You can input PC cheats by pressing L + SELECT to open the on-screen keyboard. You can input cheat codes in lowercase as well as uppercase. Note that a few cheats have been removed from the Android (Vita port) version.
No. | Description | Cheat Code | Hash |
1 | Weapon Set 1 | ThugsArmoury | 0xDE4B237D |
2 | Weapon Set 2 | ProfessionalsKit | 0xB22A28D1 |
3 | Weapon Set 3 | NuttersToys | 0x5A783FAE |
4 | Health, Armor, $250k | INeedSomeHelp | 0xEECCEA2B |
5 | Wanted level 2 stars | TurnUpTheHeat | 0x42AF1E28 |
6 | Clear wanted level | TurnDownTheHeat | 0x555FC201 |
7 | Sunny weather | PleasantlyWarm | 0x2A845345 |
8 | Very sunny weather | TooDamnHot | 0xE1EF01EA |
9 | Overcast weather | DullDullDay | 0x771B83FC |
10 | Rainy weather | StayInAndWatchTV | 0x5BF12848 |
11 | Foggy weather | CantSeeWhereImGoing | 0x44453A17 |
12 | Faster gameplay | SpeedItUp | 0xB69E8532 |
13 | Slower gameplay | SlowItDown | 0x8B828076 |
14 | Peds attack other (+ get golf club) | RoughNeighbourhood | 0xDD6ED9E9 |
15 | Have a bounty on your head | StopPickingOnMe | 0xA290FD8C |
16 | Spawn Rhino | TimeToKickAss | 0x43DB914E |
17 | Spawn Bloodring Banger | OldSpeedDemon | 0xDBC0DD65 |
18 | Spawn Hotring A | NotForPublicRoads | 0xD08A30FE |
19 | Spawn Hotring B | JustTryAndStopMe | 0x37BF1B4E |
20 | Spawn Romero | WheresTheFuneral | 0xB5D40866 |
21 | Spawn Stretch | CelebrityStatus | 0xE63B0D99 |
22 | Spawn Trashmaster | TrueGrime | 0x675B8945 |
23 | Spawn Caddy | 18Holes | 0x4987D5EE |
24 | Blow up all cars | AllCarsGoBoom | 0x2E8F84E8 |
25 | Suicide | GoodbyeCruelWorld | 0x0D5C6A4E |
26 | Pink traffic | PinkIsTheNewCool | 0x66516EBC |
27 | Black traffic | SoLongAsItsBlack | 0x4B137E45 |
28 | Fat player | WhoAteAllThePies | 0x3A577325 |
29 | Max muscle | BuffMeUp | 0xD4966D59 |
30 | Skinny player | LeanAndMean | 0x5FD1B49D |
31 | Elvis is everywhere | BlueSuedeShoes | 0xA7613F99 |
32 | Peds attack you with rockets | AttackOfTheVillagePeople | 0x1792D871 |
33 | Beach party | LifesABeach | 0xCBC579DF |
34 | Gang members everywhere | OnlyHomiesAllowed | 0x4FEDCCFF |
35 | Gangs controls the streets | BetterStayIndoors | 0x44B34866 |
36 | Ninja theme | NinjaTown | 0x2EF877DB |
37 | Slut magnet | LoveConquersAll | 0x2781E797 |
38 | Cheap cars | EveryoneIsPoor | 0x2BC1A045 |
39 | Expensive cars | EveryoneIsRich | 0xB2AFE368 |
40 | Spawn Hydra | JumpJet | 0x1A5526BC |
41 | Spawn Vortex | IWantToHover | 0xA48A770B |
42 | Always midnight | NightProwler | 0x7F80B950 |
43 | Stop game clock orange sky | DontBringOnTheNight | 0x6C0FA650 |
44 | Thunder storm | ScottishSummer | 0xF46F2FA4 |
45 | Sand storm | SandInMyEars | 0x70164385 |
