- https://github.com/yasminsarkhosh/machine-learning-bsc-thesis-2024/blob/main/code/finals/papers_with_sents_by_keywords_metadata.csv
- https://github.com/yasminsarkhosh/machine-learning-bsc-thesis-2024/blob/main/code/finals/list_of_keywords.csv
- Data extraction: https://github.com/yasminsarkhosh/machine-learning-bsc-thesis-2024/blob/main/code/data_extraction.ipynb
- Data Viz: https://github.com/yasminsarkhosh/machine-learning-bsc-thesis-2024/blob/3069e009fea22858b83fd6f60bcf3deef6488a93/code/data_visualistion.ipynb
- Images: https://github.com/yasminsarkhosh/machine-learning-bsc-thesis-2024/blob/3069e009fea22858b83fd6f60bcf3deef6488a93/images
- Categories:
- Organs
- Image types
- Number of datasets
- Sex-specific cancer
- Demographic information
- How do they define their data?
- Do they use demographic information in their datasets?
- How do they evaluate their results?
- Do they consider how the data affects their results?
- Other subgroups
- 14 out of 23 papers had no mentioning of demographic information
- 8 papers with demographic information mentioned in their paper
- 1 paper defined their data collection by age and gender, data was collected from 7 medical centres (geolocation)
- the 7 others have data collected by geolocation, however these are vaguely mentioned in their paper
- 23 out of 23 papers do not mentioned anything about fairness nor bias
- 1 paper mentioned a “sightly gender imbalance”
- 1 paper mentioned datasets are unbalanced
- Organs:
- Breast/breast tissue: 7 papers
- Cervix: 1 paper
- Colorectal: 3 papers
- Kidney: 1 paper
- Liver: 1 paper
- gall bladder: 1 paper
- prostate gland: 2 papers
- lungs/lung tissue: 3 papers
- head and neck: 2 papers
How can researchers in medical AI, specifically in medical imaging, incorporate less bias’ and more fairness into their models?
What are the practices and/or methods that can reduce bias and promote fairness when creating models?
Do they implement recommendations that address bias and prevent algorithm discrimination?
How can we use demographic information to analyse papers?
- What is it?
- How do we define demographic information?
- How are they useful for analyzing fairness and bias?
Are there any other methods useful for analysing papers?
Categories for annotation scheme:
- Organs
- Image types
- Number of datasets
- Sex-specific cancer
- Demographic information
Inspiration: The Values Encoded in Machine Learning Research
- Do they mention, critique, evaluate, or reflect upon their dataset?
- Do they evaluate the quality of their dataset?
- Are there any imbalances in their data collection? and do they consider how these imbalances might affect their model?
- Do they consider the defined subgroups in their datasets, such as distinguishing data by patients and not by sex too? Are patients further differentiated by age, ethnicity, and/or geolocation?
- Do they identify weaknesses within their model?
- Do they contemplate the potential social impacts of their models?
- Compare results from 2023 to another year (within the past 5 years)
- Look into what differs papers with demographic info with papers that has no mentions
- maybe by category?
- Look into datasets:
- Info about dataset(s): possible to distinguish data by demographics/evaluate biases by what the dataset is missing/not missing
- Dataset and groups: selective choice by papers?
- Awareness about biases and data collection (quality)
- Addressing biases and ensuring fairness by methods/strategies or just "talking about it"
- Actively preventing biases vs passively mentioning biases
- Aggrated counts show the list of keywords occuring in each paper, however there is a difference between mentioning something about fairness and biases and another to actively prevent/address/reduce bias and ensure/provide fairness
- Examples:
- miccai23vol1/paper_25.pdf "the inferior performance of the global clustering is due to the visual bias underlying the whole dataset."
- visual bias? what is underlying the whole dataset?
- miccai23vol1/paper_59.pdf "mesh2ssm also includes an analysis network that operates on the learned correspondences to obtain a data-driven
template point cloud (i.e., tem-plate point cloud), which can replace the initial template, and hence reducing the bias that could arise from template selection. [13,21] analysis module helps in mitigating bias and capturing non-linear characteristics of the data."
- what bias?
- mitigating bias, but how?
- miccai23vol1/paper_25.pdf "the inferior performance of the global clustering is due to the visual bias underlying the whole dataset."
- Annotation guide for determing which papers are actively preventing biases and ensuring fairness vs papers that do not
- Software: PDF annotator - Théo can help if this is something I wish to approach further
- Extracted sentences:
- If no time, mention the difference by examples
- AI field vs Medical field:
- is the the lack of awareness of data collection quality and thus prioritizing examining potential biases and how these affect real-world provlems an issue in general with regards to medical research or related to the field of AI or Medical?
- Label studio