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PLUMED Masterclass 21.6: Dimensionality reduction


The primary aim of this Masterclass is to show you how you might use PLUMED in your work. We will see how to call PLUMED from a python notebook and discuss some strategies for selecting collective variables.


Once this section is completed, users will be able to:

  • Calculate CVs and import them into a python notebook.
  • Generate visualizations of data using chemiscope


Throughout this exercise, we use the atomistic simulation environment and chemiscope. Please look at the information at the links I have provided here for more information about these codes.

Setting up the software

For this Masterclass, you will need to set up the plumed and gromacs as you did for this masterclass. You thus install plumed and gromacs using:

conda install --strict-channel-priority -c plumed/label/masterclass-mpi -c conda-forge plumed
conda install --strict-channel-priority -c plumed/label/masterclass-mpi -c conda-forge gromacs

You can install the other software you need using:

conda install -c conda-forge py-plumed Numpy pandas matplotlib notebook mdtraj mdanalysis git ase

Notice that you need a package called ase (the atomic simulation environment) for these exercises and the other packages you have been using. You also need to install chemiscope, which you can do by using the following command:

pip install chemiscope


The data needed to complete this Masterclass can be found on GitHub. You can clone this repository locally on your machine using the following command:

git clone

I recommend that you run each exercise in a separate sub-directory (i.e. Exercise-1, Exercise-2, ...), which you can create inside the root directory masterclass-21-6. Organizing your data this way will help you to keep things clean.

All the exercises have been tested with PLUMED version 2.7.0.


Exercise 1: Running PLUMED from a python notebook

I like working with Python notebooks. Using notebooks allows me to keep the codes that I am working on close to the explanations of how these codes work. I can also make all my figures within a notebook. By using notebooks, I can thus have a single file that contains:

  • Discussion of the work done.
  • The analysis code.
  • The final figures that were generated.

In previous masterclasses we have run plumed driver through bash from within a notebook by using commands like the one shown below:

!cd ../Exercises/Exercise_1 && plumed driver --noatoms > /dev/null
# Read in colvar file produced
data = np.loadtxt("../Exercises/Exercise_1/colvar")

We have then read in the colvar file produced and analyzed it from within the notebook. We can avoid using plumed driver and can call plumed directly from python using the python interface. The code below, for instance, generates the plot underneath the code. The code reads in the trajectory from the file traj.pdb that you obtained from the GitHub repository. The plot then shows how the $\phi$ angle on the second residue of the protein changes with time.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import plumed
import ase 

# Read in trajectory using ase
traj ='../data/traj.pdb',':')

# Setup plumed object to do calculation
p = plumed.Plumed()
# Read PDB so need to multiply by 0.1 to convert to nm
p.cmd("setMDLengthUnits", 0.1)
p.cmd("setTimestep", 1.)
p.cmd("setKbT", 1.)
natoms = len(traj[0].positions)

# Read plumed input 
p.cmd("readInputLine","MOLINFO STRUCTURE=../data/bhp.pdb")
# If you are doing many variables I would represent putting these 
# next three PLUMED commands into a function
p.cmd("readInputLine", "t1: TORSION ATOMS=@phi-2" )
# Now setup some memory to hold the variable that is shared 
# between plumed and the underlying code
shape = np.zeros( 1, dtype=np.int_ )
p.cmd("getDataRank t1 ", shape )
t1 = np.zeros((1))
p.cmd("setMemoryForData t1", t1)

# Loop over trajectory and get data from plumed
nfram, tt, v1, box = 0, [], [], np.array([[100.,0,0],[0,100.,0],[0,0,100]])
charges, forces, virial = np.zeros(natoms,dtype=np.float64), np.zeros([natoms,3]), np.zeros((3,3),dtype=np.float64)
for ts in traj : 
    # Set all the input variables to PLUMED
    p.cmd("setBox",box )
    p.cmd("setMasses", ts.get_masses() )
    p.cmd("setCharges", charges )
    pos = np.array(ts.get_positions(), dtype=np.float64 )
    p.cmd("setPositions", pos )
    p.cmd("setForces", forces )
    p.cmd("setVirial", virial )
    # Run the plumed calculation
    # We can now extract the value of the torsion by accessing the shared memory we set up earlier
    nfram = nfram + 1

# Plot teh graph of the torsional angle as a function of time
plt.plot( tt, v1, 'ko')
plt.xlabel("Simulation step")
plt.ylabel("Torsion angle / radians")

The value of the phi angle as a function of time.

Your task in this first exercise is to modify the code above and to produce a figure similar to the one shown below. This figure shows all the values of the $\phi$ and $\psi$ angles in the second residue of the protein during the simulation.

A plot showing phi against psi for the second residue of the protein.

Exercise 2: Generating a chemiscope representation

Plots showing the trajectory in CV space similar to those you generated at the end of the previous exercise are helpful. What would be more useful, however, is some way of understanding the relationship between the positions in CV space and the structures of the various atoms. In other words, what we would like is something like this:

A representation of the time against phi plot from the previous exercise that was generated using chemiscope.

You can see the frame in the trajectory that each point in the plot corresponds to from the above figure. The snapshots on the right correspond to the structures the system had at the points highlighted in red, yellow, green and blue respectively in the plot on the left.

The figure above was generated using chemiscope. This server allows you to generate and interact with plots like the one shown above. Your task in this exercise is to generate your own chemiscope representation of the data in traj.pdb. To create a chemiscope representation of the $\phi$ angles that we generated using the first python script from the previous exercise, you would add the following python code:

from import atomic_masses
from chemiscope import write_input

# This ensures that the atomic masses are used in place of the symbols
# when constructing the atomic configurations' chemiscope representations.
# Using the symbols will not work because ase is written by chemists and not 
# biologists.  For a chemist, HG1 is mercury as opposed to the first hydrogen
# on a guanine residue.  
for frame in traj:
    frame.numbers = np.array(
            np.argmin(np.subtract(atomic_masses, float(am)) ** 2)
            for am in frame.arrays["occupancy"]

# This constructs the dictionary of properties for chemiscope
properties = {
    "time": {
        "target": "structure",
        "values": tt,
        "description": "Simulation step number",
    "t2": {
        "target": "structure",
        "values": v1,
        "description": "Phi angle of second residue",

# This generates our chemiscope output
write_input("torsion_chemiscope.json.gz", frames=traj, properties=properties )

You would then upload the torsion_chemiscope.json.gz file that is generated by this script at

See if you can generate your own chemiscope representation of the data in traj.pdb. I would recommend calculating and uploading a chemiscope representation of all the protein's torsional angles. At the very least, you need to do at least two backbone torsional angles. However, if you do more than two torsions, you can generate a plot like the one shown below.

"A representation of the trajectory that was generated using chemiscope.  Here psi_2 is plotted on the x-axis, phi_2 is plotted on the y-axis, and phi_3 is plotted on the z-axis.  The points are coloured following the value of psi_3, and the points' sizes are proportional to phi_4."


You can do your analsysis by running PLUMED from python directly. Similarly you can hopefully think of ways to use chemiscope to visualise your own trajectories. We will use these techniques in the exercises that follow but hopefully you can already see that they will be useful for your own research.