This library contains pure functions to get plural forms and plural rules for a supported locale.
- Loading
- Functions
- getPluralFormForCardinalByIndex
- getPluralFormNameForCardinalByIndex
- getPluralFormForCardinalByLocale
- getPluralFormNameForCardinalByLocale
- getPluralRuleForCardinalsByLocale
- getPluralRuleForNamedFormsForCardinalsByLocale
- getPluralRuleForCardinalsByIndex
- getPluralRuleForNamedFormsForCardinalsByIndex
- getSupportedLocales
- getPluralFormCountForLocale
- getPluralFormNamesForLocale
Load the main module in an application using CommonJS modules:
const { getPluralFormForCardinalByLocale } = require('fast-plural-rules')
Load the main module in an application using ES modules:
import { getPluralFormForCardinalByLocale } from 'fast-plural-rules'
Load the main module in the browser with plain JavaScript:
<script src="./node_modules/fast-plural-rules/dist/index.umd.min.js"></script>
(() => {
const { getPluralFormForCardinalByLocale } = window.fastPluralRules
Load the main module in the browser with AMD:
<script src=""></script>
({ getPluralFormForCardinalByLocale }) => {
You can also load a specific version from CDN, for example:
Functions return either a plural form index or a plural rule and they accept either a locale, or a rule index from the list of supported locales and plural rule indexes.
The locale is normalized for the plural rule lookup. It is always converted to lower-case and if it consists of two parts - language and country - separated by an underscore, the separator is replaced by a hyphen. For example: pt_BR ==> pt-br
getPluralFormForCardinalByIndex(index: number, count: number): number
Returns an index of the plural form using the specified plural rule index
and the specified cardinal - count
- one of supported plural rule indexescount
- a cardinal representing an item count; an integer >= 0
import { getPluralFormForCardinalByIndex } from 'fast-plural-rules'
getPluralFormForCardinalByIndex(1, 5)
// Returns 1, which is a second plural form (plural) in Germanic languages.
getPluralFormNameForCardinalByIndex(index: number, count: number): string
Returns a name of the plural form using the specified plural rule index
and the specified cardinal - count
- one of supported plural rule indexescount
- a cardinal representing an item count; an integer >= 0
import { getPluralFormNameForCardinalByIndex } from 'fast-plural-rules'
getPluralFormNameForCardinalByIndex(1, 5)
// Returns "other", which is a second plural form (plural) in Germanic languages.
getPluralFormForCardinalByLocale(locale: string, count: number): number
Returns an index of the plural form using the specified locale
and the specified cardinal - count
- one of supported language localescount
- a cardinal representing an item count; an integer >= 0
import { getPluralFormForCardinalByLocale } from 'fast-plural-rules'
getPluralFormForCardinalByLocale('en', 5)
// Returns 1, which is a second plural form (plural) in Germanic languages.
The locale is normalized for the plural rule lookup by converting it to lower-case and using a hyphen as a separator, if the country is present and separated by an underscore.
getPluralFormNameForCardinalByLocale(locale: string, count: number): string
Returns a name of the plural form using the specified locale
and the specified cardinal - count
- one of supported language localescount
- a cardinal representing an item count; an integer >= 0
import { getPluralFormNameForCardinalByLocale } from 'fast-plural-rules'
getPluralFormNameForCardinalByLocale('en', 5)
// Returns "other", which is a second plural form (plural) in Germanic languages.
The locale is normalized for the plural rule lookup by converting it to lower-case and using a hyphen as a separator, if the country is present and separated by an underscore.
getPluralRuleForCardinalsByIndex(index: number): Function
Returns an plural form rule function for the specified plural rule index
. The function can be called later with a cardinal (item count) to return the right plural form index for the cardinal. If you call getPluralFormForCardinalByIndex
many times for the same rule index, consider obtaining a rule function for the specific rule index by getPluralRuleForCardinalsByIndex
and call that function repeatedly.
- one of supported plural rule indexes
import { getPluralRuleForCardinalsByIndex } from 'fast-plural-rules'
const pluralRule = getPluralRuleForCardinalsByIndex(1)
// Returns plural rule #1 - function handling Germanic languages.
