Ykre is a small cli program written in rust wich purpose is to extract from a list of yaml documents, documents matching a specified condition. Ykre goal is to find specific Kubernetes Resource from the kustomize output. Ykre stands for Yaml Kubernetes Resources Extractor.
from a debian package :
wget -q https://github.com/pluie-org/ykre/raw/master/dist/ykre_0.2.0_amd64.deb
sudo apt install ./ykre_0.2.0_amd64.deb
via Cargo
wget -q -O - https://github.com/pluie-org/ykre/raw/master/install.sh | sh
display content of the kubernetes resource 'myResourceName'
cat kubresources.yaml | ykre 'myResourceName'
write content of the kubernetes resource 'pv-dump' into a file
kustomize build ./config/volumes/local | ykre 'pv-dump' > ./tmp.yaml
retriew kubernetes pv resources matching 2Gi disk capacity
kustomize build ./config/volumes/dev | ykre 2Gi spec.capacity.storage