- When an issuer is disabled, authentications are not processed. (#699)
- Commit, branch, and time in version (#732)
- Paginate the rules and search over them (#702)
- The transaction allows the challenge when the cardholder has an email or a phone. (#709)
- Remove html from OTP message to sms (#713)
- Fix scope search for country model #736
- Report Client Exception to Sentry in Accounts Token (#724)
- Change name field in profiles to non-unique (#727)
- Improvement in the authentication process with accounts (#717)
- Status messages while rule type data is loading to create fraud control rules.. (#711)
- Sentry integration to front-end (Vue) #671
- Add notification flow in url method endpoint (#678)
- Transaction trace view including SReq and SRes. (#573)
- PurchaseAmount rule now support currencies and LTE, LT, GTE, GT and BETWEEN operators #701
- Change sendOTP method to Api endpoint (#704)
- Refresh fraud control cache. (#688)
- Save OTP in Transaction and build OTP message. (#698)
- Update buttons to save fraud control rule order, update notifications positions, translations from API Rest. (#700)
- Search for the countries and currencies modules. (#695)
- Validate the date format and PAN list type as is correct in the fraud control lists. (#703)
- Add default currency to issuers (#685)
- Added notification via email when the services associated with the challenge fail (Cardholder Info Service and OTP). (#649)
- Adjust the passphrase field of the certificates table so that it is stored as a string and not as an object. (#662)
- Added contextual statuses to fraud control lists. (#650)
- Improve config to support authentication values for issuer (#690)
- Changed padding in views of translatable settings (#669)
- Fix purchase amount format in challenge notification (#579)
- Added information about user logins and logouts (#666)
- Add new metrics for authentications and refactoring of existing metrics (#665)
- Add validation when the required settings, but the value is empty (#670)
- Add in show view, the missing settings messages (#670)
- Certificate validation changed for subscription when an issuer it's enabled (#670)
- Add support for bin 8 in feetx reports (#661)
- Add the option to resolve decoupled authentications (#637)
- Validation of the existence of the challenge in the update of the transaction in FeeTX (#661)
- Truncate sensitive application data in logs (#672)
- Add support for NPA (Non-Payment Authentications) in challenges (#674)
- Add support for svg images for issuers's logo (#675)
- Application build with Webpack 5 (#641)
- Split pipeline in steps (Feature Tests, Unit Tests, UL Tests, Coding Standards, FrontEnd Tests) (#641)
- Changed input field type for bits selection in the creation of certificates. (#667)
- Changed the way a subscription is created for an Issuer to a franchise (#648)
- Added option to delete certificates. (#648)
- Added new roles related to an issuer. (#628)
- Added more access control in the views. (#628)
- Added FeeTx settings for BX+ bank in config-reports file (#645)
- SSL client certificate validation and expiration date field. (#562)
- Added pagination package for all views (#617)
- Register a configuration without a default value (#639)
- Email field in CSR form now is optional. (#634)
- Return correct messageVersion when card range is null. (#598)
- Layout system dropdowns were not clickable on the entire highlight zone. (#580)
- Add baseUrl field to config of coreapi service. (#635)
- Fixed bug on close the fraud control rules modal using escape. (#614)
- Added Button to close warning alert by changes in rules order position. (#615)
- Created settings fields to configure OTP URL and cardholder information URL in settings and issuers. (#576)
- Add again certificate chain validation against public key. (#626)
- Changed way of obtaining URL for the OTP in the challenge flow for Diners. (#583)
- Issuers logo dimensions with ratio range. (#629)
- Fixed bug in rule group index in issuers. (#627)
- Quit certificate chain validation against public key. (#626)
- Accept certificate chain in certificate module. (622)
- Change slug validation on certificate creation/edition. (618)
- Authentication in Cardholder Mock Strategy. (618)