So far we have been keeping a state object around and applying reducers directly to modify it. The second piece of the Redux library — the Store — a simple wrapper around the state and reducers that makes things more convenient. The most important things it does are dispatch
actions, applying the reducers to the state as we've already seen, and offer a stream of state changes with subscribe
{combineReducers, createStore} = require 'redux'
We'll borrow the counter reducer factory from the last lesson:
create_counter_reducer = (counter_name) -> (state=0, action) ->
amount = action.amount
amount = 1 if not amount?
switch action.type
when "#{counter_name}.inc"
return state + amount
when "#{counter_name}.dec"
return state - amount
return state # Fallback
A Store is created with createStore
, with a reducer function and optionally an initial state. This initial state is useful when bootstrapping data from the server.
combined_reducer = combineReducers {
counter1: create_counter_reducer 'counter1'
counter2: create_counter_reducer 'counter2'
initial_state = {
counter1: 5
counter2: 10
store = createStore combined_reducer, initial_state
You can get the current state from the Store with getState()
console.log 'current state =', store.getState()
# current state = { counter1: 5, counter2: 10 }
And apply actions with dispatch(action)
. As usual, this action is passed through all the combined reducers. The main difference here is you don't need to keep the state variable around, and instead always fetch the changed state with getState()
store.dispatch {type: ''}
console.log 'current state =', store.getState()
# current state = { counter1: 6, counter2: 10 }
Create an event listener, called every time an action is dispatched, with subscribe(fn)
. The subscribed function is called with no arguments - again use getState()
to get the state.
onChange = ->
console.log "changed state =", store.getState()
unsubscribe = store.subscribe onChange
store.dispatch {type: ''}
# changed state = { counter1: 7, counter2: 10 }
The function returned by subscribe
can be used to unsubscribe (important when unmounting components).
store.dispatch {type: ''}
# (onChange not called here ...)