- Updated ExitScript which now uses an exitSecureSite object for its implementation. It is currently backwards compatible. Please visit the sample pages for all the details.
- Removed unused function loadDoc()
- Updated WET to v4.0.43
- Updated static fallback files
- Fixed issue of menu links not displaying leaving secure site warning
- Added a targetWarning parameter for the exitScript allowing users to be warned that link will open in a new window
- Added a displayModalForNewWindow parameter for the exitScript allowing users to not show a modal if link opens in a new window
- Added a footerPath parameter allowing users to provide a custom footer link for the GCIntranet template
- Updated the mobile design for the Canada.ca template
- Implemented custom search for the Canada.ca template
- Added Aria tags for accessibility
- Created a brand new set of sample pages explaining the various features of CDTS
- Added ids for the sign in/sign out buttons for the GCIntranet application template
- Bug fixes