This is a machine-learning approach to detect Android obfuscator.
It is described in the paper “Who Changed You? Obfuscator Identification for Android” by Yan Wang and Atanas Rountev, which appeared at the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and Systems (MOBILESoft'17) [PDF] [BibTeX].
- obf_classifier is the folder of the tool. A README.txt file is in the folder for more instructions on how to use this tool
- contains the Java source code of the dex parser used in the tool
- is the Python script to generate the training model based on the training data. The generated model has two files: filter.pkl and classifier.pkl. Two default ones are in the "obf_classifier".
- The APK files could be found in
- Python 2.7
- JDK1.8 or later