This product includes the following libraries:
Android-DirectoryChooser - A directory chooser library for Android
Android Support Library - Google's support library
Butterknife - View "injection" library for Android
google-gson - A Java library to convert JSON to Java objects and vice-versa
HoloColorPicker - An Android Holo themed colorpicker designed by Marie Schweiz
ParallaxScroll - Parallax ScrollView and ListView for Android
Picasso - A powerful image downloading and caching library for Android
OkHttp - An HTTP & SPDY client for Android and Java applications
VLC - The mediaplayer that outrules everyone
CircleImageView - A circular ImageView for Android
PagerSlidingTabStrip - The Material version
ChangeLogLib - Android Library to display your changelog
Android-RobotoTextView - Implementation of a TextView and all its direct/indirect subclasses with native support for the Roboto fonts
AndroidSlidingUpPanel - This library provides a simple way to add a draggable sliding up panel (popularized by Google Music and Google Maps) to your Android application.
trakt-java - A Java wrapper around the trakt v2 API using retrofit.
ConnectSDK - Connect SDK is an open source framework that connects your mobile apps with multiple media device platforms.
Timber - Logging made easy
AndroidAsync - Asynchronous socket, http (client+server), websocket, and library for android. Based on nio, not threads.
TorrentStream-Android - Torrent streaming on Android
aXMLRPC - XML-RPC on Android