diff --git a/docs/docs/cmd/entra/roledefinition/roledefinition-set.mdx b/docs/docs/cmd/entra/roledefinition/roledefinition-set.mdx
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index 0000000000..a17bebc2e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/docs/cmd/entra/roledefinition/roledefinition-set.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+import Global from '/docs/cmd/_global.mdx';
+# entra roledefinition set
+Updates a custom Microsoft Entra ID role definition
+## Usage
+m365 entra roledefinition set [options]
+## Options
+```md definition-list
+`-i, --id [id]`
+: The id of the role definition to be updated. Specify either `id` or `displayName`, but not both.
+`-n, --displayName [displayName]`
+: The display name of the role definition to be updated. Specify either `id` or `displayName`, but not both.
+`--newDisplayName [newDisplayName]`
+: Updated display name for the role definition.
+`-d, --description [description]`
+: Updated description for the role definition.
+`-e, --enabled [enabled]`
+: Indicates if the role is enabled for the assignment.
+`a-, --allowedResourceActions [allowedResourceActions]`
+: Updated comma-separated list of resource actions allowed for the role.
+`-v, --version [version]`
+: Updated version of the role definition.
+## Examples
+Update a custom Microsoft Entra ID role specified by the id
+m365 entra roledefinition set --id fadbc488-151d-4431-9143-6abbffae759f --newDisplayName 'Application Remover' --description 'Allows to remove any Entra ID application' --allowedResourceActions 'microsoft.directory/applications/delete'
+Update a custom Microsoft Entra ID role specified by the display name
+m365 entra roledefinition set --displayName 'Application Remover' --version '1.0' --enabled true --allowedResourceActions 'microsoft.directory/applications/delete,microsoft.directory/applications/owners/update'
+## Response
+The command won't return a response on success
+## More information
+- https://learn.microsoft.com/graph/api/rbacapplication-post-roledefinitions
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diff --git a/docs/src/config/sidebars.ts b/docs/src/config/sidebars.ts
index 0d17dbbf22..ead561006e 100644
--- a/docs/src/config/sidebars.ts
+++ b/docs/src/config/sidebars.ts
@@ -653,6 +653,11 @@ const sidebars: SidebarsConfig = {
type: 'doc',
label: 'roledefinition remove',
id: 'cmd/entra/roledefinition/roledefinition-remove'
+ },
+ {
+ type: 'doc',
+ label: 'roledefinition set',
+ id: 'cmd/entra/roledefinition/roledefinition-set'
diff --git a/src/m365/entra/commands.ts b/src/m365/entra/commands.ts
index f821e6f049..15d3156488 100644
--- a/src/m365/entra/commands.ts
+++ b/src/m365/entra/commands.ts
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ export default {
ROLEDEFINITION_LIST: `${prefix} roledefinition list`,
ROLEDEFINITION_GET: `${prefix} roledefinition get`,
ROLEDEFINITION_REMOVE: `${prefix} roledefinition remove`,
+ ROLEDEFINITION_SET: `${prefix} roledefinition set`,
SITECLASSIFICATION_DISABLE: `${prefix} siteclassification disable`,
SITECLASSIFICATION_ENABLE: `${prefix} siteclassification enable`,
SITECLASSIFICATION_GET: `${prefix} siteclassification get`,
diff --git a/src/m365/entra/commands/roledefinition/roledefinition-set.spec.ts b/src/m365/entra/commands/roledefinition/roledefinition-set.spec.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..76f26d45b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/m365/entra/commands/roledefinition/roledefinition-set.spec.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+import assert from 'assert';
+import sinon from 'sinon';
+import auth from '../../../../Auth.js';
+import commands from '../../commands.js';
+import request from '../../../../request.js';
+import { Logger } from '../../../../cli/Logger.js';
+import { telemetry } from '../../../../telemetry.js';
+import { pid } from '../../../../utils/pid.js';
+import { session } from '../../../../utils/session.js';
+import command from './roledefinition-set.js';
+import { sinonUtil } from '../../../../utils/sinonUtil.js';
+import { CommandError } from '../../../../Command.js';
