Query is a JSON representation of the Firestore Query API.
{ collection: 'cities' },
// or string equivalent
// store.firestore.get('cities'),
{ collection: 'cities', doc: 'SF' },
// or string equivalent
// props.store.firestore.get('cities/SF'),
collection: 'cities',
doc: 'SF',
subcollections: [{ collection: 'zipcodes' }],
storeAs: 'SF-zipcodes' // make sure to include this
{ collectionGroup: 'landmarks' },
// does not support string equivalent
Note: When nesting sub-collections, storeAs
should be used for more optimal state updates.
To create a single where
call, pass a single argument array to the where
collection: 'cities',
where: ['state', '==', 'CA']
Multiple where
queries are as simple as passing multiple argument arrays (each one representing a where
collection: 'cities',
where: [
['state', '==', 'CA'],
['population', '<', 100000]
Firestore doesn't allow you to create or
style queries. Instead, you should pass in multiple queries and compose your data.
['sally', 'john', 'peter'].map(friendId => ({
collection: 'users',
where: [
['id', '==', friendId],
['isOnline', '==', true]
storeAs: 'onlineFriends'
Since the results must be composed, a query like this is unable to be properly ordered. The results should be pulled from data
Can only be used with collections
To create a single orderBy
call, pass a single argument array to orderBy
collection: 'cities',
orderBy: ['state'],
// orderBy: 'state' // string notation can also be used
Multiple orderBy
s are as simple as passing multiple argument arrays (each one representing a orderBy
collection: 'cities',
orderBy: [
['population', 'desc']
Can only be used with collections
Limit the query to a certain number of results
collection: 'cities',
limit: 10
Can only be used with collections
Creates a new query where the results start at the provided document (inclusive)
collection: 'cities',
orderBy: 'population',
startAt: 1000000
Can only be used with collections. Types can be a string, number, Date object, or an array of these types, but not a Firestore Document Snapshot
Creates a new query where the results start after the provided document (exclusive)...
From Firebase's startAfter
collection: 'cities',
orderBy: [['state', 'asc'],['population','desc']]
startAfter: ["CA", 1000000]
Note: for the above to return valid results, there must be at least one document with state = "CA"
and population = 1000000
(i.e. the values idenify "the provided document").
Can only be used with collections. Types can be a string, number, Date object, or an array of these types, but not a Firestore Document Snapshot
Creates a new query where the results end at the provided document (inclusive)...
collection: 'cities',
orderBy: 'population',
endAt: 1000000
Can only be used with collections. Types can be a string, number, Date object, or an array of these types, but not a Firestore Document Snapshot
Creates a new query where the results end before the provided document (exclusive) ...
From Firebase's endBefore
collection: 'cities',
orderBy: 'population',
endBefore: 1000000
Can only be used with collections. Types can be a string, number, Date object, or an array of these types, but not a Firestore Document Snapshot
Storing data under a different path within redux is as easy as passing the storeAs
parameter to your query:
collection: 'cities',
where: ['state', '==', 'CA'],
storeAs: 'caliCities' // store data in redux under this path instead of "cities"
Note: Usage of "/"
and "."
within storeAs
can cause unexpected behavior when attempting to retrieve from redux state
Each of these functions take a queryOptions object with options as described in the Query Options section of this README. Some simple query options examples are used here for better comprehension.
props.store.firestore.get({ collection: 'cities' }),
// store.firestore.get({ collection: 'cities', doc: 'SF' }), // doc
store.firestore.onSnapshot({ collection: 'cities' }),
// store.firestore.setListener({ collection: 'cities' }), // alias
// store.firestore.setListener({ collection: 'cities', doc: 'SF' }), // doc
{ collection: 'cities' },
{ collection: 'users' },
After setting a listener/multiple listeners, you can unset them with the following two functions. In order to unset a specific listener, you must pass the same queryOptions object given to onSnapshot/setListener(s).
store.firestore.unsetListener({ collection: 'cities' }),
// of for any number of listeners at once :
store.firestore.unsetListeners([query1Options, query2Options]),
// here query1Options as in { collection: 'cities' } for example
Other Firebase statics (such as FieldValue) are available through the firestore instance:
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import {
} from 'recompose'
const withStore = compose(
withContext({ store: PropTypes.object }, () => {}),
getContext({ store: PropTypes.object }),
const enhance = compose(
onDoneClick: props => (key, done = true) => {
const { firestore } = props.store
return firestore.update(`todos/${key}`, {
updatedAt: firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp() // use static from firestore instance
export default enhance(SomeComponent)
Population, made popular in react-redux-firebase, also works with firestore.
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { firestoreConnect, populate } from 'react-redux-firebase';
import {
} from 'recompose';
const populates = [{ child: 'createdBy', root: 'users' }];
const collection = 'projects';
const withPopulatedProjects = compose(
firestoreConnect((props) => [
connect((state, props) => ({
projects: populate(state.firestore, collection, populates),
import { withFirestore, populate } from 'react-redux-firebase';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { compose, lifecycle } from 'recompose';
const collection = 'projects';
const populates = [{ child: 'createdBy', root: 'users' }];
const enhance = compose(
componentDidMount() {
this.props.firestore.setListener({ collection, populates });
connect(({ firestore }) => ({
// state.firestore
todos: firestore.ordered.todos,
import { withFirestore, populate } from 'react-redux-firebase';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { compose, lifecycle } from 'recompose';
const collection = 'projects';
const populates = [{ child: 'createdBy', root: 'users' }];
const enhance = compose(
componentDidMount() {
this.props.store.firestore.get({ collection, populates });
connect(({ firestore }) => ({
// state.firestore
todos: firestore.ordered.todos,
Optional configuration options for redux-firestore, provided to reduxFirestore enhancer as optional second argument. Combine any of them together in an object.
Default: true
Whether or not to use console.error
to log listener error objects. Errors from listeners are helpful to developers on multiple occasions including when index needs to be added.
Default: 'firestore'
Namespace under which enhancer places internal instance on redux store (i.e. store.firestore
Default: false
Whether or not to allow multiple listeners to be attached for the same query. If a function is passed the arguments it receives are listenerToAttach
, currentListeners
, and the function should return a boolean.
Default: null
Values to preserve from state when DELETE_SUCCESS action is dispatched. Note that this will not prevent the LISTENER_RESPONSE action from removing items from state.ordered if you have a listener attached.
Default: null
Values to preserve from state when LISTENER_ERROR action is dispatched.
Default: true
Indicates whether to preserve or remove the cache data from the store after a listener is unset.
Default: null
Arguments:(queryOption, dispatch, firebase)
Function run when attempting to delete a collection. If not provided (default) delete promise will be rejected with "Only documents can be deleted" unless. This is due to the fact that Collections can not be deleted from a client, it should instead be handled within a cloud function (which can be called by providing a promise to onAttemptCollectionDelete
that calls the cloud function).
Default: true
Whether or not to merge data within orderedReducer
Default: true
Whether or not to merge data from document listener updates within orderedReducer
Default: true
Whether or not to merge data from collection listener updates within orderedReducer