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Keyword Driven Automation Framework Tutorial

The project demonstrates use of Keyword driven testing automation framework. This framework uses:

  1. Selenium for UI automation
  2. Extend reports for reporting
  3. Excel for keyword base test case

About Keyword driven framework

Keyword driven approach is to create test cases using a sequence of keywords. These keywords are custom-made. The framework is mainly useful for a project which do not have programming background and can directly use custom keywords to create test cases.

Getting Started

These instructions will help you get started.


  1. Java
  2. Maven
  3. Need MS excel or Libre office type of apps to read and write test cases.


Where to write test cases?

  • All test cases are written in excel file format under folder: /test/resources/TestCases/*.xlsx
    • Each excel can hold multiple sheet.
    • Each sheet represents a test case.
  • User can create multiple excel files to help segrate the test cases into different modules, sites etc.
  • These excel files can have any name.
  • Steps can be marked "active", "inactive" to enable and disable the step from execution.

How to write test cases?

  • Above sheet should always have below columns, if any column is not in used the value should hold NA:
    • StepNo: Step serial number
    • Status: active/inactive
    • TestStepDesc: Normal text describing the step working
    • Keyword: This is predefined list:
      • OpenUrl: To navigate to the url
      • Click: To click the element
      • SelectDropDown: Select visible text value from the drop down
      • Verify_text: Verify text on the element
      • Verify_element: Verify element is visible
      • ClickValidArticles: Custom keyword for the application
      • SelectDropDown: Select visible text value from dropdown
      • SendKeys: Add text to element
    • LocatorType: Element locator which can be - class, xpath, id, tagName, name, linkText, partialLinkText, css
    • ValueType: Can be the following:
      • EnvFile: equivalent value is fetched from /test/resources/EnvRepo/{envFileName}.properties
      • ElementFile: equivalent value is fetched from /test/resources/ObjectRepo/
      • raw: no equivalent
    • Value:
      • Depending on the "ValueType" this key is used.
      • If ValueType is raw then this value is taken as is.
    • ValueToVerifyType:
      • TextFile: equivalent value is fetched from /test/resources/ObjectRepo/
      • raw: no equivalent
    • ValueToVerify
      • Depending on the "ValueType" this key is used.
      • If ValueType is raw then this value is taken as is.
    • ExtraInfo
      • Used for custom keywords

Which test cases will be run?

  • Running status of test cases are maintained in master sheet: /test/resources/TestRunner/MasterTestRunSheet.xlsx
  • IMP: This file should have the same name always.
  • First sheet of the excel will be read to determine which test cases will be executed.
  • Sheet format: Status,ExcelFilename,SheetName
    • Status: active,inactive
    • ExcelFilename: Test sheet name from location /test/resources/TestCases/*.xlsx
    • SheetName: Sheet name to be run from above excel test case file.

How to execute test?

  • Right click on any on the TestNG xml file and run as testng suite.
  • All the active test cases from /test/resources/TestRunner/MasterTestRunSheet.xlsx will be run.


Extent reports are generated under /reports folder. /images hold the screenshots from failed steps Report name: SparkReport_{Date-Time}.html

IMP NOTE: Open the report from Windows-explorer in Chrome


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