+import { z } from 'zod';
+import { CommandInfo } from '../../../../cli/CommandInfo.js';
+import { cli } from '../../../../cli/cli.js';
+import { roleDefinition } from '../../../../utils/roleDefinition.js';
+describe(commands.ROLEDEFINITION_SET, () => {
+ const roleId = 'abcd1234-de71-4623-b4af-96380a352509';
+ const roleDisplayName = 'Custom Role';
+ let log: string[];
+ let logger: Logger;
+ let commandInfo: CommandInfo;
+ let commandOptionsSchema: z.ZodTypeAny;
+ before(() => {
+ sinon.stub(auth, 'restoreAuth').resolves();
+ sinon.stub(telemetry, 'trackEvent').returns();
+ sinon.stub(pid, 'getProcessName').returns('');
+ sinon.stub(session, 'getId').returns('');
+ auth.connection.active = true;
+ commandInfo = cli.getCommandInfo(command);
+ commandOptionsSchema = commandInfo.command.getSchemaToParse()!;
+ });
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ log = [];
+ logger = {
+ log: async (msg: string) => {
+ log.push(msg);
+ },
+ logRaw: async (msg: string) => {
+ log.push(msg);
+ },
+ logToStderr: async (msg: string) => {
+ log.push(msg);
+ }
+ };
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ sinonUtil.restore([
+ request.patch
+ ]);
+ });
+ after(() => {
+ sinon.restore();
+ auth.connection.active = false;
+ });
+ it('has correct name', () => {
+ assert.strictEqual(command.name, commands.ROLEDEFINITION_SET);
+ });
+ it('has a description', () => {
+ assert.notStrictEqual(command.description, null);
+ });
+ it('fails validation if id is not a valid GUID', () => {
+ const actual = commandOptionsSchema.safeParse({
+ id: 'foo'
+ });
+ assert.notStrictEqual(actual.success, true);
+ });
+ it('fails validation if both id and displayName are provided', () => {
+ const actual = commandOptionsSchema.safeParse({
+ id: roleId,
+ displayName: roleDisplayName
+ });
+ assert.notStrictEqual(actual.success, true);
+ });
+ it('fails validation if neither id nor displayName is provided', () => {
+ const actual = commandOptionsSchema.safeParse({});
+ assert.notStrictEqual(actual.success, true);
+ });
+ it('fails validation if neither newDisplayName, description, allowedResourceActions, enabled nor version is provided', () => {
+ const actual = commandOptionsSchema.safeParse({ id: roleId });
+ assert.notStrictEqual(actual.success, true);
+ });
+ it('updates a custom role definition specified by id', async () => {
+ const patchRequestStub = sinon.stub(request, 'patch').callsFake(async (opts) => {
+ if (opts.url === `https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/roleManagement/directory/roleDefinitions/${roleId}`) {
+ return;
+ }
+ throw 'Invalid request';
+ });
+ const parsedSchema = commandOptionsSchema.safeParse({ id: roleId, allowedResourceActions: "microsoft.directory/groups.unified/create,microsoft.directory/groups.unified/delete" });
+ await command.action(logger, { options: parsedSchema.data });
+ assert(patchRequestStub.called);
+ });
+ it('updates a custom role definition specified by displayName', async () => {
+ sinon.stub(roleDefinition, 'getRoleDefinitionByDisplayName').resolves({ id: roleId });
+ const patchRequestStub = sinon.stub(request, 'patch').callsFake(async (opts) => {
+ if (opts.url === `https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/roleManagement/directory/roleDefinitions/${roleId}`) {
+ return;
+ }
+ throw 'Invalid request';
+ });
+ const parsedSchema = commandOptionsSchema.safeParse({
+ displayName: roleDisplayName,
+ newDisplayName: 'Custom Role Test',
+ description: 'Allows creating and deleting unified groups',
+ allowedResourceActions: "microsoft.directory/groups.unified/create,microsoft.directory/groups.unified/delete",
+ enabled: false,
+ version: "2",
+ verbose: true
+ });
+ await command.action(logger, {
+ options: parsedSchema.data
+ });
+ assert(patchRequestStub.called);
+ });
+ it('correctly handles API OData error', async () => {
+ sinon.stub(request, 'patch').rejects({
+ error: {
+ 'odata.error': {
+ code: '-1, InvalidOperationException',
+ message: {
+ value: 'Invalid request'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ const parsedSchema = commandOptionsSchema.safeParse({
+ displayName: 'Custom Role',
