Start up the Python Interactive Interpreter.
- Print out "Hello New York"
- Store your name in a variable
- Print the contents of this variable.
Working with a text editor. Use nano to write a script.
Make sure to include
#!/usr/bin/env python3
at the top!! -
Add code to print out, your name
My name: Sofia
On the command line make it executable using
(only have to do this one time per script). -
Run it from the command line.
Remember it is important to write only a bit, test, then write more.
If it works, ADD/COMMIT. Make a good message, like "added name to print"
Now add some code to print out your favorite color:
My name: Sofia My favorite color: Green
Save it, and run it from the command line.
Now add some code to create a variable with your favorite activity. Make sure to give your variable a descriptive name.
Print out the variable with your favorite activity. You will need to use a comma in your print statement to print text and your variable.
print("some text" , your_variable)
My name: Sofia My favorite color: Green My favorite activity: Coding
Save it, and run it from the command line.
Now add some code to print out your favorite animal:
My name: Sofia My favorite color: Green My favorite activity: Coding My favorite animal: Chicken
Remember, write a bit, then run your code, write some more, then run again. This makes code easier to debug.
(make sure to import sys!!!) to retrieve your name, favorite color, favorite activity, and favorite animal from the command line. Remember to check out the example in the notes. Print all the variables in one print statement.- try using commas to separate your print arguments.
- try using '+' to separate your print arguments.
Make sure to keep your remote repository synced with your local repo. (ADD/COMMIT/PUSH)