- Make sure you have the Alma keys for Bibdata set up - see info in the Bibdata readme
- Start the Bibdata support application servers
bundle exec rake servers:start
- Start the Bibdata server on a non-standard port
bundle exec rails s -p 3001
(Question: Should this point to the Orangelight Solr? Or does it matter?) - Make sure that there are locations displaying at http://localhost:3001/locations/holding_locations. If not, run
bundle exec rake bibdata:delete_and_repopulate_locations
- Start the Orangelight support servers
bundle exec rake servers:start
- If you will be making a hold request in Alma, you will need a read/write alma key. To get the sandbox read/write key from the staging catalog server if you are on the VPN, you can run
export $(ssh deploy@catalog-staging2 "env | grep ALMA_READ_WRITE")
- Start up the Orangelight server, pointing to the local Bibdata instance
BIBDATA_BASE=http://localhost:3001 bundle exec rails s
- Start mailcatcher if you want to review the emails sent: