This document describes how to release of the projects involved in the PlUES Timetable Validation Tool and project.
Project releases have to follow this logical order to avoid problems in the process:
- mincer
- model-generator
- data
- models
- handbook
- plues
- Remember to pull/fetch-merge.
git flow release start <version>
lein ancient
to check if the dependencies are up to date.lein test
If everything works as expected
Bump the version number, e.g. from 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT
to 3.0.0
bumpversion --verbose release
- and finish the release with
git flow release finish
In the develop branch:
bumpversion --verbose minor
or bumpversion --verbose patch
to set the next
version number. E.g. after releasing 3.0.0
`bumpversion --verbose minor` would create version `3.1.0-SNAPSHOT`
git push origin master:master --tags
git push origin develop:develop
Remember to pull/fetch-merge.
git flow release start <version>
./gradlew check
If everything works as expected:
bumpversion --verbose release
git flow release finish
In the develop branch set the version for the development version with:
bumpversion --verbose major|minor|patch
git push origin master:master --tags
git push origin develop:develop
Remember to pull/fetch-merge.
git flow release start <version>
bumpversion release
Update the Makefile
- set
to the corresponding release versions as chosen in the steps above. - Once builds above have finished run
make data.mch
to verify everything works as expected.
If everything works as expected:
git add Makefile
git commit
git flow release finish
In the develop branch:
- Update
- set
to the correspondingSNAPSHOT
versions as chosen in the steps above. - Once builds above have finished run
make data.mch
to verify everything works as expected. - Commit changes.
bump version to next development version:
bumpversion --verbose patch|major|minor
git push origin master:master --tags
git push origin develop:develop
make philfak-data.sqlite3 flavor=philfak
make wiwi-data.sqlite3 flavor=wiwi
make cs-data.sqlite3 flavor=cs
Remember to pull/fetch-merge.
git flow release start <version>
git submodule update --init
(cd data; git checkout master; git pull origin master)
git add data
git commit -m 'Updated submodule to the latest release'
- Requirements for python test runner are defined in
- Install with
pip install -r tests/requirements.txt
as appropiate. - Update
- set
to the corresponding release versions as chosen in the steps above. git add tests/data/raw/Makefile
git commit -m 'Updated test dependencies to release versions'
- run
make test-data
to regenerate test data using the latest versions of model-generator and mincer.
Run Tests
make data.mch solver7_tests tests
If everything works as expected commit changes and:
git add tests/data/raw
git commit -m 'Regenerated test data files'
bumpversion --verbose release
git flow release finish
In the develop branch:
- Update
- set
to the correspondingSNAPSHOT
versions as chosen in the steps above. - run
make test-data
to regenerate test data using the latest versions of model-generator and mincer. - commit changes
git add tests/data/raw/Makefile
git commit -m 'Updated test dependencies to development versions'
git add tests/data/raw
git commit -m 'Regenerated test files'
then run:
(cd data; git checkout develop; git pull)
git add data
git commit -m 'Updated submodule to the latest development version'
bumpversion --verbose major|minor|patch
git push origin master:master --tags
git push origin develop:develop
The handbook also follows the git-flow process.
Remember to pull/fetch-merge.
git flow release start <version>
bumpversion --verbose release
Update tool Version numbers and URLs in
- Section 1.1 links and versions
- Section 2.1: Version
run the following command to generate the pdf and html versions of the handbook to check that everything workds as expected
If everything is as expected commit changes:
git add
git commit -m 'Updated version numbers'
And finish the release with:
git flow release finish
git push origin master:master --tags
git push origin develop
In the develop branch set the version for the next release:
bumpversion major|minor|patch
Update tool Version numbers and URLs in
- Section 1.1 Links and versions
- Section 2.1: Version
and push everything:
git push origin develop:develop
git flow release start <version>
(cd model-generator; git checkout master; git pull)
git add model-generator
git commit -m 'Updated submodule to the latest release'
- Set
to released version of models project, as chosen above.
Commit changes:
git add src/main/resources/
git commit -m 'Updated required version of models'
- Set
to the URL of the released handbook insrc/main/resources/
Commit changes:
git add src/main/resources/
git commit -m 'Updated handbook url'
- Update
. Switch fromSNAPSHOT
to latest ProB2 release. Maven Central
git add build.gradle
git commit -m 'Updated ProB2 to latest release'
./gradlew clean check -Pheadless=true
If everything works as expected:
bumpversion --verbose release
git flow release finish
In the develop branch:
(cd model-generator; git checkout develop; git pull)
git add model-generator
git commit -m 'Updated submodule to the latest development version'
- Set
to released version of models project, as chosen above.
Commit changes:
git add src/main/resources/
git commit -m 'Updated required version of models'
- Set
to the URL of the latest development version handbook insrc/main/resources/
Commit changes:
git add src/main/resources/
git commit -m 'Updated handbook url'
- Update
. Switch to the currentSNAPSHOT
of ProB2. Maven Central
git add build.gradle
git commit -m 'Updated ProB2 to SNAPSHOT release'
bumpversion --verbose major|minor|patch
git push origin master:master --tags
git push origin develop:develop
On the corresponding branch, i.e. master
Download release build from or run:
lein uberjar launch4j
Upload mincer-<VERSION>-standalone.jar
and mincer-.exe` to the corresponding tag/release at
On the corresponding branch, i.e. master
Download the release to be published from or run:
./gradlew buildStandaloneJar
Upload model-generator-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
and model-generator-standalone-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
to the corresponding tag/release at
On the corresponding branch, i.e. master
Generate all databases:
make philfak-data.sqlite3
make wiwi-data.sqlite3 flavor=wiwi
make cs-data.sqlite3 flavor=cs
Upload philfak-data.sqlite
, wiwi-data.sqlite3
and cs-data.sqlite3
to the corresponding release at
go to the models repository checkout.
In the corresponding branch for the release (e.g. master) run:
make very_clean dist
This copies and packages all relevant model files to dist/
Copy the created dist/ file to the resources direcotry in the plues
project: src/main/resources
Upload dist/
to the corresponding release at
Go to the corresponding branch (e.g. master) in you handbook
checkout and generate the handbook files with:
Copy the generated .html
and .pdf
files to your plues checkout:
cp handbook-<version>.html <plues checkout>/src/main/resources/doc/handbook.html
cp handbook-<version>.pdf <plues checkout>/src/main/resources/doc/handbook.pdf
Upload handbook-<version>.html
and handbook-<version>.pdf
to the corresponding release at
On the corresponding branch, i.e. master
IMPORTANT Make sure src/main/resources/
does not override any settings.
In the plues
repositry run:
./gradlew clean createDmg winZip distTar
this step creates the following artifacts, which can be distributed:
(Mac Os)build/distributions/plues-<VERSION>.tar