46 | Mega jump | Kangaroo | 0x885D0B50 |
47 | Infinite health | NoOneCanHurtMe | 0x151BDCB3 |
48 | Infinite oxygen | ManFromAtlantis | 0xADFA640A |
49 | Get parachute | LetsGoBaseJumping | 0xE57F96CE |
50 | Get jetpack | Rocketman | 0x040CF761 |
51 | Never wanted | IDoAsIPlease | 0xE1B33EB9 |
52 | Six wanted stars | BringItOn | 0xFEDA77F7 |
53 | Riot mode | StateOfEmergency | 0xF53EF5A5 |
54 | Funhouse theme | CrazyTown | 0xF2AA0C1D |
55 | Adrenaline mode | TakeAChillPill | 0xF36345A8 |
56 | Weapon aiming while driving | IWannaDriveBy | 0xB7013B1B |
57 | Country traffic | HicksVille | 0x31F0C3CC |
58 | Max stamina | ICanGoAllNight | 0xF01286E9 |
59 | Hitman level for all weapons | ProfessionalKiller | 0xA841CC0A |
60 | Max driving skills | NaturalTalent | 0x31EA09CF |
61 | Spawn Hunter | OhDude | 0xE958788A |
62 | Spawn Quad | FourWheelFun | 0x02C83A7C |
63 | Spawn Tanker Truck | HitTheRoadJack | 0xE49C3ED4 |
64 | Spawn Dozer | ItsAllBull | 0x171BA8CC |
65 | Spawn Stunt Plane | FlyingToStunt | 0x86988DAE |
66 | Spawn Monster | MonsterMash | 0x2BDD2FA1 |
And if you are wondering which PC cheats are not available for the Android (Vita port) version, here's a list:
No. | Description | Cheat Code | Hash |
1 | Faster clock | TimeJustFliesBy | 0xFCFF1D08 |
2 | Everyone armed | SurroundedByNutters | 0x3484B5A7 |
3 | Invisible cars | WheelsOnlyPlease | 0x1A9AA3D6 |
4 | Insane handling | StickLikeGlue | 0xE842F3BC |
5 | All green lights | DontTryAndStopMe | 0x74D4FCB1 |
6 | Aggressive drivers | AllDriversAreCriminals | 0xB01D13B8 |
7 | Boats fly | FlyingFish | 0x78520E33 |
8 | Cars fly | ChittyChittyBangBang | 0xFA8DD45B |
9 | Huge bunny hop | CJPhoneHome | 0x8DED75BD |
10 | Smash n' boom | TouchMyCarYouDie | 0xB07D3B32 |
11 | All cars have nitro | SpeedFreak | 0x80C1E54B |
12 | Cars float away when hit | BubbleCars | 0x5DAD0087 |
13 | (Unknown) | JQNTDMH | 0x00000000 |
14 | Mega punch | StingLikeABee | 0x8CA870DD |
15 | Never get hungry | IAmNeverHungry | 0x9A629401 |
16 | Infinite ammo | FullClip | 0x8990D5E1 |
17 | Reduced traffic | GhostTown | 0xCAEC94EE |
18 | Recruit anyone (9mm) | WannaBeInMyGang | 0xB3B3E72A |
19 | Recruit anyone (AK 47) | NoOneCanStopUs | 0xC25CDBFF |
20 | Recruit anyone (rockets) | RocketMayhem | 0xD5CF4EFF |
21 | Lock respect at max | WorshipMe | 0x680416B1 |
22 | Lock sex appeal at max | HelloLadies | 0xCF5FDA18 |
23 | Prostitutes pay you | JQNTDMH | 0x00000000 |
24 | All taxis have nitrous | JQNTDMH | 0x00000000 |
25 | Spawn Rancher | DoughnutHandicap | 0x00000000 |
26 | Cars on water | JQNTDMH | 0x00000000 |
- The amazing team behind gtasa_vita.
- gtagmodding who provided the list.