So far every action has been synchronous, which is an entirely unrealistic way to build a web app. We need to consider loading, failed loading, websocket-sourced updates, and other asynchronous pieces of state.
Redux is not async, because reducer functions are not async. That doesn't mean we can't build an async application with it — we just need to define loading, errors, etc. as pieces of our application state, and describe the data flow as an explicit series of actions.
This time we'll be building another (simpler) Twitter clone with loading and more loading (an approximation of "scroll to load more"). Loading states will be supported simply by adding loading
and loading_more
parameters to the collection state. The actual request and response will be represented by individual actions, tweets.load
→ tweets.loaded
, and tweets.load_more
→ tweets.loaded_more
React = require 'preact'
Kefir = require 'kefir'
KefirBus = require 'kefir-bus'
moment = require 'moment'
React.__spread = Object.assign
{combineReducers, createStore, applyMiddleware} = require 'redux'
Insteading of introducing an API, the tweets will be generated and loading time will be faked with Kefir.later
last_id = 0
last_time = new Date().getTime()
letters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
randomChoice = (l) -> l[Math.floor(Math.random() * l.length)]
randomLetter = -> randomChoice letters
randomWord = -> [0..Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10)].map(randomLetter).join('')
randomSentence = -> [0..Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10)].map(randomWord).join(' ')
fakeTweet = ->
last_id += 1
last_time -= Math.random() * 1000 * 60 * 10
id = last_id
time = last_time
body = randomSentence()
return {id, time, body}
indexById = (l) ->
o = {}
for i in l
o[] = i
return o
loadTweets = (reload=false) ->
if reload
last_id = 0
last_time = new Date().getTime()
fake_tweets = [0...10].map fakeTweet
fake_tweets = indexById fake_tweets
Kefir.later Math.random() * 1000, fake_tweets
To fit the loading state in there's a slight departure from previous collections: the items in the collection will be contained in an explicit items
parameter, alongside the loading
initial_state =
loading: true
loading_more: false
items: {}
create_collection_reducer = (collection_name) -> (state={}, action) ->
switch action.type
when "#{collection_name}.load"
return Object.assign {}, state, {loading: true}
when "#{collection_name}.load_more"
return Object.assign {}, state, {loading_more: true}
when "#{collection_name}.loaded"
return Object.assign {}, state, {loading: false, items: action.items}
when "#{collection_name}.loaded_more"
return Object.assign {}, state, {loading_more: false, items: Object.assign {}, state.items, action.items}
return state
combined_reducer = combineReducers
tweets: create_collection_reducer 'tweets'
In order to support subscriptions to the actions themselves (rather than just resulting state changes, as store.subscribe
offers) we'll create a Kefir stream called actions$
to pass actions through. A middleware function will be added to the Store to emit an action on that stream whenever store.dispatch(action)
is called.
Middleware makes it possible to alter actions as they come through, but in this case it only hands the action to the actions$
stream, and passes through with next
(similar to Express middleware).
actions$ = KefirBus()
actions$_middleware = -> (next) -> (action) ->
actions$.emit action
store = createStore combined_reducer, initial_state, applyMiddleware(actions$_middleware)
Now with a stream of actions always available, we can trigger side effects when certain actions occur. For example, we'll have a reload button to reload the tweets. That button will dispatch the tweets.load
action, but all that does is set the collection's loading state. The actual fetch will be triggered by a response to this action:
.filter (action) -> action.type == 'tweets.load'
.flatMap loadTweets.bind(null, true)
.onValue (tweets) ->
store.dispatch {type: 'tweets.loaded', items: tweets}
Similarly, when loading more tweets we'll trigger the load_more
action and loaded_more
.filter (action) -> action.type == 'tweets.load_more'
.flatMap loadTweets.bind(null, false)
.onValue (tweets) ->
store.dispatch {type: 'tweets.loaded_more', items: tweets}
To start things off we'll dispatch a load
store.dispatch {type: 'tweets.load'}
The usual stateless greatness...
Tweets = ({tweets}) ->
<div className='tweets'>
{Object.entries(tweets).map ([tweet_id, tweet]) ->
<Tweet tweet=tweet key=tweet_id />
Tweet = ({tweet}) ->
<div className='tweet'>
<span className='body'>{tweet.body}</span>
<span className='time'>{moment(tweet.time).fromNow()}</span>
Since there are no other pages in this demo, the main logic is built directly into the App component.
class App extends React.Component
constructor: ->
@state = store.getState()
store.subscribe =>
@setState store.getState()
render: ->
console.log '[App.render]', @state
reload = -> store.dispatch {type: 'tweets.load'}
loadMore = -> store.dispatch {type: 'tweets.load_more'}
<div id='app'>
<button onClick=reload>Reload</button>
{if @state.tweets.loading
<Tweets tweets=@state.tweets.items />
{if !@state.tweets.loading
if @state.tweets.loading_more
<p>Loading more...</p>
<button onClick=loadMore>Load more</button>
React.render <App />, document.body