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Zeta: Provably Correct, Concurrent Runtime Monitors for Stateful Services

See the following resources:

   Client  <--------------->  Stateful

                                  a database (Key-Value store, SQL, etc),
                                  a authentication-token service (password service, KeyVault...))

Skeptical client:

Is the service managing my data in a correct way?

  • Correctness in the sense of safety

For example: Key-Value store:

  • Client makes many get(k) and put(k, v) requests

  • Wants assurance that get(k) returns the value of the last put(k, v)

Many clients and many service threads/instances

  Client_0 <------.
   ...             \  .------> Service Instance 0
   ...              \/          ...
   ...              /\.------> Service Instance M
  Client_N <------./

There's a trace of requests made to each service instance

 Log 0: op_{0,0}, ..., op_{0, L0)
 Log M: op_{0,0}, ..., op_{0, LM)

Client wants an assurance that their response is compatible with a sequentially consistent reading of the input logs. i.e.,

Given logs L0, ... LM there exists an interleaving of the log entries, compatible with the observed result of each operation.

E.g., for Key-Value stores, this means that there is an interleaving of the logs such that each get(k) returns the value of the most recent put(k,v) preceding it.


Each operation

  • has some application-specific, operation-specific arity
  • can additinally read and write some abstract state
  • can perform some pure operations (arithmetic, comparisons etc.)
  • can declare success or failure

I.e., the application's operations define an abstract state machine

And we want to ensure that

  • There is an intervleaving of logs L0,...,LM

  • The forms a sentence in the language accepted by the abstract state machine i.e., no operation fails

Technically, this is expressive enough to capture all safety properties. Our hypothesis is that this is also useful to capture aspects of real-world services.

How does Zeta ensure this? With a high-assurance runtime monitor

.-> Client_0 <------.
|    ...             \  .------> Service Instance 0 ----.  ------> Monitor 0 ----.
     ...              \/          ...                    \/                      |
|    ...              /\.------> Service Instance M ---- /\------> Monitor K ----.
.-> Client_N <------./                                                           |
|                                                                                |
|                                                                                |

Augment the service with several runtime monitors (e.g., one per service thread, or some other config)

Monitor maintains authenticated data structure that is an relational abstraction of the state of the service, i.e.,

  • The state of the service is a modeled as a set of relations, with the total size of the relations being bounded by a very large constant, e.g., 2^256 records

The Monitor runs in a trusted execution environment (e.g, SGX, TrustZone etc.)

  • on a small TCB (so no reliance on an OS stack etc)

  • and all its executable code is formally verified for correctness (more on that later)

Memory integrity: Authenticated state abstraction

The state is authenticated using the following techniques:

  1. Enclave memory: A small amount of integrity-protected memory (~ 32K memory slots, each a few bytes)

  2. A sparse Merkle tree with incremental updates

    • lots of recent work on many variants of Merkle trees, often for append-only workloads.

    • We have a new one, that is sparse and optimized also for updates

  3. Deferred memory verification based on multiset hashing

    • Evolving an idea from Blum et al. 1991, then Concerto (Arasu et al, 2017), ...

Some intuition for how these techniques work together

  • System is initialized with a cryptographic summary of the entire state of the service

  • When service instance I receives an operation o from a client, it services the operation as usual and returns the result v to the client. But, as it does it issues a "shadow" operation to the monitor as

    • Suppose the operation o needs to read or write some records R in the system

    • The service issues commands to one of the monitor threads to load those records into its enclave memory:

      • In order to do this, the service will have to prove to the monitor that the records it is loading are accurate with respect to the current authenticated abstraction of those records

        E.g., it'll have to prove that the hash of those records is compatible with the Merkle root hash

        -- But instead of computing a chain up to the root, our "incremental" Merkle tree allows it to compute something much smaller and more efficient

    • Then, once those records are loaded into enclave memory, it asks the monitor to perform an abstraction of operation o and to certify that the result of running o is v

    • When the application decides that a particular record has gone "cold" it can unload it from the enclave memory, but the Monitor will insist to "move the record" to one of the cryptographic mechanisms (e.g., add it back to the Merkle tree), to ensure that that record is still integrity protected.

    • Periodically, at configurable "epoch" boundaries, some hashes from the individual Monitor threads are aggregated, and if the hashes check out then:

      • All operations up to that epoch are provably sequentially consistent, except with a negligible probability of a hash collision

      • Further, once an epoch is certified, the monitor can issue a cryptographic signature (actually, a keyed MAC, for efficiency) to the client attesting that all their operations in the epoch were executed correctly.

      • Otherwise, the monitor has detected a potential safety violation of the system and can report it.

  • Note: there does not need to be a one-one correspondence between operation o and the monitor calls

    • for example, o might want to add up a payload of 6 records

    • we might do 6 monitor calls while storing the intermediate running sum in "verified memory", the same abstraction that protects the service state.

Instantiating Zeta for a key-value store

state: {(k,v)}

put (k, v) {
  let r = read_record k in
  check(r.v = null); // or anything here (check (r.v <= v)
  write_record {r with v}

get (k) {
  let r = read_record k in
  sign({op_id; cur_epoch; get(k); r.v}) // attest that `op_id: get(k)` returns `r.v` in `cur_epoch`


At SIGMOD 2021, we described using an initial version of this Zeta to add integrity protections to the FASTER key-value store

  • Baseline: FASTER throughput is around 100 million operations/sec with 32 worker threads

  • With out integrity protections, FastVer with 32 monitor threads (one per worker) has a throughput of

    • 50 million operations/sec, with an epoch window of ~10 seconds

    • 38 million operations/sec, with an epoch window of ~1 seconds

So, at around a 2-4x overhead, we Zeta offers safety protections for a state of the art high-performance key-value store

Compare, e.g., with other approaches, e.g., based on Merkle trees alone, where overheads for memory protection are multiple orders of magnitude.

Also, 50M op/s is already faster than many other off-the-shelf key-value stores