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Phantasm Hardware Interface

Phantasm hardware interface (PHI) is an abstraction over Vulkan and D3D12, aiming to be succinct without restricting access to the underlying APIs within reason. Primary goals:

  • Small API surface
  • High performance
  • Explicit lifetimes
  • Heavy multithreading
  • Low boilerplate


The core of PHI is the backend. This is the only type in the library with methods1, everything happening with regards to the real graphics API is instructed through it. The two implementations (BackendD3D12 and BackendVulkan) share a virtual interface and can be used interchangably, or standalone.

PHI has four main objects, accessed using lightweight, POD handles.

  1. handle::resource

    A texture, render target, or buffer of any form

  2. handle::pipeline_state

    Shaders, their input shape, and various pipeline configuration options form a pipeline_state. Graphics, compute, or raytracing.

  3. handle::shader_view

    Shader views are a combination of resource views, for access in a shader.

  4. handle::command_list

    Represents a recorded command list ready for GPU submission.


Commands do the heavy lifting in communicating with a PHI backend. They are simple structs, which are written contiguously into a piece of memory ("software command buffer"). This memory is then passed to the backend,

handle::command_list recordCommandList(std::byte* buffer, size_t size);

creating a handle::command_list. Command list recording is CPU-only, and entirely free-threaded. The received handle is eventually submitted to the GPU using Backend::submit, or freed using Backend::discard. Both of these calls consume the handle, command lists cannot be submitted multiple times.

Commands live in the cmd namespace, found in commands.hh. For easy command buffer writing, command_stream_writer is provided in the same header.

Command lists are almost entirely stateless. The only state is the currently active render pass, marked by cmd::begin_render_pass and cmd::end_render_pass respectively. Other commands like cmd::draw, or cmd::dispatch (compute) contain all of the state they require, including handle::pipeline_state.

Shader Arguments

There are four shader input types, following D3D12 conventions:

  1. CBVs - Constant Buffer Views

    A read-only buffer of limited size. HLSL b register.

    struct camera_constants {
        float4x4 view_proj;
        float3 cam_pos;
    ConstantBuffer<camera_constants> g_frame_data       : register(b0, space0);
  2. SRVs - Shader Resource Views

    A read-only texture, or a large, strided buffer. HLSL t register.

    StructuredBuffer<float4x4> g_model_matrices         : register(t0, space0);
    Texture2D g_albedo                                  : register(t1, space0);
    Texture2D g_normal                                  : register(t2, space0);
  3. UAVs - Unordered Access Views

    A read-write texture or buffer. HLSL u register.

    RWTexture2DArray<float4> g_output                   : register(u0, space0);
  4. Samplers

    State regarding the way to sample textures. HLSL s register.

    SamplerState g_sampler                              : register(s0, space0);

Multiple SRVs, UAVs, and samplers make up a single handle::shader_view. Shaders in PHI can be fed with up to 4 "shader arguments", each containing a handle::shader_view and a handle::resource for a single CBV. Both handles are optional.

Shader arguments correspond to HLSL spaces (Argument 0 is space0, 1 is space1, ...). The order of elements in the handle::shader_view corresponds to the HLSL registers (SRVs from t0 onwards, UAVs from u0, samplers from s0). The optional CBV is always in b0.

Shader argument "shapes", as in the amount of arguments, and the amount of inputs per type (SRV, UAV, sampler), are specified when creating a handle::pipeline_state. The actual argument values are supplied in commands, like cmd::draw.

Inputs are not strictly typed, for example, a Texture2D can be filled by simply "viewing" a single array slice of a texture array. Details regarding this process can be inferred from the creation of handle::shader_view, and the resource_view type.


With one exception, PHI is entirely free-threaded and internally synchronized. The synchronization is minimal, and parallel recording of command lists is encouraged, which takes place on thread-local components. The exception is the Backend::submit method, which must only be called on one thread at a time.

Resource States

PHI exposes a simplified version of resource states, especially when compared to Vulkan. Additionally, resource transitions only ever specify the after-state, the before-state is internally tracked (including thread- and record-order safety).

When transitioning towards shader input states (SRV: shader_resource, UAV: unordered_access, CBV: constant_buffer), the shader stage(s) which will use the resource next must also be specified.

