In addition to installing OCaml and Coq, it can help to install several tools for development.
These instructions use OPAM
opam install merlin # prints instructions for vim and emacs
opam install tuareg # syntax highlighting for OCaml
opam user-setup install # automatically configures editors for merlin
Adding this line to your .emacs helps Tuareg recognize the .mlg extension:
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.mlg$" . tuareg-mode) t)
cd plugin_tutorials/tuto0
make .merlin # run before opening .ml files in your editor
make # build
package an mlg file in a plugin, organize a Makefile
, _CoqProject
- Example of syntax to add a new toplevel command
- Example of function call to print a simple message
- Example of function call to print a simple warning
- Example of function call to raise a simple error to the user
- Example of syntax to add a simple tactic (that does nothing and prints a message)
- To use it:
cd tuto0; make
coqtop -I src -R theories Tuto0
In the Coq session type:
Require Import Tuto0.Loader. HelloWorld.
You can also modify and run theories/Demo.v
Explore the memory of Coq, modify it
- Commands that take arguments: strings, integers, symbols, expressions of the calculus of constructions
- Examples of using environments correctly
- Examples of using state (the evar_map) correctly
- Commands that interact with type-checking in Coq
- A command that checks convertibility between two terms
- A command that adds a new definition or theorem
- A command that uses a name and exploits the existing definitions or theorems
- A command that exploits an existing ongoing proof
- A command that defines a new tactic
Compilation and loading must be performed as for tuto0
A more step by step introduction to writing commands
- Explanation of the syntax of entries
- Adding a new type to and parsing to the available choices
- Handling commands that store information in user-chosen registers and tables
Compilation and loading must be performed as for tuto1
Manipulating terms, inside commands and tactics.
- Obtaining existing values from memory
- Composing values
- Verifying types
- Using these terms in commands
- Using these terms in tactics
- Automatic proofs without tactics using type classes and canonical structures
compilation and loading must be performed as for tuto0