This is an admittedly imperfect list of Portland startups. But it's a start. Please make suggestions, edits, and refinements so that this can be a more comprehensive list. When the status of a startup changes, please leave the name and append additional info within parens, e.g., (defunct), (acquired), (acquired by [Company name]), (formerly [Previous name]).
- 38 Zeros
- A Kids Company About (formerly A Kids Book About)
- Accumulus
- Adherial
- Agilyx
- Airship (formerly Urban Airship)
- AllGo
- Alma
- Amused Now
- Answerbox
- Antenna
- Assistiv Labs
- Athletemob
- AudioName
- Automagically
- Ballroom
- beeminder
- Befunky
- Betabook
- BetaTrek
- Bigdaa
- Bilingualhire
- Binster
- bitharvest
- Black Earth United
- BlitzMetrics
- Blueshift
- Book Supply Co
- Boots n All
- Brandlive
- Brickstr
- Cake Systems
- Camp Near Me
- CampsEZ
- CardCraft
- Cardsmith
- Cascadia Games
- CASH Music
- CashStar
- Celly
- CerCis Consulting
- Chinook Book
- chirpify
- Chroma
- Circle Media
- CiteAds
- Civil
- Clibe
- Clicky
- cloudydays
- Clutch Play Games
- CoachBase
- Cointhink
- Concrete5
- Conscious Box
- Conversa Health
- Copatient
- Creative Homies
- Creativity Gamelab
- Crowd Supply
- CrowdStreet
- Cuddle Mattress
- DADO Labs
- DailyPath
- Dart
- Dashdok
- Deconstructed
- Dedworks
- Digital Trends
- Digs
- Divine Universal Studies
- DongleKong
- Droneseed
- Dronze
- Dwellingo
- Earth Techling
- EasyHome
- Ecozoom
- Elevation Lab
- Eleven
- Elli
- Embodee
- Emoomee
- Energy Storage Systems
- entp
- EnviJet
- Epipheo
- Exterro
- Fanlist (formerly known as PodInbox)
- Fat Cupcake
- Favery
- Field Day
- Find Wellness
- Finnegan the Dragon
- Fireproof
- FitCause
- FitDeck
- Flat
- Fleet
- Fling
- FOMO Sonar
- Foxing
- Fridie Outdoors
- FunnelBox
- FXserve
- Generous
- GEO'Supp
- GeoPalz
- gigapan
- gliph
- Go 2 Network
- Golf Clubs
- GoRecess
- Gradetree
- Graph Alchemist
- Grublits
- Gruntworks
- Gymbo
- Hallspot
- HealthSaaS
- Heart & Hustle Productions
- Hello Wonder
- [HeyPros](
- Here File, File
- HighFive
- Hintme
- House Happy
- Hubbub Health
- Hydrolix (
- Hyperlayer
- Icon
- iFlipd
- Imagars
- Imaginot
- IncitED
- Incredible
- Indie Vinos
- Infinity Softworks
- Insidr
- Instrument
- Iterasi
- itOS
- Jama
- Janrain
- JourneyGym
- JumperCut
- Kannact
- Keen
- Kickball
- Kimera
- Koffeebot
- Kokeena
- Konectab
- Kudough
- LanguageTwin
- Lighthouse
- Livestock Framing
- Livfly
- Local Plate
- Looptworks
- Lovely
- LucentPDX
- lucid energy
- Lucid Meetings
- Lumen Learning
- Lumina
- lumous
- [Luna Insurance](
- Lytics
- Made
- Margo
- MathLeap
- Maurerville
- menuish
- MineCRM
- Mineral (formerly MammothHR)
- Minetta Brook
- Mirror Realms
- Mitu
- MobileRQ
- Mobspot
- Molecule Synth
- Mountain Machine Games
- Mozilla
- Muut
- My World News
- MyRadar
- Night & Day Studios
- Nodify
- Nouvola
- NurseGrid
- Object Theory
- On the plates
- Opal Labs
- OpenSesame
- OpenSourcery
- Paasenger
- Panic
- Pasito
- Paxton AI
- PayRange
- Peeka
- Perceivit
- People Data Labs (formerly TalentIQ)
- Perfect
- Permetia Envirotech
- Physician Relocation Specialists
- Pillsy
- pivotplanet
- Planet Argon
- Platial
- Player 01
- Playmunity
- Poached
- Portland's Own
- PressVI
- Prestavi
- PrestoBox
- Price Guide
- Printers Row
- Provata Health
- Pulse Health
- Radious
- Rainbow Technology
- RainMaker
- RallyCause
- Rap Grid
- RealWear
- RecBob
- Reclaim AI
- Reco
- ReelDx
- Refresh Media
- Reperio Health
- Rera Health
- Revelation
- Rezzi
- RFPio
- Ribbn
- Ride Report
- Rigado
- Rising Tide Innovations
- RNA Networks
- Roaster Tools
- Rock Paper Coin
- Rose City Games
- Rumblefish
- Salemarkd
