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File metadata and controls

440 lines (345 loc) · 19.7 KB


If not otherwise specified the remainder of this document assumes that

local pantran = require("pantran")
local actions = require("pantran.ui.actions")
local engines = require("pantran.engines")
local async = require("pantran.async")


Setup function to be run by user.

Can be used to configure translation engines, appearance, and keybindings. The invocation is optional, if you don't want to customize anything you don't need to call it. Valid keys for opt are:

  • default_engine: String which specifies the default engine to use in the various translation modes. Can be one of "apertium", "argos", "deepl", "google", and "yandex". Default is "argos".

  • command: Table which can be used to configure the default behavior of :Pantran. It accepts the following keys:

    • default_mode: The default translation mode when it isn't explicitly specified on the command line. Accepted values are "interactive", "yank" "replace" "append", and "hover". Default is "interactive".
  • curl: Table which configures the default behavior for invoking curl and connecting to a server. Accepts the following keys:

    • cmd: The command used to invoke curl. Defaults to curl.

    • retry: Retry attempts when curl fails to connect to a server. Defaults to 3.

    • timeout: Maximum time in seonds that curl's connection is allowed to take. Defaults to 15.

    • user_args: List of additional arguments passed to curl, for example to specify a proxy. Defaults to an empty table.

  • help: Table which configures the appearance of the help pop up window. Accepts the following keys:

    separator: Separator between elements in the help buffer. Defaults to " ► ".

  • ui: Table which configures the appearance of the interactive user interface. It accepts the following keys:

    • width_percentage: The percentage of the terminal window width that the UI should occupy. Defaults to 0.6.

    • height_percentage: The percentage of the terminal window height that the UI should occupy. Defaults to 0.3.

    • min_height: Minimum height of the UI in terminal rows. This is only used when the height calculated with height_percentage is smaller. Defaults to 10.

    • min_width: Minimum width of the UI in terminal columns. This is only used when the width calculated with width_percentage is smaller. Defaults to 40.

    • scrollbind: Configures if the translation window should scroll with the input window or not. Defaults to true.

  • select: Table which configures the selection mode, i.e., when selecting another language or engine. It accepts the following keys:

    • prompt_prefix: Prefix string used right before the input field for filtering matches. Defaults to "> ".

    • selection_caret: Prefix string used before the currently selected element in the selection window. Defaults to "► ".

  • window: Table with configuration options for individual floating windows of the user interface. It accepts the following keys:

    • title_border: Table with two elements that are used to decorate left and right sides of the window title. Defaults to {"┤ ", " ├"}.

    • window_config: Map the default window configuration. Consult the documentation of nvim_open_win() for a list of valid keys. Defaults to {relative = "editor", border = "single"}.

    • options: Table of options to set in each buffer and window. You can specify both buffer-local and window-local options. Defaults to

      number         = false,
      relativenumber = false,
      cursorline     = false,
      cursorcolumn   = false,
      linebreak      = true,
      breakindent    = true,
      wrap           = true,
      foldcolumn     = "0",
      signcolumn     = "auto",
      colorcolumn    = "",
      fillchars      = "eob: ",
      winhighlight   = "Normal:PantranNormal,SignColumn:PantranNormal,FloatBorder:PantranBorder",
      textwidth      = 0
  • engines: Table with configuration options for individual engines. It accepts the following keys:

  • controls: Table with keybindings and other configuration options that are directly influenced by them. Accepts the following keys:

    • updatetime: Milliseconds to wait for user input. If the user doesn't type anything in the specified time frame then the current input text is translated automatically and displayed in the translation window. Defaults to 300.

    • mappings: Table for configuration of keybindings. This is a nested table structure. It can contain the keys edit and select which configure the keybindings used in the main translation window and during the selection mode. Each of these two tables can contain the keys i and n for setting insert and normal mode bindings. The key should be the actual binding and the value the action to perform. This can either be a function, a string, or false to disable an existing keybinding. Visit default mappings for additional information.

:[range]Pantran {args}

Command for running a translation.

It supports various arguments which are expected to be in the <key>=<value> format. Tab completion is also implemented. When a range is used then the corresponding text is used to initialize the input in the translation window. The following parameters are supported:

  • mode: The translation mode to use instead of the default mode. Consult for pantran.setup() for a list of possible values.

  • engine: The initial engine to use instead of the default engine. Consult for pantran.setup() for a list of possible values.

  • source: The initial source language to use for this translation. Allowed values depend on the engine, see Engines for details.

  • target: The initial target language to use for this translation. Allowed values depend on the engine, see Engines for details.


Function to use in keybindings for translations.