// Returns 1, which is a second plural form (plural) in Germanic languages.
getPluralRuleForNamedFormsForCardinalsByIndex(index: number): Function
Returns an plural form rule function for the specified plural rule index
. The function can be called later with a cardinal (item count) to return the right plural form name for the cardinal. If you call getPluralFormNameForCardinalByIndex
many times for the same rule index, consider obtaining a rule function for the specific rule index by getPluralRuleForNamedFormsForCardinalsByIndex
and call that function repeatedly.
- one of supported plural rule indexes
import { getPluralRuleForNamedFormsForCardinalsByIndex } from 'fast-plural-rules'
const pluralRule = getPluralRuleForNamedFormsForCardinalsByIndex(1)
// Returns plural rule #1 - function handling Germanic languages.
// Returns "other", which is a second plural form (plural) in Germanic languages.
getPluralRuleForCardinalsByLocale(locale: string): Function
Returns an plural form rule function for the specified locale
. The function can be called later with a cardinal (item count) to return the right plural form index for the cardinal. If you call getPluralFormForCardinalByLocale
many times for the same locale, consider obtaining a rule function for the specific locale by getPluralRuleForCardinalsByLocale
and call that function repeatedly.
- one of supported language locales
import { getPluralRuleForCardinalsByLocale } from 'fast-plural-rules'
const pluralRule = getPluralRuleForCardinalsByLocale('en')
// Returns plural rule #1 - function handling Germanic languages.
// Returns 1, which is a second plural form (plural) in Germanic languages.
The locale is normalized for the plural rule lookup by converting it to lower-case and using a hyphen as a separator, if the country is present and separated by an underscore.
getPluralRuleForNamedFormsForCardinalsByLocale(locale: string): Function
Returns an plural form rule function for the specified locale
. The function can be called later with a cardinal (item count) to return the right plural form name for the cardinal. If you call getPluralFormForCardinalByLocale
many times for the same locale, consider obtaining a rule function for the specific locale by getPluralRuleForCardinalsByLocale
and call that function repeatedly.
- one of supported language locales
import { getPluralRuleForNamedFormsForCardinalsByLocale } from 'fast-plural-rules'
const pluralRule = getPluralRuleForNamedFormsForCardinalsByLocale('en')
// Returns plural rule #1 - function handling Germanic languages.
// Returns "other", which is a second plural form (plural) in Germanic languages.
The locale is normalized for the plural rule lookup by converting it to lower-case and using a hyphen as a separator, if the country is present and separated by an underscore.
getSupportedLocales(): string[]
Returns an array of [locales supported by this library]](./ You can use it to check programmatically if your locale is suppored. The getPluralFormNamesForLocale
might be more efficient, though.
import { getSupportedLocales } from 'fast-plural-rules'
const supportedLocales = getSupportedLocales()
console.log(supportedLocales.length, supportedLocales.includes['cs'))
// Prints "144 true".
The locale is normalized for the plural rule lookup by converting it to lower-case and using a hyphen as a separator, if the country is present and separated by an underscore.
getPluralFormCountForLocale(locale: string): number
Returns the count of plural forms needed to cover the specified locale
. Index of plural forms returned by getPluralFormForCardinalByIndex
and other methods will be greater or equal to zero and less than the returned count.
import { getPluralFormCountForLocale } from 'fast-plural-rules'
// Returns 3. (0 - one, 1 - few, 2 - other)
The locale is normalized for the plural rule lookup by converting it to lower-case and using a hyphen as a separator, if the country is present and separated by an underscore.
getPluralFormNamesForLocale(locale: string): string[]
Returns the plural forms needed to cover the specified locale
. Plural form names returned by getPluralFormNameForCardinalByLocale
and other methods will be always included in the returned returned array.
import { getPluralFormNamesForLocale } from 'fast-plural-rules'
// Returns ["one", "few", "other"].
The locale is normalized for the plural rule lookup by converting it to lower-case and using a hyphen as a separator, if the country is present and separated by an underscore.