author | language | provider | use | last-ran | boilerplate | last-host | learn-content | original-repo | status | deck |
Josh Kodroff |
csharp |
Azure Native |
both |
2022-11-03 |
none |
Josh Kodroff |
none |
none |
active |
unknown |
This workshop will guide you through Pulumi's Kubernetes Cluster in Azure template. We'll deploy an AKS Kubernetes cluster on Azure, deploy NGINX as a Kubernetes deployment, and add a LoadBalancer
service to expose our NGINX service for outside access.
You will need the following to complete this workshop:
- A Pulumi account and token
- If you don't have an account, go to the signup page.
- The Pulumi CLI
- .NET 6
- Azure CLI
- kubectl
- kubelogin
You'll also need an active Azure subscription to deploy the components of the application. You may use your developer subscription, or create a free Azure subscription.
Please be sure to have administrative access to the subscription.
Access to our AKS cluster will be integrated with Azure Active Directory. In order to authenticate with our Kubernetes cluster, you'll need to ensure that your Azure user ID is in an Active Directory group. Make note of the group ID - we'll use it soon.
Let's begin with Creating a New Project.