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File metadata and controls

238 lines (146 loc) · 5.08 KB

2) XML Overview

XML Types


XML Namespaces

We can define custom XML namespace, which needs to be unique name and with customized structure.

3) Working with XML

Associat css style with XML

  • We can associate css style for the XML elements like below.

    <?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="businesscard.css" ?>

  • Nodes can be applied with custom css styling using the XML tag name directly like below.

    Name { color: blueviolet; }

Advanced Styling with CSS

  • we can use custom attribute type and associate it with css to display custom styling.

    <phone type="mobile" primary="super-important">(415) 555-4567</phone>

    can be associated with css styling of

    phone[primary]::after { content: " (" attr(primary) ")"; }

    this will result to displayed in

    (65)123 - 456 (super important)

4) Manipulating XML with DOM

5) XML and XPath

XPath important concepts


Using XPath for selecting information

X_Path.png X_Path_Example.png


to select name


text of name, using text() function


to select all phones


to select specific phone number 1, using predicate

Take note that in xpath, referencing list index start from 1, not like 0 from other langagues


last phone number, using last() function


check specific words in text using contains() function

/BusinessCard/Name[contains(text(), 'Richard')]

get all phone numbers with the attributes "type"

/BusinessCard/phone[@type] (or) //phone[@type]

get all phone numbers with the attributes "type" of "work"

/BusinessCard/phone[@type='work'] (or) //phone[@type='work']


we want to select photo of Coffee type


6) XML and XSLT

What is XSLT?

  • eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
  • Different than CSS - applies templates to XML data
  • Written using XML syntax itself
  • can transorm XML into almost anything
  • can perform operations directly on the data.
  • more at

In below example, we are getting source element(SimpleTag) and replace with whatever we define in this XSLT template (in this case some html).

7) XSLT Examples

If there is an issue of Cross-Origin Request Blocked on firefox testing, temporarily disable the setting during testing.

8) Document Type Definition

  • Provide way to contstrain XML document content
  • Specify what kind of content can appear and where
  • Can be included in XML file, or be external to document
  • Relatively simple to write, but not powerful

DTD Syntax and Content

img/DTD1.png img/DTD2.png

DTD Format


8.1) Declaring Elements in DTD


Example : img/DTD5.png img/DTD6.png

8.2) Declaring Attributes in DTD

img/DTD7.png img/DTD8.png img/DTD9.png

Example: Below basically declare the rules that BusinessCard element needs to follow.

  • There should be Name.

  • followed by 1 or more phone.

  • followed by optional email.

    <!ELEMENT BusinessCard (Name, phone+, email?)

    Example2: This means phone number is characters

  • Additonally phone has attribute type with 4 values which are required.

    <!ELEMENT phone (#PCDATA)>

    <!ATTLIST phone type (mobile | work | fax | home) #REQUIRED>

Validation XML definition

9) XML Schema

  • Alternative way of specifying rules to DTDs
  • Provide way to constrain XML document content
  • Written in XML syntax
  • Similar to DTDs, but more powerful and robust
    • Finar level of control than DTDs allow
    • Schema and XML files are always stored separately

XML Anatomy


9.1) Declaring Elements in Schema


9.1.1) Simple Schema Type

XML3.png XML4.png XML5.png XML6.png XML7.png

9.1.2) Complex Schema Type

XML8.png XML9.png XML10.png XML11.png XML12.png

9.2) Declaring Attributes in XML Schema

XML13.png XML14.png XML15.png XML16.png

  • go to
  • upload XML file
  • tick Validate against external XML schema checkbox and click Validate.
  • upload XSD file and validate it.