- SavorSearch
- Scoreboard Invoicing
- Scribbletone
- SecuriDOT
- Selfpubd
- SendSmart
- Shopaddict
- ShopAddikt
- Shurky Jurky
- Sixty AI (formerly FasterBetter)
- Sightbox (Acquired by J&J)
- Simple Emotion
- Simplifilm
- Skaut Coffee
- Skyward (Acquired by Verizon)
- sleepninja games
- Slumberkins
- Small World News
- Snowledge
- Snowshoe
- Snowy Evening
- SocialBlend
- Sphaera Solutions
- Splash
- SplashCast
- Sports Database
- Spot Metrix
- spotsi
- Sprintly
- Sprout At Work
- Squash Reports
- Storycode
- Sublime Learning
- Subscription Tools
- SwellPath
- Syndical
- Tally
- Teak (formerly Carrot)
- Tellagence
- Tender
- The Brigade
- The R-Group
- TheAVproject
- Thetus
- Tixie
- Together Underground
- Totem
- Trakt
- Trapit
- Trisef Book
- [True Finance](
- Truyu
- Tubaloo
- Uprinta
- Upsight Security
- Velocis
- VendNext
- Versionista
- Vets First Choice
- Viddiyo
- VodPod
- VoicePass Technology
- VRN Jobs
- WalkerTracker
- WbSrch
- We Out Here Magazine
- Webtrends
- WedBrilliant
- WeMakePDX
- Wikisway
- Womply
- Woolybubs
- Wordspreadz
- Workfrom
- WorldState
- YearOne (formerly PocketMentor)
- Yorkshire Interactive
- Zembula (formerly Scratch-It)
- Zeppidy
- Zicarta
- Zoofaroo
- Zooza
- Absci (IPO)
- AppFog (Acquired by CenturyLink)
- AppThwack (Acquired by Amazon)
- Athletepath (Acquired by IMathlete)
- Bac'n (Acquired)
- Bass Masta (Acquired)
- (Acquired by VitalTech/Cigna)
- Cedexis (Acquired by Citrix)
- Cloudability (Acquired by Apptio)
- Code Scouts (Acquired by ChickTech)
- COLOURlovers (merged with Creative Market)
- Cozy (Acquired)
- Creative Market (Acquired by Autodesk)
- dot dot dash (formerly Stublisher) (Acquired)
- Elemental (Acquired by Amazon)
- Geoloqi (Acquired by Esri)
- Giftango (Acquired by InComm)
- Glider (Acquired)
- (Acquired)
- HiringThing (Acquired)
- HUBB (Acquired)
- IOTAS (Acquired by ADT)
- Iovation (Acquired by TransUnion)
- Jive (Acquired by Aurea Software)
- Koan (Acquired by Quantive)
- Little Bird (Acquired by Sprinklr)
- Lucky Sort (Acquired by Twitter)
- Measureful (Acquired by Chirpify)
- Meridian (Acquired by Aruba, Aruba acquired by HP)
- Mirador Financial (Acquired)
- My Street Grocery (Acquired by Whole Foods)
- New Relic (IPO)
- Notion (Acquired by Jama)
- onthego platforms (Acquired by Atheer)
- Orchestrate (Acquired by CenturyLink)
- Outdoor Project (Acquired)
- Paleo Plan (Acquired)
- Paydici (Acquired)
- perka (Acquired)
- Postano (Acquired by TigerLogic)
- Puppet (Acquired)
- Reflect (Acquired by Puppet)
- RipFog (Acquired by Cloudability)
- Second Porch (Acquired by Homeaway)
- ShopIgniter (Acquired)
- Showyou (Acquired)
- Simple (Acquired by BBVA)
- Smart Mocha (Acquired)
- SpaceView (Acquired by Atheer)
- Stackery (Acquired by Amazon)
- SurveyMonkey (Acauired)
- Switchboard (Merged with Hearken)
- taplister (Acquired)
- The Clymb (Acquired)
- (Acquired)
- Uncorked Studios (formerly Gorlochs) (Acquired by Fresh Consulting)
- Vacasa (IPO)
- Vadio (Acquired)
- Vault (Acquired by Acorns)
- VendScreen (Acquired)
- Vizify (Acquired by Yahoo!)
- The WILD (Acquired by Autodesk)
- Zapproved (Acquired by Exterro)
- Zipcan (Acquired)
- Brightwork (Defunct)
- Bumped (Defunct)
- Clickety (Defunct)
- CPUsage (Defunct)
- Dovie (Defunct)
- Forkfly (Defunct)
- GadgetTrak (Defunct)
- (Defunct)
- MoPix (Defunct)
- Mugasha (Defunct)
- Piggybank (Defunct)
- Plunk (Defunct)
- returnguru (Defunct)
- Revisu (Defunct)
- ShopTender (formerly blkdot) (Defunct)
- Staffing Robot (Defunct)
- Stand in (Defunct)
- StatDragon (Defunct)
- Stayhound (Defunct)
- Theme Dragon (Defunct)
- Treehouse (Defunct)
- Upstart Labs (Defunct)