-# Percentiles :
A percentile is a measure used in statistics indicating the value below which a given percentage of observations in a group of observations falls. Percentiles can be visualised by various types of plots i.e Box and Whiskers Plot , Normal distribution plot ..etc
It is basically a quantitative measure of the shape of a probability density function or a data distribution
It is a lot simpler as it seems to be :
The First Moment is the mean of distribution
The Second Moment is the variance of distribution
The Third Moment is "skew" : It can be easily identified using graph if it has a longer tail on its left side then it left skewed and is negatively skewed and voce versa.
The Fourth Moment is kurtosis of the graph : All this is How thick is the tail and How sharp is the peak, Compared to a normal distribution
Syntax for finding third and fourth value of moments -
Import scipy.stats as sp
sp.skew(variable) ## Skewness of graph
sp.kurtosis(variable) ## Kurtosis value of the graph