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KMP Framework Bundler

Maven Central License

KMP Framework Bundler is a Gradle plugin for Kotlin Multiplatform projects that generate a XCFramework for Apple targets or a FatFramework for iOS targets, and manages the publishing process in a CocoaPod Repository.

This plugin is a rewrite of the archived KMP FatFramework Cocoa. There is a migration guide below.


The library is uploaded on MavenCentral, so you can easily add the dependency on the plugins block:

plugins {
    id("com.prof18.kmp-framework-bundler") version "<latest-version>"

You can configure the plugin with the frameworkBundlerConfig block in your build.gradle[.kts].

The required fields are the following:

  • the name of the framework
  • the output path
  • the version name
  • the framework type:
frameworkBundlerConfig { 
  frameworkType = FrameworkType.XC_FRAMEWORK

If the selected frameworkType is XC_FRAMEWORK, the official Gradle task provided by the Kotlin Team will be used to build the XCFramework. To use this official task, some setup is required:


plugins {

kotlin {
    val xcf = XCFramework()

    ios {
        binaries.framework("LibraryName") {
    watchos {
        binaries.framework("LibraryName") {
    tvos {
        binaries.framework("LibraryName") {

Additional information is available in the official Kotlin doc.

If the selected frameworkType is XC_FRAMEWORK_LEGACY_BUILD, a custom task will be used to build the XCFramework. This is required before Kotlin 1.5.30 and it has been deleted from version 0.0.12 of the plugin.

If the selected frameworkType is FAT_FRAMEWORK, then a FatFramework will be built. When using a FatFramework, only iOS targets can be packed together. With XCFramework you can pack together all the Apple families: iOS, macOS, etc.

If you want to generate a CocoaPod repository, you have also to provide some parameters in the cocoaPodRepoInfo block:

  • a summary of the library
  • the homepage of the library
  • the license of the library
  • the authors of the library
  • the URL of the git repository that hosts the CocoaPod repo: this field is mandatory
frameworkBundlerConfig {
    frameworkType = XC_FRAMEWORK

    cocoaPodRepoInfo {
        summary.set("This is a test KMP framework")
        authors.set("\"Marco Gomiero\" => \"\"")


The plugin adds five Gradle tasks to your project. The tasks relative to XCFramework or FatFramework will be added based on the selected frameworkType, e.g. if you choose an XCFramework, then only tasks related to XCFrameworks will appear.

  • buildDebugIosFatFramework that creates a FatFramework with the Debug target.

  • buildDebugXCFramework that creates a XCFramework with the Debug target.

  • buildReleaseIosFatFramework that creates a FatFramework with the Release target.

  • buildReleaseXCFramework that creates a XCFramework with the Release target.

  • generateCocoaPodRepo that generates a CocoaPod repository ready to host the Framework.

  • publishDebugIosFatFramework that publishes the Debug version of the FatFramework in the CocoaPod repository.

  • publishDebugXCFramework that publishes the Debug version of the XCFramework in the CocoaPod repository.

    The "publishDebug" task (for both the type of frameworks) takes care of everything:

    • changing the working branch of the CocoaPod repo from main/master to develop
    • building the debug framework
    • updating the version name inside the Podspec file
    • committing the changes
    • and publishing to remote

    In this way, in the iOS project, you can use the latest changes published on the develop branch:

    pod '<your-library-name>', :git => "<git-username>/<repo-name>.git", :branch => 'develop'

    To run this task, the outputPath provided in the frameworkBundlerConfig block must point to an existing local git repository (for example, the path "$rootDir/../test-dest" in the sample above, is a git repository), already initialized as a CocoaPod repo, with a .podspec file. If this is not the case, you can use the generateCocoaPodRepo task to generate one.

  • publishReleaseIosFatFramework that publishes the Release version of the FatFramework in the CocoaPod repository.

  • publishReleaseXCFramework that publishes the Release version of the XCFramework in the CocoaPod repository.

    The "publishRelease" task (for both the type of frameworks) takes care of everything:

    • changing the working branch of the CocoaPod repo from develop to main/master
    • building the release framework
    • updating the version name inside the Podspec file
    • committing the changes
    • tagging the commit
    • and publishing to remote

    In this way, in the iOS project, you have to specify a version:

    pod '<your-library-name>', :git => "<git-username>/<repo-name>.git", :tag => '<version-number>'

    To run this task, the outputPath provided in the frameworkBundlerConfig block must point to an existing local git repository (for example, the path "$rootDir/../test-dest" in the sample above, is a git repository), already initialized as a CocoaPod repo, with a .podspec file. If this is not the case, you can use the generateCocoaPodRepo task to generate one.

Sample Project

To see the plugin in action, I've published a little sample project. This project will publish a FatFramework to: and an XCFramework to The framework are imported in the FrameworkTest iOS project.

Migration from KMP FatFramework Cocoa

If you were a user of the KMP FatFramework Cocoa plugin, you can easily migrate to the KMP Framework Bundler. Here are the required changes:

  1. The plugin id changed from com.prof18.kmp.fatframework.cocoa to com.prof18.kmp-framework-bundler
  2. The name of the configuration DSL changed from fatFrameworkCocoaConfig to frameworkBundlerConfig
  3. The useXCFramework flag is deprecated in favour of the frameworkType selection

For reference, the following old configuration

fatFrameworkCocoaConfig {
    frameworkName = "LibraryName"
    outputPath = "$rootDir/../test-dest"
    versionName = "1.0"
    useXCFramework = true

    cocoaPodRepoInfo {
        summary = "This is a test KMP framework"
        homepage = ""
        license = "Apache"
        authors = "\"Marco Gomiero\" => \"\""
        gitUrl = ""


frameworkBundlerConfig {
    frameworkType = XC_FRAMEWORK

    cocoaPodRepoInfo {
        summary.set("This is a test KMP framework")
        authors.set("\"Marco Gomiero\" => \"\"")

Further Readings

This plugin is born from a set of unbundled Gradle tasks that I was copying between every Kotlin Multiplatform project. I've written about these tasks in a couple of articles:

For more info about CocoaPod, I suggest reading the following resources:


   Copyright 2022 Marco Gomiero

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at

   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.