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iex> 1          # integer
iex> 0x1F       # integer (31)
iex> 0x1010     # integer (10)
iex> 0o777      # integer (511)
iex> 1.0        # float
iex> 1.0e-10    # float
iex> true       # boolean
iex> false      # boolean
iex> :atom      # atom / symbol
iex> "elixir"   # string
iex> [1, 2, 3]  # list
iex> {1, 2, 3}  # tuple
iex> is_atom(false)     # true
iex> is_atom(:false)     # true
iex> is_boolean(true)   # true
iex> is_boolean(:true)   # true
iex> is_integer(1.0)    # false
iex> is_float("foo")
iex> is_number(1.0)     # true

Infix: 40 + 2 is 42. / on integers returns a float, e.g. 10 / 2 is 5.0:

10 / 2         5.0
div(10, 2)     5
div 10, 2      5
rem 10, 3      1
round(3.58)    4
trunc(3.58)    3

true == false is false.

true != false is true.

You can also use or, and, and not. or and and are short-circuiting operators. All three of these require Boolean arguments.

Elixir also has ||, &&, and !, which accept values of any type, and where any value except false and nil are truthy.

For comparison: ==, !=, ===, !==, <=, >=, <, and >. The only difference between == and === is that 1 == 1.0 is true but 1 === 1.0 is not true.

Elixir allows applying the comparison operators to values of any type or combination of types, for simplicity when doing things like sorting. There is an ordering among types, e.g. <number> < <atom>.

Double quoted literals are strings (single quoted literals are char lists, not strings).

Use <> to concatenate, e.g. "hello" <> " world"

You can interpolate:

iex> "hellö #{:world}"
"hellö world"

The typical \x char codes work, e.g. "hello\nworld"

Internally strings are binary, sequences of bytes (UTF-8):

iex> String.length("hellö")
iex> is_binary("hellö")
iex> byte_size("hellö")

The String module has lots of useful methods like upcase.

You can print a string using IO.puts/1:

iex> IO.puts "hello\nworld"

Note that the return value of IO.puts is :ok.

Note: Functions in Elixir are identified by name and by number of arguments (i.e. arity). Therefore, is_boolean/1 identifies a function named is_boolean that takes 1 argument. is_boolean/2 identifies a different (nonexistent) function with the same name but different arity.:

iex> is_boolean(true)
iex> is_boolean(1)

You can get help on a function with h and its name/arity:

iex> h is_boolean
iex> h is_boolean/1
iex> h ==/2

BUT you can't call a function using its full name and arity, you have to leave off the arity:

iex> is_boolean/1(1)
** (SyntaxError) iex:2: syntax error before: '('

Define anonymous functions with fn, ->, and end:

iex> add = fn a, b -> a + b end
iex> is_function(add)
iex> is_function(add, 2)
iex> is_function(add, 1)

Anonymous functions require a dot . to invoke:

iex> add.(1, 2)

Anonymous functions are closures and can access variables that were in scope when they were defined.

Variables assigned inside a function do not affect the surrounding environment, though:

iex> x = 42
iex> (fn -> x = 0 end).()
iex> x

Literal lists are written with square brackets. Values can be a mix of any types:

iex> length [1, 2, true, 3]

Lists are concatenated using ++/2 and can be "subtracted" using --/2:

iex> [1, 2, 3] ++ [4, 5, 6]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
iex> [1, true, 2, false, 3, true] -- [true, false]
[1, 2, 3, true]

The "head" of a list is like Lisp's car but is accessed using the hd/1 function. Similarly, the "tail" is the cdr and you get it with tl/1:

iex> list = [1,2,3]
iex> hd(list)
iex> tl(list)
[2, 3]

You can add a new head to a list with |:

iex> [1 | [2, 3]]
[1, 2, 3]

Getting the head or the tail of an empty list is an error:

iex> hd []
** (ArgumentError) argument error

A list of small integers is printed by Elixir as a single-quoted "string" - but it's not a string, it's a list of chars:

iex> [11, 12, 13]
iex> [104, 101, 108, 108, 111]

Use i/1 to get information about a value:

iex(2)> i 'hello'
Data type
  This is a list of integers that is printed as a sequence of characters
  delimited by single quotes because all the integers in it represent valid
  ASCII characters. Conventionally, such lists of integers are referred to as
  "char lists" (more precisely, a char list is a list of Unicode codepoints,
  and ASCII is a subset of Unicode).
Raw representation
  [104, 101, 108, 108, 111]
Reference modules
iex(3)> i "hello"
Data type
Byte size
  This is a string: a UTF-8 encoded binary. It's printed surrounded by
  "double quotes" because all UTF-8 encoded codepoints in it are printable.
Raw representation
  <<104, 101, 108, 108, 111>>
Reference modules
  String, :binary

Literal tuples are written with curly brackets {1, :ok, true}. Access any element with elem/2 using 0-indexing, get the length with tuple_size/1, and return a new tuple with an element changed using put_elem/3:

iex> elem({:ok, "hello"})
iex> tuple_size({:ok, "hello"})
iex> put_elem({:ok, "hello"}, 1, "world"})
{:ok, "world"}