Main Loop

In the steady state, there is little interaction with the backend itself apart from command_list recording and submission. Most of the application will write command structs into buffers instead. A prototypical PHI main loop looks like this:

while (window_open)
    if (window_resized)
        backend.onResize({w, h});

    if (backend.clearPendingResize())
    { // the backbuffer has resized, re-create size dependant resources
        // think of this event as entirely independent from a window resize, do all your resize logic here
        // use backend.getBackbufferSize()

    // ... write and record main command lists ...

    auto const backbuffer = backend.acquireBackbuffer(); // as late as possible

    if (!backbuffer.is_valid())
    { // backbuffer acquire has failed, discard this frame

    // ... write and record final present command list ...
    // ... transition backbuffer to resource_state::present ...


Vulkan and D3D12 Specifics

Shader Compilation

Shaders passed to PHI must be in binary format: DXIL for D3D12, SPIR-V for Vulkan. Shaders should compiled from HLSL, using DirectXShaderCompiler.

When compiling HLSL to SPIR-V for Vulkan, use these flags: -spirv -fspv-target-env=vulkan1.1 -fvk-b-shift 0 all -fvk-t-shift 1000 all -fvk-u-shift 2000 all -fvk-s-shift 3000 all. If it is a vertex, geometry or domain shader, the -fvk-invert-y must also be added2.

See dxc-wrapper for an all-in-one wrapper (Linux and Windows), which automatically performs these adjustments and can be used programmatically or as a standalone executable.

D3D12 MIP alignment

As PHI is a relatively thin layer over the native APIs, memory access to mapped buffers is unchanged from usual behavior. In D3D12, texture MIP pixel rows are aligned by 256 bytes, which must be respected. See arcana-samples for texture upload examples.

D3D12 Relaxed API

Some parts of the API require less care when using D3D12:

  1. Resource state transitions can omit shader dependencies.
  2. Backend::flushMappedMemory does nothing and can be ignored.
  3. Backend::acquireBackbuffer will never fail.

Some other fields of cmd structs might also be optional, which is noted in comments.

Additional Details


  • clean-core
  • typed-geometry
  • rich-log
  • SDL2 (optional, enables SDL window support)

The Vulkan backend requires Vulkan SDK 1.1.260 or newer. The D3D12 backend requires Windows 1903 or newer, and the corresponding Windows SDK.

Root Constants

cmd::draw and cmd::dispatch can additionally supply up to 8 bytes of data as root constants (push constants in Vulkan). Whether shaders take in root constants is specified at creation of handle::pipeline_state.

In HLSL, root constants are simply CBVs, always in register b1, space0. When compiling to SPIR-V, the CBV must be attributed like this:

[[vk::push_constant]] ConstantBuffer<my_struct> g_settings          : register(b1, space0);

Window Handles

PHI currently does not support a headless mode and requires a native_window_handle at initialization for swapchain creation. Supported types are Win32 windows (HWND), SDL2 windows (SDL_Window*), and Xlib windows (Window and Display*).

Render Diagnostic Integration

PHI detects RenderDoc and PIX, and can force a capture, using Backend::startForcedDiagnosticCapture and Backend::endForcedDiagnosticCapture respectively. PIX integration requires enabling the cmake option PHI_ENABLE_D3D12_PIX, and requires having the PIX DLL available (next to) the executable. It is included here: extern/win32_pix_runtime/bin/WinPixEventRuntime.dll

Backend Configuration

All backend configurability occurs at initialization using backend_config. Most default settings can be used without adjustment, but validation, num_threads and possibly adapter_preference should likely be adjusted.


Work in progress. The features are functional in D3D12, but API is very likely to change in the future.

1: Methods with side-effects, other types do have convenience initializers and so forth.

2: As SPIR-V has no equivalent of HLSL registers, specific descriptor binding offsets are required. CBVs must start at binding 0, SRVs at 1000, UAVs at 2000 and samplers at 3000. GLSL-to-SPIR-V paths, or others, are perfectly viable as long as this is being followed. -fvk-invert-y is not a hard requirement, and just serves to make both APIs behave the same, as Vulkan has a flipped y-axis in its viewport.