+ allowedResourceActions: "microsoft.directory/groups.unified/create"
+ });
+ await assert.rejects(command.action(logger, {
+ options: parsedSchema.data
+ }), new CommandError('Invalid request'));
+ });
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diff --git a/src/m365/entra/commands/roledefinition/roledefinition-set.ts b/src/m365/entra/commands/roledefinition/roledefinition-set.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f0c8df0af7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/m365/entra/commands/roledefinition/roledefinition-set.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+import { z } from 'zod';
+import { globalOptionsZod } from '../../../../Command.js';
+import { zod } from '../../../../utils/zod.js';
+import GraphCommand from '../../../base/GraphCommand.js';
+import commands from '../../commands.js';
+import { Logger } from '../../../../cli/Logger.js';
+import request, { CliRequestOptions } from '../../../../request.js';
+import { roleDefinition } from '../../../../utils/roleDefinition.js';
+import { validation } from '../../../../utils/validation.js';
+import { UnifiedRoleDefinition } from '@microsoft/microsoft-graph-types';
+const options = globalOptionsZod
+ .extend({
+ id: zod.alias('i', z.string().optional()),
+ displayName: zod.alias('n', z.string().optional()),
+ newDisplayName: z.string().optional(),
+ allowedResourceActions: zod.alias('a', z.string().optional()),
+ description: zod.alias('d', z.string().optional()),
+ enabled: zod.alias('e', z.boolean().optional()),
+ version: zod.alias('v', z.string().optional())
+ })
+ .strict();
+declare type Options = z.infer;
+interface CommandArgs {
+ options: Options;
+class EntraRoleDefinitionSetCommand extends GraphCommand {
+ public get name(): string {
+ return commands.ROLEDEFINITION_SET;
+ }
+ public get description(): string {
+ return 'Updates a custom Microsoft Entra ID role definition';
+ }
+ public get schema(): z.ZodTypeAny | undefined {
+ return options;
+ }
+ public getRefinedSchema(schema: typeof options): z.ZodEffects | undefined {
+ return schema
+ .refine(options => !options.id !== !options.displayName, {
+ message: 'Specify either id or displayName, but not both'
+ })
+ .refine(options => options.id || options.displayName, {
+ message: 'Specify either id or displayName'
+ })
+ .refine(options => (!options.id && !options.displayName) || options.displayName || (options.id && validation.isValidGuid(options.id)), options => ({
+ message: `The '${options.id}' must be a valid GUID`,
+ path: ['id']
+ }))
+ .refine(options => Object.values([options.newDisplayName, options.description, options.allowedResourceActions, options.enabled, options.version]).filter(v => typeof v !== 'undefined').length > 0, {
+ message: 'Provide value for at least one of the following parameters: newDisplayName, description, allowedResourceActions, enabled or version'
+ });
+ }
+ public async commandAction(logger: Logger, args: CommandArgs): Promise {
+ try {
+ let roleDefinitionId = args.options.id;
+ if (args.options.displayName) {
+ roleDefinitionId = (await roleDefinition.getRoleDefinitionByDisplayName(args.options.displayName, 'id')).id;
+ }
+ if (args.options.verbose) {
+ await logger.logToStderr(`Updating custom role definition with ID ${roleDefinitionId}...`);
+ }
+ const data: UnifiedRoleDefinition = {
+ displayName: args.options.newDisplayName,
+ description: args.options.description,
+ isEnabled: args.options.enabled,
+ version: args.options.version
+ };
+ if (args.options.allowedResourceActions) {
+ data['rolePermissions'] = [
+ {
+ allowedResourceActions: args.options.allowedResourceActions.split(',')
+ }
+ ];
+ }
+ const requestOptions: CliRequestOptions = {
+ url: `${this.resource}/v1.0/roleManagement/directory/roleDefinitions/${roleDefinitionId}`,
+ headers: {
+ accept: 'application/json;odata.metadata=none'
+ },
+ data: data,
+ responseType: 'json'
+ };
+ await request.patch(requestOptions);
+ }
+ catch (err: any) {
+ this.handleRejectedODataJsonPromise(err);
+ }
+ }
+export default new EntraRoleDefinitionSetCommand();
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