This function is useful for keyboard mappings, as it supports both ranges and motions. Which is helpful to quickly translate a piece of text. opts is a table which supports the same keys and values as :Pantran.


The function used internally by the command :Pantran.

The previous function pantran.motion_translate() is probably the best choice for mappings, as this function does not support motions. But in some cases this might be more useful (e.g., when for your own custom commands). The allowed arguments are the same.


Information about supported translation engines and their configuration. Engines which are not properly configured (e.g., missing API keys) are disabled automatically and can't be used. If there are fallback modes available which do not require authentication then these are used instead. Also note, that most engines split their input on newlines before attempting translation. If you do not want that it is advisable to put all coherent input text on one line. You could then use gj and gk to move over wrapped lines. Default languages are configured on a per-engine basis and valid identifiers might vary from engine to engine. You can list valid identifiers with the following command (this examples uses argos):

:lua print(vim.inspect(engines.argos:languages())) end)

Other available configuration options usually reflect what the API endpoints have to offer and are therefore different from engine to engine.


Apertium is a FOSS rule-based machine translation system and can be used right away. For pantran.setup() it supports the following configuration keys:

  • default_source: Primary source language to use for translation. Default value is "auto".

  • default_target: Primary target language to use for translation. Default value is "eng".

  • fallback_source: Apertium is a little bit quirky and sometimes the language detection endpoint returns wrong languages that it also can't translate. In these cases this language is used as a fallback. Default is "deu".

  • url: URL of the Apertium instance to use. Defaults to "".

  • markUnknown: If "yes", uses * to mark unknown words. Default value is "no".

  • format: Text format of the translation input. Can be one of "html", "txt", and "rtf". Default value is "txt".

Argos Translate

Argos Translate is an open-source (offline) machine translation library. The web-app and API built on top of it is called LibreTranslate. For pantran.setup() it supports the following configuration keys:

  • default_source: Primary source language to use for translation. Default value is "auto".

  • default_target: Primary target language to use for translation. Default value is "en".

  • url: URL of the Argos Translate instance to use. Defaults to "".

  • api_key: Some Argos Translate instances require an API key to control traffic. The configured default instance does not, so you don't need to set it. If you change the instance, however, you might also need to configure an API key. Defaults to vim.NIL.


DeepL is a commercial and proprietary neural machine translation service. For programmatic access, the DeepL API requires an API key. Without it this engine can't be used and it is therefore deactivated. Note that a free API plan is available. For pantran.setup() it supports the following configuration keys:

  • default_source: Primary source language to use for translation. Default value is vim.NIL (i.e., when unset the API will attempt to detect the language automatically).

  • default_target: Primary target language to use for translation. Default value is "EN-US".

  • auth_key: The API key to use for this engine. Defaults to vim.env.DEEPL_AUTH_KEY (i.e., an environment variable).

  • free_api: Boolean which specifies whether the API key is for the DeepL API Free or DeepL API Pro plan. Defaults to true.

  • split_sentences: Sets whether the translation engine should first split the input into sentences. Possible values are 0, 1 (default), and nonewlines.

  • preserve_formatting: Sets whether the translation engine should respect the original formatting, even if it would usually correct some aspects. Possible values are 0 (default), and 1.

  • formality: Sets whether the translated text should lean towards formal or informal language. Possible values are "default" (default), "more", and "less".

Google Translate

Google Translate is a machine translation service deployed by Google. The implemented default endpoint uses the Google Translate v2/Basic API, for which you need to authenticate with a Bearer token or API key for your account. If this is not set up, this plugin falls back to unofficial endpoints used internally by the web front-ends for Google Translate. Since these endpoints are not supported by Google and are also rate-limited, setting up authentication is recommended. For pantran.setup() the primary endpoint supports the following configuration keys:

  • default_source: Primary source language to use for translation. Default value is vim.NIL (i.e., when unset the API will attempt to detect the language automatically).

  • default_target: Primary target language to use for translation. Default value is "en".

  • bearer_token: The token to use for this engine. Defaults to vim.env.GOOGLE_BEARER_TOKEN (i.e., an environment variable).

  • api_key: It is also possible to create an API key for authentication. Since API keys do not expire (unlike Bearer tokens) this authentication method is simpler. This has precedence over bearer_token. Defaults to vim.env.GOOGLE_API_KEY (i.e., an environment variable).

  • format: Format of the text. Possible values are "text" (default) and "html".

  • fallback: Table with configuration options for the fallback endpoint. It accepts the following keys:

    • default_source: Primary source language to use for translation. Default value is "auto".

