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Rebecca Parker edited this page Nov 9, 2018 · 78 revisions

The MUDDLE collage. Featuring art and poetry by Rebecca Parker and illustrations by Taylor Brown
Creating and collaborating is our primary goal in the MUDDLE Backyard. To do this we must have MUDDLErs in the sandbox. We believe that [m]any path[s] to the sandbox foster[s] a neighborly workspace that does not hinder the creative process but instead offers a greater chance of finding a workflow and network of neighbors that aligns with each MUDDLErs' unique playtime experience. Plus, come Spring there will be a wealth of MUDDLE to sift through as we move things into the house for publication in the mag.

Choose your path.

Path One: MUDDLE from Command Line

Path Two: MUDDLE from GitHub :octocat:

Path Three: MUDDLE from GitHub Desktop 💻

Share your experience with [the][our] neighborhood.

Pin to the NeighBBoard.

Inside of the sandbox the best neighbors share their journeys of sandy stories and art supplies. Let us know your additions to the sandbox and include a look into your process by labeling your pull request with the neighBBoard label.

Pass Notes.

MUDDLErs are encouraged to ask - "Won't you be my neighbor?" Whether writing a comment when submitting a pull request or starting discussions in our backyard you can be sure you'll always have a neighbor. As editors and artists, we strive to make playtime fun but understand accidents happen. Just ask for first-aid by labeling your pull request or issue with the first-aid label.

Can we come over?

The first step to habituation is failure. We learn better ways to approach new tasks from past mistakes: our own and others'. Invite neighbors to your backyard by sharing unique files for each of your works ✏️ or by developing your own Techtual Condition wiki 📑. Let the community know where to find your other versions of self (social media, works published elsewhere, etc.) by creating a file in your creator folder in the sandbox.

Travel Guide

Muddle Workflowscontribute today!
Our "Techtual" Condition
Why Muddle?a poetic plea

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