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Ahmet's Weekly Meeting Notes

Date: 12 December 2022

Who did you help this week?

  • n/a

What helped you this week?

What did you achieve?

  • Text extractor now very functional with some smart regexes.

  • And yet, annotation is still needed.

  • image
  • Will need to re-run experiments...

What did you struggle with?

  • Writing my report, I have no idea how I will meet the expected 15 pages.

What would you like to work on next week?


Where do you need help from Veronika?

  • My deadline is in 3 days, am I doomed to a re-exam?
    • I have ANOTHER concurrent project due on the same day. So it looks like I might need to hold off on one of them.

Date: 1 December 2022

Who did you help this week?

  • Gave some motivation to Catthrine and Trine.

What helped you this week?

What did you achieve?

  • I discovered a serious issue in my pipeline


  • Some articles were not parsing.


  • It turns out the text was being jumbled.


What did you struggle with?

  • Avoiding manual annotation.

What would you like to work on next week?

  • Solution: Incorporate manual annotation into methodology.
    • The goal of automation now is to make annotation easier, however, anyone repeating or extending my work will also need to do some manual work after.
    • The last step of automation will now produce excerpts which contain the references to datasets. It is now the responsibility of the annotator to extract the final details into the dataset they produce.

Methodology to be updated

Where do you need help from Veronika?

  • How can I contact you next week if I need to ask anything?

Date: 28 November 2022

Who did you help this week?

  • No one :|

What helped you this week?

  • Going over past notes on Notion has been helpful. I was much better of keeping track of everything when I first started the project and that has given me ample material for the report.

What did you achieve?

What did you struggle with?

  • Time Management: Part-time work and my other research project have been quite draining.
  • Trying to minimize manual annotation.

What would you like to work on next week?

  • Results:
    • Research obervations have given us new problems to examine.
      • Bibliometric Exclusion: The consequences of Datasets being used even when not cited in the bibliography.
      • Broken Links: Frequency of ML Challenge Web Addresses being noted incorrectly or being unreachable.

Where do you need help from Veronika?

  • How do we demonstrate under-representation:

  • Does it make sense to include raw PDFs or .txt files in the dataset?

    • These are retrievable my script, anyway.

Date: 17 November 2022

Who did you help this week?

  • No one :|

What helped you this week?

What did you achieve?

  • Data Schema for Datasets in Research Papers:

  • image
  • Can fully automate:

    • Venue
    • Title
    • Dataset Origin (given URL)
  • Can partially automate (on keyword matches. F.x. Kaggle.)

    • Citation Category (Footnote, Journal Publication or URL)
    • Access (Public or Private)
    • Bibliography Mentions
  • Not so easy to automate:

  • Dataset Identifier

    • Multiple references, sometimes full name sometimes abbreviated.
    • f.x. Usiigaci is not trivially associable with the title Nucleus segmentation across imaging experiments: the 2018 Data Science Bowl.
  • Notes

    • When keyword match isn't present, annotation requires further context.

What did you struggle with?

  • No matter what I do, some manual annotation is needed.
    • This hurts the scalability of my results.
  • Behind on plotting, but I expect to catch up next week.
  • I realized it might be a bit overkill to include every dataset used in a research paper.
    • If I only include challenge datasets, I will only be able to compare them amongst each other:
      • Footnotes vs. Bibliographic Citations. Broken, Rotten and Active Links.
    • But if I should exclude any datasets, I don't know which ones to exclude.
      • Can compare dataset hosts (GitHub vs. Institutional), frequency of challenge datasets against baseline.

What would you like to work on next week?

  • Results, results, results!
  • If I complete the pipeline on the automatable data,
    • then I can manually fill in the remaining fields and update figures in future weeks.
    • This would require me to churn most of the report within the next 2 weeks.

Where do you need help from Veronika?

  • What should my inclusion/exclusion criteria be on datasets from our collected research papers?

  • My deadline is December 15, but I am starting to worry if I might need an extension.

  • What are my options? Scaling down my scope or extending my deadline?

Date: 9 November 2022

Who did you help this week?

  • No one :|

What helped you this week?

  • Reading past notes.

What did you achieve?

  • Some notes on challenge dataset hunting:

    • In papers comparing multiple datasets there is often a dedicated section listing all datasets.
    • Appendices matter! There may be additional datasets only mentioned after the paper.
  • Challenge datasets are presented in one of three ways:

  • The X competition

    • Ex. moco-cxr performance on the chexpert competition task pathologies.
  • The X chalenge

    • Ex. the 2019 fastmri challenge
    • as opposed to The goal of the conference is to foster excellent research that addresses the unique challenges and opportunities
  • URL identifier

What did you struggle with?

  • Analysis Paralysis:
    • I'm not sure what I want to annotate, and with what tool
    • How to scale it to 128 PDFs?
  • Comparing non-challenge datasets to challenge datasets
    • Annotation seems infeasible.

What would you like to work on next week?

  • Improving biblography checker.
  • Retrieving contest identifier by pattern-matching

Where do you need help from Veronika?

  • Any other querying ideas?

  • Good practices for annotation?

  • What should I tag and why?

  • My hypothesis is that "Challenge datasets are under-represented in bibliographies (than there actually are)"

Any other topics

  • Forgot to add checks on Title :_)

Date: 31 October 2022

Who did you help this week?

  • No one :|

What helped you this week?

  • I did attend the Digital Tech Summit though, which I'd love to talk about this week.

  • Earlier this month Bethany helped me with some suggestions. I also gave her some ideas, but they came a bit late into her project.

What did you achieve?

  • I realized that it's a good idea to check for keywords in bibliography and before bibliography:

Untitled Untitled

  • I now actually have an objective way to demonstrate representation of online datasets (through bibliography)

    • Now do I build a hypothesis that this is a under-representation?
  • Misc. refactoring

    • Main dataset is venues/titles only
    • Will later enable output for alternative match rules.

What did you struggle with?

  • The context-sensitivity of the word "challenge" makes it difficult as a keyword:
    • "Challenges in Machine Learning" vs. "Machine Learning Challenges"

What would you like to work on next week?

  • Improving biblography checker.
  • Querying even more venues!
  • Can now do some basic quantative.

Where do you need help from Veronika?

  • Any other querying ideas?

  • What are some meaningful comparisons?

    • Kaggle mentioned in body vs. Bibliography?
    • Competition mentioned in title + body vs. Bibliography?
    • Number of times competition mentioned in title + body vs. Bibliography
  • Will have to do some tagging (i.e. if name is Data Science Bowl instead of Kaggle)

    • Workaround ideas?

Any other topics

  • Forgot to add checks on Title :_)

Date: 6 October 2022

Who did you help this week?

  • Just sharing some ideas with the MentalHealth project members over MS Teams.

What helped you this week?

  • Bethany's session on Surveys and Zotero from last week.
  • Scrapy docs for webcrawling.

What did you achieve?

  • Coded a working pipeline!
  • Producing a new dataset checking name/keyword mentions on Data Science Bowl 2017 in MIDL 2021 papers.

What did you struggle with?

  • DOIs are missing. They were missing from the proceedings and I don’t yet have a strategy to scan for them.
  • I’m not filtering, for example, the preface of the proceedings. It was also downloaded and saved as Proceedings.pdf as part of the dataset.
  • Match frequency isn’t taken into consideration. One match is just as good as 100 in this scheme.
    • Also, I have no way to check for homographic false-positives. Hence the DSB 2017 vs. 2018 confusion.

What would you like to work on next week?

As far as future work goes, searching for kaggle was the most revealing thing I came up with. When we have the collection of publications from a particular venue (or set of venues) we can find references to datasets which are missed in most relevance-based indexing systems.

Then perhaps, instead of focussing on DSB alone we might try querying the word kaggle to extract a family of interrelated datasets across publications.

Where do you need help from Veronika?

  • Should we increase the number of venues?
    • Which venues?
    • What years?
  • Is the kaggle, competition querying for discovery a good idea?

Any other topics

I am also going to conference next week (Belgium from the 12-14th).

Date: 29 September 2022

Who did you help this week?

It's not much but Amelia & Olivia seem to be interested in the (creative, critical & feminism) methods of ETHOS lab, which I told them I joined recently.

What helped you this week?

What did you achieve?

  • Devised basic pipeline for data collection.
    • Still need to finish the code, though :) PublicDatasetsv1

What did you struggle with?

What would you like to work on next week?

  • Coding :)
  • Determining some nice keywords.
    • No quantitive analysis yet, only direct inspection. Although, maybe relevant in the future.

Where do you need help from Veronika?

  • Nothing for this week :)

Any other topics

Maybe should meet with Bethany some time next week to exchange ideas.

Date: 22 September 2022

Who did you help this week?


What helped you this week?

Some resources on semantic search for flexible keyword queries:

What did you achieve?

What did you struggle with?

  • Did not find any matches for Data Science Bowl 2017.
  • Precise keyword searches can miss, false negative matches

What would you like to work on next week?

  • Figure out PDF extraction pipeline. Searching for datasets in conference papers is like searching for a needle in a haystack so we need to be able to process more PDFs faster.

Where do you need help from Veronika?

  • Is it a good idea to stick to MIDL (future years?)
    • MICCAI?
  • Try different keywords maybe

Any other topics

This space is yours to add to as needed.

Date: [Template]

Who did you help this week?

Replace this text with a one/two sentence description of who you helped this week and how.

What helped you this week?

Replace this text with a one/two sentence description of what helped you this week and how.

What did you achieve?

  • Replace this text with a bullet point list of what you achieved this week.
  • It's ok if your list is only one bullet point long!

What did you struggle with?

  • Replace this text with a bullet point list of where you struggled this week.
  • It's ok if your list is only one bullet point long!

What would you like to work on next week?

  • Replace this text with a bullet point list of what you would like to work on next week.
  • It's ok if your list is only one bullet point long!
  • Try to estimate how long each task will take.

Where do you need help from Veronika?

  • Replace this text with a bullet point list of what you need help from Veronica on.
  • It's ok if your list is only one bullet point long!
  • Try to estimate how long each task will take.

Any other topics

This space is yours to add to as needed.