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Sound Font config.ini Configuration

Joel Bethke edited this page Jan 2, 2020 · 17 revisions

This page explains the parameters that are available in a sound font's config.ini file.

Each parameter is specified by placing it in the file in the following format:


Each parameter should be on its own new line.

Parameter ValueRange Default Description
humStart Any Value 100 This specifies how many milliseconds before the end of the "out" sound the hum starts to fade in.
volHum 0-16 15 The volume of the hum sound. Can be 0-16, where 0 is muted.
volEff 0-16 16 The volume of all effect sounds. Can be 0-16, where 0 is muted.
ProffieOSSwingSpeedThreshold ?? 250 How fast (degrees per second) we have to swing before a swing effect is triggered.
ProffieOSSwingVolumeSharpness 0.01-2.0 1.0 How much to bend the response curve between swing speed and swing volume. The default of 1.0 means no bending will occur.
ProffieOSMaxSwingVolume 1.0-3.0 2.0 The volume multiplier when swings are at the swing speed threshold.
ProffieOSSwingOverlap 0.0-1.0 0.5 Specify what fraction of swing that must be played before a new swing can be started. Defaults to 0.5 (50%)
ProffieOSSmoothSwingDucking 0.0-1.0? 0.2 ??
ProffieOSSwingLowerThreshold ?? 200 How slow (degrees per second) the swing has to be before it's not considered a swing anymore.
ProffieOSSlashAccelerationThreshold ?? 260 Specifies how aggressive a swing has to be to be considered a slash. Once we reach, ProffieOSSwingSpeedThreshold, rate of swing speed change is used to determine if it's a swing or a slash.
ProffieOSAnimationFrameRate ?? 0.0 For OLED displays. This specifies the frame rate of animations.

Sample default config.ini file:

# Default config.ini

# This specifies how many milliseconds before the end of the "out" sound the hum
# starts to fade in. Default 100

# The volume of the hum sound. Can be 0-16, where 0 is muted.
# Default 15

# The volume of all effect sounds. Can be 0-16, where 0 is muted.
# Default 16

# How fast (degrees per second) we have to swing before a swing effect is
# triggered. Default 250.

# How much to bend the response curve between swing speed and swing volume.
# Default 1.0 (No bending)

# The volume multiplier when swings are at the swing speed threshold.
# Default 2.0

# Specify what fraction of swing that must be played before a new swing can be
# started. Defaults to 0.5 (50%).

# Default 0.2

# How slow (degrees per second) the swing has to be before it's not considered a
# swing anymore. Default 200.

# Specifies how aggressive a swing has to be to be considered a slash. Once we
# reach the ProffieOSSwingSpeedThreshold, rate of swing speed change is used to
# determine if it's a swing or a slash. Default 260

# For OLED displays. This specifies the frame rate of animations.
# Default 0
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