Tunneling in experiments (TUNNEX) is a free open-source program with an easy-to use graphical user interface (GUI) to simplify the process of WKB computations.
TUNNEX can be directly downloaded at Releases.
After the generation of the input files for TUNNEX with make_projections. You are ask to input the IRC and projected IRC into the gui. The import options can be found under File. TUNNEX automatically computes the tunneling half-lives.
- Qt Library 5.6 or greater.
- ALGLIB (included in source)
- QtCustomPlot (included in source)
TUNNEX relies on the cmake > 2.9 build system. It is recommended to do the following:
git clone https://github.com/prs-group/TUNNEX TUNNEX
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=[QtInstallPath]
For more information see: cmake: Useful Variables.
The compilation is tested on the following operating systems:
- MacOS 10.13 with XCode and makefiles
- Windows with Visual Studio 17 as generator and ninja makefiles
- Linux with Makefiles
After compilation just enter:
make install