- Upgrade to stable Flutter 1.22.5
- Rebuilt code editor from ground up.
- Replaced implementations for Code Highlighter, Text Controller and Code Editable fields.
- Renamed previously used widgets entirely.
- Flutter version downgrade to stable version: Flutter 1.12.13+hotfix.7
- Flutter version upgrade: Flutter 1.14.7-pre.19
- Delay rapid backspace presses to prevent potential UI freezing scenarios
- Add Value Change notifier on paste action
- Fix for paste toolbar not hiding on the initial cursor position
- Fix for
method implementation
- Export CodeEditingValue in library
- Fix for a possible null exception of remotelyEdited check
- Fix for setEditingState not sent on value remotely edited
- Reduce calls to updateEditing value & TextInputConnection setEditingState
- Fix for possible blank selection point
- Minor fixes on paste
- Allow pasting from the first cursor position
- Move cursor to the end after paste
- Re-created most of the underlying classes/widgets
- 99% Naming changes
- Reduce further calls to updateEditing value & TextInputConnection setEditingState
- Reduce calls to TextInputConnection setEditingState
- Some fixes for remote editing value update
- Implement onChanged method
- Remotely edited change reflection fix
- Removed lower level dependencies on TextInputClient.
- Fixed issue related to other TextFields getting unfunctional.
- Allow Changing Cursor Color
- Support updating RichTextEditingValue remotely
- Bump version to include demo gif.
- Initial release: Working version of editor that uses a dummy parser.