    • default_target: Primary target language to use for translation. Default value is "en".

Yandex Translate

Yandex Translate is a web service provided by Yandex for machine translation. The default endpoint uses the Yandex Translate v2 API, for which you need to authenticate with an IAM token or API key for your account. If you do not have an account this plugin falls back to the old Yandex Translate v1 API which works without authentication. Note, however that this endpoint is deprecated and thus might stop working any time. For pantran.setup() the primary v2 endpoint supports the following configuration keys:

  • default_source: Primary source language to use for translation. Default value is vim.NIL (i.e., when unset the API will attempt to detect the language automatically).

  • default_target: Primary target language to use for translation. Default value is "en".

  • iam_token: The token to use for this engine. Defaults to vim.env.YANDEX_IAM_TOKEN (i.e., an environment variable).

  • api_key: Service accounts can also use an API key for authentication. Since API keys do not expire (unlike IAM tokens) this authentication method is simpler. This has precedence over iam_token. Defaults to vim.env.YANDEX_API_KEY (i.e., an environment variable).

  • folder_id: A folder is an isolated space where Yandex Cloud resources are created and grouped. Setting this is only required for user accounts. Defaults to vim.env.YANDEX_FOLDER_ID (i.e., an environment variable).

  • format: Format of the text. Possible values are "PLAIN_TEXT" (default) and "HTML".

  • fallback: Table with configuration options for the fallback v1 endpoint. It accepts the following keys:

    • default_source: Primary source language to use for translation. Default value is "auto".

    • default_target: Primary target language to use for translation. Default value is "en".

Default Mappings

Default keybindings for various modes in the interactive translation UI. If not otherwise specified actions live in the actions module. Replace actions replace the text with which the translation window was initialized (e.g., through a range or a movement). Note that <C-_> is the key from pressing <C-/>.

Edit Window

Insert Action Description
<C-c> close Terminate current translation.
<C-_> help Show mappings in floating window.
<C-y> yank_close_translation Yank translation and quit.
<M-y> yank_close_input Yank input and quit.
<C-r> replace_close_translation Replace text with translation and quit.
<M-r> replace_close_input Replace text with input and quit.
<C-a> append_close_translation Append translation to text and quit.
<M-a> append_close_input Append input to text and quit.
<C-e> select_engine Select a new translation engine.
<C-s> select_source Select a new source language.
<C-t> select_target Select a new target language.
<M-s> switch_languages Switch source with target language.
<M-t> translate Manually trigger translation.
Normal Action Description
q close Terminate current translation.
<Esc> close Terminate current translation.
g? help Show mappings in floating window.
gy yank_close_translation Yank translation and quit.
gY yank_close_input Yank input and quit.
gr replace_close_translation Replace text with translation and quit.
gR replace_close_input Replace text with input and quit.
ga append_close_translation Append translation to text and quit.
gA append_close_input Append input to text and quit.
ge select_engine Select a new translation engine.
gs select_source Select a new source language.
gt select_target Select a new target language.
gS switch_languages Switch source with target language.
gT translate Manually trigger translation.

Select Mode

Insert Action Description
<C-_> help Show mappings in floating window.
<C-n> select_next Select next item in the list.
<C-p> select_prev Select previous item in the list.
<C-j> select_next Select next item in the list.
<C-k> select_prev Select previous item in the list.
<Down> select_next Select next item in the list.
<Up> select_prev Select previous item in the list.
<Cr> select_choose Choose current item and exit selection mode.
<C-y> select_choose Choose current item and exit selection mode.
<C-e> select_abort Abort current selection.
Normal Action Description
g? help Show mappings in floating window.
j select_next Select next item in the list.
k select_prev Select previous item in the list.
<Down> select_next Select next item in the list.
<Up> select_prev Select previous item in the list.
gg select_first Select first item in the list.
G select_last Select last item in the list.
<Cr> select_choose Choose current item and exit selection mode.
<Esc> select_abort Abort current selection.
q select_abort Abort current selection.

Highlight Groups

Pantran.nvim defines and uses some highlight groups to bring color to its UI. Advanced users can overwrite them to their liking. Run :echo getcompletion('Pantran', 'highlight') to see which highlight groups are used.

Programmatical Usage

Pantran.nvim can also be used as an API in your own scripts. Note, however, that this is highly experimental as it requires access to internal APIs which are subject to change.

local function translate(sentence)
  -- Engine methods can throw errors (e.g., due to timeouts or other network
  -- errors), which is why we use pcall.
  local ok, translation = pcall(engines.argos.translate, sentence)
  if ok then
end, "Hallo Welt!") -- prints "Hello World!"