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A-GeoCat (Alfobre GeoData Catalog) is an open geospatial data catalog developed and maintained by the Alfobre team. Alfobre is portuguese for seedbed but it's also a collective devoted to the creation and development of projects, strategies and products in the Heritage field.
All the data shared in this catalog was produced by the Alfobre team or harvested or collected from freely available sources. To the best of our knowledge, the harvested or collected data was originally published with licenses that didn't restrict the data dissemination and re-distribution or with no license at all. Our Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International applies only to our original contributions and does not supersede any rights retained by the authors of the original data.
Although efforts were made to ensure accuracy and completeness of the data, we make no warranties, expressed or implied, concerning the accuracy, completeness or suitability of this data.
If you believe that a mistake was made or that data has been inappropriately added to this site, please contact the dataset maintainer or send an email to
This website is powered by Jekyll and a modified version of the awesome JKAN, a lightweight, backend-free open data portal. If you're interested in checking or using our version, please visit the GitHub repository. JKAN is licensed under the MIT License (MIT) and so is A-GeoCat.
Unless otherwise noted, the datasets are available under Attribution 4.0 International. This means that you are free to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, even for commercial purposes, as long as you give credit to the creator(s).
PLEASE NOTE Some datasets are a derivative work, this means that they are build upon data originally created or made available by others. This CC license applies only to our original contributions and does not supersede any rights retained by the authors of the original data.
Please check for the suggested attribution text in each dataset page.
As a guideline, the attribution text must be easily readable and understandable but feel free to adapt. For example, you might use several datasets and prefer to credit like "Datasets by (...)" or you might prefer to use the URLs as links like A-GeoCat, Alfobre or Attribution 4.0 International.
When applicable, derivative work, please also credit original data sources by adding "This work is based on... "
If you believe that copyrighted material has been inappropriately added to these datasets or this site, please contact the dataset maintainer or send an email to