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321 lines (242 loc) · 9.35 KB

File metadata and controls

321 lines (242 loc) · 9.35 KB


Move language package manager for Diem and Pontem networks.

See documentation at


Using pre-compiled binaries:

Just visit releases page and download binaries you are going to use.

Using source code:

Clone this repository and follow documentation:

git clone
cd dove
cargo install --path ./dove
See help:
dove -h

Create new project:

dove new first_project 

This command will create first_project/ directory with special Move.toml manifest file and sources/ directory for Move source code.

Build project:

dove build

See ./build/ folder to get scripts/modules binaries.

Clean build directory:
dove clean

The contents of the directories will be deleted:

  • <PROJECT_DIR>/storage
  • <PROJECT_DIR>/build
Clear build directory and global cache:
dove clean --global

The contents of the directories will be deleted:

  • <PROJECT_DIR>/storage
  • <PROJECT_DIR>/build
  • ~/.move/

Pallet Transactions

Command call allows you to create and publish transactions for Polkadot chain with Move Pallete on board.

call takes script identifier, type parameters, and arguments and creates a transaction file as an artifact of work.

dove call [CALL] [OPTIONS]

Input parameters

  • [CALL] - Call declaration
  • -a / --args Script arguments, e.g. 10 20 30
  • -t, --type Script type parameters, e.g. 0x1::Dfinance::USD
  • -g / --gas Limitation of gas consumption per operation. A positive integer is expected
  • -u / --url The url of the substrate node to query [default: ws://localhost:9944]. HTTP, HTTPS, WS protocols are supported. It is recommended to use WS. When using HTTP or HTTPS, you cannot get the publication status.
  • --account Account from whom to publish. Address or test account name or name wallet key. Example: //Alice, alice, bob, NAME_WALLET_KEY... or 5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY. When used in combination with --secret is ignored.
  • -s / --secret Secret phrase. If a secret phrase is specified, you do not need to specify.


dove call 'store_u64(60)'

This command searches for the script by name 'store_u64' in the script directory. Then it compiles it and creates a transaction file.

This command will fail if:

  • There is no script with the name given name 'store_u64'.
  • There is more than one script with the name 'store_64'.
  • The passed parameters or type parameters do not match the script parameters.
  • There are syntax errors in the script.

You can use type parameters like in the Move language.


dove call 'create_account<0x01::PONT::PONT>()'

You allow can use SS58 address format:

dove call 'create_account<0x1::MyToken::Token>()'
dove call 'create_account<ADDRESS_ALIAS::MyToken::Token>()'
dove call 'create_account(ADDRESS_ALIAS, 10, true, [10, 20, 30, 40], 0x1, SS58_ADDRESS)'

Supported types:

  • Numbers (u8, u64, u128)
  • Boolean
  • Vectors
  • Type parameters (generics).
  • SS58 format address
  • Addresses in hexadecimal format
  • ADDRESS_ALIAS - Address alias. Specified in the "addresses" section of Move.toml

For more commands and parameters look at help:

dove call --help


If you look for examples, guidelines how to write modules/scripts or tests, visit Pontem Documentation.

Resource Viewer

Resource viewer is currently out of date and pending migration inside dove in future versions.

See documentation.


Migrated inside Dove, see help:

dove run --help

Manage wallet keys

Command key allows you to save the secret keys to the wallet on your computer and access them under an alias. Saved key can be used when publishing a module or bundle $ dove deploy <FILE_NAME> --account <NAME_KEY> ..., as well as when execute a transaction $ dove call <CALL> --account <NAME_KEY> .... Keys are stored on your computer in the ~/.move/ directory. Before saving, they are encrypted with the aes + password.

Adding a key:

dove key add --alias <NAME_KEY>

After executing this command, you will be prompted to enter a password and a secret phrase from your wallet.

If you don't want to protect the key with a password, use the --nopassword flag(Not recommended):

dove key add --alias <NAME_KEY> --nopassword

View list of saved keys

dove key list

Deleting a key

Deleting a key by name:

dove key delete --alias <NAME_KEY>

Deleting all saved keys:

dove key delete --all

Publishing a module or package


Input parameters

  • [FILE_NAME] - Name of module or package to be published.
  • [PATH_TO_FILE] - Path to the file to be published. Expected file extension:
    • pac bundle
    • mv module
    • mvt transaction
  • -g / --gas Limitation of gas consumption per operation. A positive integer is expected
  • -u / --url The url of the substrate node to query [default: ws://localhost:9944]. HTTP, HTTPS, WS protocols are supported. It is recommended to use WS. When using HTTP or HTTPS, you cannot get the publication status.
  • --account Account from whom to publish. Address or test account name or name wallet key. Example: //Alice, alice, bob, NAME_WALLET_KEY... or 5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY. When used in combination with --secret is ignored.
  • -s / --secret Secret phrase. If a secret phrase is specified, you do not need to specify.
  • modules_exclude Names of modules to exclude from the package process.


dove deploy
dove deploy PACKAGE_NAME --account WALLET_KEY --gas 300
dove deploy PACKAGE_NAME --secret --url ws:// --gas 400 --modules_exclude MODULE_NAME_1 MODULE_NAME_2 ..
dove deploy MODULE_NAME --secret --url --gas 400
dove deploy PATH/TO/FILE --account //Alice --gas 300

Resource Viewer

Move Resource Viewer is a tool to query BCS resources data from blockchain nodes storage and represent them in JSON or human readable format.

  1. The viewer makes a request to the blockchain node by a sending specific query (address + resource type).
  2. The viewer send another request to node and query resource type layout.
  3. The viewer restores resources using response data and type layout.

Usage example

Query the user's store contract balance:

dove view "5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY::Store::Store<u64>" --api "ws://"

Input parameters

  • [QUERY] resource type-path, e.g.:
    • 0x1::Account::Balance<0x1::PONT::PONT>
    • 5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY::Store::Store<u64>
    • In general: 0xDEADBEEF::Module::Struct< 0xBADBEEF::Mod::Struct<...>, ... >
    • Inner address can be omitted, it's inherited by parent: 0xDEADBEEF::Module::Struct<Mod::Struct> expands to 0xDEADBEEF::Module::Struct<0xDEADBEEF::Mod::Struct>
    • Query can ends with index [42] for vec-resources
  • Output options:
    • -o / --output fs-path to output file
    • -j / --json sets output format to json. Can be omitted if output file extension is .json, so then json format will be chosen automatically.
    • --json-schema additional json-schema export, fs-path to output schema file.

For more info check out --help.


Two output formats supported:

  • Move-like text
  • JSON

The structure of the output in JSON is described in the scheme, which can be obtained by calling with the --json-schema parameter.

Move-like example:

resource 00000000::Account::Balance<00000000::Coins::BTC> {
    coin: resource 00000000::Dfinance::T<00000000::Coins::BTC> {
        value: 1000000000u128

JSON example:

  "is_resource": true,
  "type": {
    "address": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
    "module": "Account",
    "name": "Balance",
    "type_params": [
        "Struct": {
          "address": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
          "module": "Coins",
          "name": "BTC",
          "type_params": []
  "value": [
      "id": "coin",
      "value": {
        "Struct": {
          "is_resource": true,
          "type": {
            "address": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
            "module": "Dfinance",
            "name": "T",
            "type_params": [
                "Struct": {
                  "address": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
                  "module": "Coins",
                  "name": "BTC",
                  "type_params": []
          "value": [
              "id": "value",
              "value": {
                "U128": 1000000000